This is 279th puzzle from Sam Loyd's book "Mathematical Puzzles".
The task of the puzzle is to move all pieces from the source to the target ("to fix them").
The pieces are moved in 2 steps:
The 2nd move has to be only to a neighbor's neighbor which is shown with lines. For example, (3) piece can be moved to (1) or to (5).
To move a source piece, you can drag-and-drop it. Or just click it, then move to a target and click again. Or click a vacant target.
The puzzle can be run so:
tclsh samloyd279.tcl ?NP?
where NP - number of pieces from 8 to 24, by default 12.
The original picture from Sam Loyd's book "Mathematical Puzzles":
and two corresponding screenshots:
The puzzle has two advantages:
Well, I know the solution, but have no mathematical explanation to it (or an education to the explanation :)
Remarkable is the fact that the puzzle is solved only for an even number of source pieces, odd ones exclude the solution.
Perhaps, searching the mathematical explanation is another sort of puzzle.
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: samloyd279.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ([email protected]) # Date: Dec 09, 2024 # Brief: Handles Sam Loyd's math puzzle N 279. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package require Tk namespace eval samloyd279 { variable defaultPieceNumber 12 proc run {{w .} {cnum ""} {onepend 1} {solo no}} { # Runs the puzzle. # w - parent window # cnum - number of pieces # onepend - only 1 pending piece allowed # solo - true, if runs as stand-alone app variable defaultPieceNumber if {$cnum eq {}} {set cnum $defaultPieceNumber} [Puzzle new $w $cnum $onepend $solo] destroy if {$solo} exit } image create photo samloyd279::runImage -data {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAMAAABEpIrGAAAC+lBMVEUAAACBAABsAABiAwNkAAB/ AACRAwNxDA2HBwdrBweRBgZxAACRAABkAABnAACJAABuAAB+AACOAABgAABfAAB+AACXXmO7YGC6 amu7ZWWyUVGlRUWkPDx+NzmMDAx0MDOsFxeMJiaFAgKkS0ugDw+QBwd7Ky5+NzqiMDCVCAihJSV7 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7u3jvlIYqkDequtddl+AUcrPjZk5ObZb/NKCAzp915mslYEqUOWZeu+7SYj5zk+mObZAedO95kYv t3pYc8LDWmLRmQ95pwMKdr0wzbXLXbK7wLzd28fEUwgenypcyVe/ejWYBwZXx8TsDwk0rzT9ZuPB oYSITlnPa66ZXnHBgWYgYNT+eetHm/W6yAkKMPFVN11XmC7uqggLq+hI9fOxsWEXQElSbGJrZru+ tc3Ny87Os/P1MPFYL6CPliil2d+nPF2YZm1t7W5i7cmhB9OPAKwi3Kutlrq5LVu5llNICWvOUJYT 5WNi0hGWYWVkoCcAAOTi2xaCYJqcAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC} ## ________________________ EONS _________________________ ## } # ________________________ Class samloyd279::Puzzle _________________________ # oo::class create samloyd279::Puzzle { variable TITLE SRCNUMBER TRGNUMBER PCERADIUS PI FONTLARGE FONTSMALL variable TTLHEIGHT TOOLHEIGHT MSGHEIGHT MARGIN HEIGHT WIDTH WIDTH1 WIDTH2 variable BGSUCCESS BGPENDING BGPENDING1 BGBAD BGCANVAS BGWAIT BGMSG variable BGSUCCESS2 BGPENDING2 BGBAD2 BGWAIT2 variable Win Solo OnePend Wcan1 Wcan2 Wcan3 Wcan4 D constructor {wpar cnum onepend solo} { # Constructs and runs the puzzle. # wpar - path to parent window # cnum - number of pieces # onepend - only 1 pending piece allowed # solo - true, if runs as stand-alone app my variable WIDTH ;# width of puzzle my variable HEIGHT ;# height of puzzle (without accessories) my variable WIDTH1 ;# width of source my variable WIDTH2 ;# width/height of target my variable Win ;# puzzle window my variable Solo ;# if run stand-alone my variable OnePend ;# 1 pending piece allowed my variable D ;# data of pieces # methods available only during the puzzle oo::objdefine [self] { export Message ShowHelp CheckMessage Start CheckOnePend \ OnButtonPress OnButtonMotion OnButtonRelease OnPressTarget } # common data set npzl 279 set Solo $solo set OnePend $onepend set TITLE "Sam Loyd's puzzle #$npzl" set FONTLARGE {Helvetica 26 bold} ;# title font set FONTSMALL {Helvetica 14 bold} ;# message font set SRCNUMBER $cnum ;# number of source pieces set TRGNUMBER [expr {$SRCNUMBER+1}] ;# number of targets set PI 3.1415926536 # sizes set PCERADIUS 28 ;# radius of piece set TTLHEIGHT 60 ;# height of title set TOOLHEIGHT 60 ;# height of tool bar set MSGHEIGHT 30 ;# height of message bar set MARGIN 32 ;# margin of source/target set HEIGHT [expr {$PCERADIUS*$TRGNUMBER*0.9 + $MARGIN*2}] set WIDTH2 [expr {$HEIGHT - $MARGIN*2}] set WIDTH1 [expr {$HEIGHT + $PCERADIUS*10 - $WIDTH2}] set WIDTH [expr {$WIDTH1 + $WIDTH2 + $MARGIN*3}] #colors set BGCANVAS black ;# canvas background set BGSUCCESS #379737 ;# successful piece set BGSUCCESS2 #155515 ;# border of successful piece set BGBAD #ff4243 ;# bad piece set BGBAD2 #400000 ;# border of bad piece set BGPENDING #caca00 ;# pending piece set BGPENDING1 #e48200 ;# border of moved piece set BGPENDING2 #4e4e0e ;# border of pending piece set BGWAIT #888888 ;# piece waiting set BGWAIT2 #464646 ;# border of pieces waiting set BGMSG #ff6bff ;# message # build & run the puzzle set wpar [string trimright [winfo toplevel $wpar] .] set Win $wpar.samloyd$npzl toplevel $Win wm withdraw $Win my BuildMain my BuildSource my BuildTarget my BuildAccessories my Start bind $Win <Escape> "destroy $Win" bind $Win <F1> "[self] ShowHelp" bind $Win <Button> "[self] CheckMessage" update wm resizable $Win 0 0 ::tk::PlaceWindow $Win widget $wpar wm deiconify $Win tkwait visibility $Win tkwait window $Win } ## ________________________ Build GUI _________________________ ## method BuildMain {} { # Builds main frames of the puzzle. set Wcan $Win.can set Wcan1 ${Wcan}1 ;# title set Wcan2 ${Wcan}2 ;# tools set Wcan3 ${Wcan}3 ;# source set Wcan4 ${Wcan}4 ;# target $Win configure -background $BGCANVAS ;# to avoid shimmering white-black wm title $Win $TITLE pack [canvas $Wcan1 -width $WIDTH -height $TTLHEIGHT -bg $BGCANVAS \ -highlightthickness 1 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS] pack [frame $Wcan2 -width $WIDTH -height $TOOLHEIGHT -bg $BGCANVAS \ -highlightthickness 1 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS] -expand 1 -fill x pack [canvas $Wcan3 -width $WIDTH -height $HEIGHT -bg $BGCANVAS \ -highlightthickness 1 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS] pack [canvas $Wcan4 -width $WIDTH -height $MSGHEIGHT -bg $BGCANVAS \ -highlightthickness 1 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS] } #_______________________ method BuildSource {} { # Builds the source box. set X1 $MARGIN set Y1 [expr {$MARGIN*0.4}] set X2 $WIDTH1 set Y2 [expr {$HEIGHT-$Y1}] set id [$Wcan3 create polygon $X1 $Y1 $X2 $Y1 $X2 $Y2 $X1 $Y2 \ -outline $BGWAIT -width 3] set multy [expr {$PCERADIUS*2.6}] set shiftX [expr {$X1 + $PCERADIUS*1.6}] set shiftY [expr {$Y1 + $PCERADIUS*1.6}] for {set ic 0} {$ic<$SRCNUMBER} {incr ic} { set rm [expr {$ic%4}] set x [expr {int($rm*$multy + $shiftX)}] set y [expr {int($ic/4*$multy + $shiftY)}] set xy2 [my OriginalCoords $x $y] set id [$Wcan3 create oval $xy2 -fill $BGPENDING -outline $BGPENDING2] set D(Src$id) [list $id {*}$xy2] set D(Src,$ic) $id my BindSource $id $id set D(busy,$id) 0 } $Wcan3 create text [expr {($X2+$MARGIN)/2}] [expr {$Y2/1.1}] \ -text Source -fill $BGPENDING -font $FONTSMALL } #_______________________ method BuildTarget {} { # Builds the target carousel. # get center & radius of carousel set eps 8 set cX [expr {$WIDTH - ($WIDTH2 + $MARGIN*3)/2 + $eps}] set cY [expr {$HEIGHT/2}] set cR [expr {$cY - $PCERADIUS - 2*$eps}] set cRC [expr {($cR - $PCERADIUS)/$cR}] ;# for joints of lines # get targets & numerate them array set D [list] set sect [expr {2*$PI/$TRGNUMBER}] for {set ic 0} {$ic<$TRGNUMBER} {incr ic} { set x [expr {int($cX + $cR*cos($ic*$sect) - 10)}] set y [expr {int($cY + $cR*sin($ic*$sect))}] set D($ic,xy) [list $x $y] set xy2 [my OriginalCoords $x $y] set id [$Wcan3 create oval $xy2 -fill $BGWAIT -outline $BGWAIT2 -tag Trg$ic] set D(Trg$ic) [list $id $xy2] set D(busy,$id) 0 set N [expr {(($ic+5)%$TRGNUMBER)+1}] ;# numerate as shown in Loyd's book if {$N>9} {set x [expr {$x - 2}]} set y [expr {$y + 2}] set D(N$id) [$Wcan3 create text $x $y -text $N -fill $BGWAIT2 -font $FONTSMALL] $Wcan3 bind $id <ButtonPress> "[self] OnPressTarget $id" $Wcan3 bind $D(N$id) <ButtonPress> "[self] OnPressTarget $id" } # get move lines set D(Neighbors) [list] for {set ic1 0} {$ic1<$TRGNUMBER} {incr ic1} { set ic2 [expr {($ic1+2)%$TRGNUMBER}] lassign $D($ic1,xy) x1 y1 lassign $D($ic2,xy) x2 y2 set x1 [expr {$cX+($x1-$cX)*$cRC-1}] ;# coordinates of lines set x2 [expr {$cX+($x2-$cX)*$cRC-1}] set y1 [expr {$cY+($y1-$cY)*$cRC-1}] set y2 [expr {$cY+($y2-$cY)*$cRC-1}] set id [$Wcan3 create polygon $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 3 \ -fill $BGWAIT -outline $BGWAIT] set D(Trg$ic1,id1) $id set D(Trg$ic2,id2) $id lassign $D(Trg$ic1) id1 lassign $D(Trg$ic2) id2 lappend D(Neighbors) [list $id1 $id2] } $Wcan3 create text $cX $cY -text Target -fill $BGWAIT -font $FONTSMALL } #_______________________ method BuildAccessories {} { # Builds accessories (title, tools). $Wcan1 create text [expr {$WIDTH/2}] 30 -text $TITLE -fill $BGMSG -font $FONTLARGE set shift 40 set pad 8 grid [button $Wcan2.but1 -image samloyd279::runImage -bg $BGCANVAS \ -activebackground $BGWAIT2 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS \ -highlightcolor $BGMSG -command "[self] Start"] -padx $MARGIN -sticky nsw grid [checkbutton $Wcan2.but2 -text {One pending only} -fg $BGWAIT -bg $BGCANVAS \ -variable [namespace current]::OnePend -activebackground $BGWAIT2 \ -activeforeground white -highlightcolor $BGMSG \ -command "[self] CheckOnePend"] -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w grid [label $ -text { } -bg $BGCANVAS] -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $Wcan2 1 -weight 9 grid [button $Wcan2.but3 -image samloyd279::helpImage -bg $BGCANVAS \ -activebackground $BGWAIT2 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS -highlightcolor $BGMSG \ -command "[self] ShowHelp"] -row 0 -column 3 -padx $pad grid [button $Wcan2.but4 -image samloyd279::exitImage -bg $BGCANVAS \ -activebackground $BGWAIT2 -highlightbackground $BGCANVAS -highlightcolor $BGMSG \ -command "destroy $Win"] -row 0 -column 4 grid [label $Wcan2.space2 -text { } -bg $BGCANVAS] \ -row 0 -column 5 -padx [expr {$MARGIN/2 - 4}] grid [ttk::separator $Wcan2.separ -orient horizontal] \ -row 1 -padx $MARGIN -pady [expr {$pad/2}] -columnspan 99 -sticky ew bind $Wcan2.but1 <Enter> "[self] Message {Starts puzzling} 9" bind $Wcan2.but2 <Enter> "[self] Message {Allows only one pending target} 16" bind $Wcan2.but3 <Enter> "[self] Message {Helps with puzzling} 10" bind $Wcan2.but4 <Enter> "[self] Message {Ends puzzling} 8" foreach i {1 2 3 4} { bind $Wcan2.but$i <Leave> "[self] Message {}" } } ## ________________________ Managing _________________________ ## method Start {} { # Starts the puzzle. # restore source pieces for {set i 0} {$i<$SRCNUMBER} {incr i} { set id $D(Src,$i) my ColorPiece $id $BGPENDING $BGPENDING2 my PlaceToSource $id set D(busy,$id) 0 } # restore targets for {set i 0} {$i<$TRGNUMBER} {incr i} { lassign $D(Trg$i) id set D(busy,$id) 0 } set D(click) 0 set D(dndXY) {} my Message {Moving pieces from Source to Target} } #_______________________ method VacateTarget {src} { # Vacates target and linked (possibly) source. # src - id of source my ColorPiece $src $BGPENDING $BGPENDING2 for {set i 0} {$i<$TRGNUMBER} {incr i} { lassign $D(Trg$i) trg if {$D(busy,$trg)==$src} { set D(busy,$trg) 0 set D(busy,$src) 0 $Wcan3 bind $D(N$trg) <ButtonPress> "[self] OnPressTarget $trg" $Wcan3 raise $D(N$trg) } } } #_______________________ method PlaceToSource {src} { # Places piece to source. # src - id of source lassign $D(Src$src) -> x y $Wcan3 moveto $src $x $y set D(busy,$src) 0 my VacateTarget $src my ColorNeighborLines } #_______________________ method PlaceToTarget {src trg } { # Places source piece to target. # src - id of source # trg - id of target set color1 $BGPENDING set color2 $BGPENDING2 set oldtrg $D(busy,$src) if {$D(busy,$trg)} { if {$trg != $oldtrg} {my Message {This target isn't vacant}} if {$oldtrg} { my MoveToTarget $src $oldtrg $color1 $color2 ;# return to old target } else { my PlaceToSource $src ;# return to source } return } my VacateTarget $src if {!$oldtrg} { set D(busy,$src) $trg ;# flag "this target has to be fixed" set neighbors [my Neighbors $trg] if {![llength $neighbors]} { my Message {No moves for the piece} set D(busy,$src) -$trg ;# flag "2nd step impossible" set color1 $BGBAD set color2 $BGBAD2 } } else { set neighbors [my Neighbors $oldtrg] if {$trg ni $neighbors} { if {$trg != $oldtrg} { my Message {The move isn't correct} ;# neighbors not available set D(busy,$src) $oldtrg } set trg $oldtrg } else { set D(busy,$src) -1 ;# flag "this piece is fixed" set color1 $BGSUCCESS set color2 $BGSUCCESS2 my End } } my MoveToTarget $src $trg $color1 $color2 my ColorNeighborLines } #_______________________ method MoveToTarget {src trg color1 color2} { # Moves source piece to target. # src - id of source # trg - id of target # color1 - fill color # color2 - outline color lassign [my CurrentCoords $trg] x y $Wcan3 moveto $src $x $y set D(busy,$trg) $src my ColorPiece $src $color1 $color2 $Wcan3 raise $D(N$trg) my BindSource $D(N$trg) $src # is only 1 pending piece allowed? if {$OnePend} { for {set i 0} {$i<$SRCNUMBER} {incr i} { set s $D(Src,$i) if {$D(busy,$s) ni {0 -1}} { if {$s!=$src} {set s0 $s} if {[incr pending]>1} { my Message {Only one pending target is allowed. Try the blinking target.} my PlaceToSource $src set fill [$Wcan3 itemcget $s0 -fill] $Wcan3 itemconfigure $s0 -fill $BGCANVAS after 500 "$Wcan3 itemconfigure $s0 -fill $fill" break } } } } } #_______________________ method ColorPiece {id color1 color2} { # Colors source piece and its possible target lines. # id - ID of source piece # color1 - fill color # color2 - outline color $Wcan3 itemconfigure $id -fill $color1 -outline $color2 } #_______________________ method ColorNeighborLines {} { # Colors pathes to neighbors. # through colors: normal (free cell), yellow (pending cell), red (bad cell) foreach color [list $BGWAIT $BGPENDING $BGBAD] { for {set i 0} {$i<$TRGNUMBER} {incr i} { lassign $D(Trg$i) trg set linecolor $BGWAIT set src $D(busy,$trg) ;# id of placed source set flag [expr {$src ? $D(busy,$src) : 0}] set neighbors [my Neighbors $trg] if {$color eq $BGPENDING} { if {$flag>0} { if {[llength $neighbors]} { ;# good cell? set linecolor $color } else { set linecolor $BGBAD ;# no, it became bad my VacateTarget $src my PlaceToTarget $src $trg } } else { continue } } elseif {$color eq $BGBAD} { if {$flag<-1} { ;# bad cell? if {[llength $neighbors]} { set linecolor $BGPENDING ;# no, it became good my VacateTarget $src my PlaceToTarget $src $trg } else { set linecolor $color } } else { continue } } $Wcan3 itemconfigure $D(Trg$i,id1) -fill $linecolor -outline $linecolor $Wcan3 itemconfigure $D(Trg$i,id2) -fill $linecolor -outline $linecolor } } } #_______________________ method Neighbors {trg} { # Get available neighbors for a target (2, 1 or 0). # trg - id of target set neighbors [list] foreach neib $D(Neighbors) { lassign $neib trg1 trg2 if {$trg1==$trg && !$D(busy,$trg2)} { lappend neighbors $trg2 } elseif {$trg2==$trg && !$D(busy,$trg1)} { lappend neighbors $trg1 } } return $neighbors } #_______________________ method OriginalCoords {x y} { # Original coordinates of a piece. # x - X of piece center # y - Y of piece center list [expr {int($x-$PCERADIUS)}] [expr {int($y-$PCERADIUS)}] \ [expr {int($x+$PCERADIUS)}] [expr {int($y+$PCERADIUS)}] } #_______________________ method CurrentCoords {id} { # Current coordinates of a piece. # id - piece's ID lassign [$Wcan3 coords $id] x1 y1 x2 y2 list [expr {$x1-1}] [expr {$y1-1}] } #_______________________ method CheckOnePend {} { # At changing "one pending only" mode. set title [$Wcan2.but2 cget -text] set ans [tk_messageBox -title $title -parent $Win \ -type okcancel -message \ "$title = ON\ \nmakes the task harder.\ \n\ \nChanging the mode\ \nrestarts the puzzle."] if {$ans eq {ok}} { my Start } else { set OnePend [expr {!$OnePend}] } } #_______________________ method End {} { # Checks if the puzzle is solved: all source pieces are fixed in target. # Returns 0 or id of found vacant source piece. for {set i 0} {$i<$SRCNUMBER} {incr i} { set src $D(Src,$i) # $D(busy,$src)==-1 means "piece is fixed in target" if {$D(busy,$src)==-1 && [incr succ]==$SRCNUMBER} { bell my Message {G R E A T! YOU DID IT!} } elseif {!$D(busy,$src)} { return $src } } return 0 } ## ________________________ On events actions _________________________ ## method OnButtonPress {key} { # Handles the mouse clicking a piece. # key - key in D array for the piece lassign $D($key) id if {$D(busy,$id)<0} { ;# fixed piece: place it to source my Message {The move was undone} my PlaceToSource $id } elseif {[incr D(click)] in {2 3}} { ;# one click: place it to target/source if {$D(dndXY) ne {}} { my OnButtonRelease } else { my PlaceToSource $id } set D(click) 0 } else { ;# otherwise piece is moved $Wcan3 raise $id my ColorPiece $id $BGPENDING1 $BGPENDING2 set D(dndXY) [list [winfo pointerx $Win] [winfo pointery $Win] $id] set D(dndtime) [clock milliseconds] } } #_______________________ method OnButtonMotion {} { # Handles the mouse moving over a piece. if {$D(dndXY) eq {}} return set dndtime [clock milliseconds] if {($dndtime-$D(dndtime))<30} { after idle "[self] OnButtonMotion" ;# to be in time with cursor return } set D(dndtime) $dndtime lassign $D(dndXY) x y id set x0 [winfo pointerx $Win] set y0 [winfo pointery $Win] set movX [expr {$x0 - $x}] set movY [expr {$y0 - $y}] $Wcan3 move $id $movX $movY set D(dndXY) [list $x0 $y0 $id] set D(click) 2 if {(abs($movX)+abs($movY))>10} { ;# this stops when cursor stops my OnButtonMotion } } #_______________________ method OnButtonRelease {} { # Handles the mouse releasing a piece. if {$D(click)<2} return lassign $D(dndXY) x y id set D(dndXY) {} set D(click) 0 lassign [my CurrentCoords $id] x1 y1 set mindist $WIDTH # get a target closest to the cursor foreach idov [$Wcan3 find overlapping {*}[$Wcan3 bbox $id]] { if {[string match *Trg* [$Wcan3 gettags $idov]]} { lassign [my CurrentCoords $idov] x2 y2 set curdist [expr {sqrt(($x2-$x1)**2 + ($y2-$y1)**2)}] if {$curdist<$mindist} { set mindist $curdist set idtrg $idov } } } if {$mindist < $WIDTH} { my PlaceToTarget $id $idtrg } else { my PlaceToSource $id } } #_______________________ method OnPressTarget {trg} { # Places source piece on vacant target. # trg - id of target if {!$D(busy,$trg) && [set src [my End]]} { $Wcan3 raise $src my ColorPiece $src $BGPENDING1 $BGPENDING2 my PlaceToTarget $src $trg } } #_______________________ method BindSource {id src} { # Binds item to event, as a source piece. # id - item id # src - id of source $Wcan3 bind $id <ButtonPress> "[self] OnButtonPress Src$src" $Wcan3 bind $id <ButtonRelease> "[self] OnButtonRelease" $Wcan3 bind $id <Motion> "[self] OnButtonMotion" } ## ________________________ Messages _________________________ ## method Message {msg {wait 0} {doit no}} { # Shows a message. # msg - message's text # wait - time to wait in 0.2 sec. # doit - internally used by itself catch { ;# the method can be called after destroying Puzzle object => catch set D(msg) {} catch {$Wcan4 delete $D(idmsg)} catch {after cancel $D(idafter)} if {!$doit} { after idle [list [self] Message $msg $wait yes] return } set D(msg) $msg set D(idmsg) [$Wcan4 create text [expr {$WIDTH/2}] 16 -text $msg \ -fill $BGMSG -font $FONTSMALL] if {$wait} { set D(idafter) [after [expr {$wait*200}] "catch {[self] CheckMessage}"] } } } #_______________________ method CheckMessage {} { # Checks if there is a message. If so, erase it char by char. catch { ;# the method can be called after destroying Puzzle object => catch if {[set len [string length $D(msg)]]} { set D(msg) [string range $D(msg) 0 $len-2] my Message $D(msg) after 4 "[self] CheckMessage" } } } #_______________________ method ShowHelp {} { # Shows rules etc. tk_messageBox -title $TITLE -parent $Win -message \ {The task of the puzzle is to move all pieces from the source to the target. Pieces are moved in 2 steps: - 1st move places a piece - 2nd move fixes it The 2nd move has to be only to a neighbor's neighbor which is shown with lines. E.g. (3) to (1) or (3) to (5). To move a source piece, you can drag-and-drop it. Or just click it, then move to a target and click again. Or click a vacant target. The puzzle can be run so: wish samloyd279.tcl NP where NP - number of pieces from 8 to 24, by default 12. ____________________} } # ________________________ EOC _________________________ # } # ________________________ Run the puzzle _________________________ # set samloyd279::solo [expr {[info exist ::argv0] && \ [file normalize $::argv0] eq [file normalize [info script]]}] if {$samloyd279::solo} { ;# run as stand-alone app wm withdraw . set cnum [lindex $::argv 0] set dnum [set samloyd279::defaultPieceNumber] if {$cnum eq {}} {set cnum $dnum} if {$::argc>1 || ![string is digit -strict $cnum] || $cnum<8 || $cnum>24} { puts "\nRun the puzzle this way:\n wish [info script] ?PN? \ \nwhere PN - number of pieces (8..24), by default $dnum\n" exit } samloyd279::run . $cnum 1 yes } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #