Current Version: 1.2
bll 2018-8-16: This version is much simpler. It does not attempt to match the styling that the various available styles use. State handling is minimal
There are 7 different indicator styles.
If you know of other unicode character pairs that will work as indicators, let me know.
Note that some fonts may have different sizes of characters, which may cause your text to shift when the checkbutton is pressed. Try a different display pair, or try a different font. I found that 'Liberation Sans' did not work that well, and 'DejaVu Sans' is much better.
Unfortunately, the Windows standard font, Arial (and Tk seems to use 'Segoe UI') do not have good unicode characters. So, far, Droid Sans, Lucida Sans Unicode, Segoe UI Symbol seem to be ok. 'Segoe UI Symbol' seems like a good choice. Available since Windows 7. Haven't found a great choice for XP or Vista.
See also: Scaled Radiobutton
#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # Copyright 2018 Brad Lanam Walnut Creek, CA # package require Tk proc scheckbutton { nm args } { scbwidget new $nm {*}$args return $nm } namespace eval ::scbcmd { variable vars proc handler { w args } { $w {*}$args } proc initializeAll { } { variable vars if { [info exists ::scbcmd::initialized] } { return } set ::scbcmd::initialized true set tbg [ttk::style lookup TFrame -background] if { $::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin" } { # this isn't going to work... set tbg #ececec } lassign [winfo rgb . $tbg] bg_r bg_g bg_b set bg [format {#%02x%02x%02x} \ [expr {$bg_r / 256}] \ [expr {$bg_g / 256}] \ [expr {$bg_b / 256}]] ttk::style configure SCheckbutton.TFrame \ -background $bg ttk::style configure SCheckbutton.TLabel \ -anchor e \ -width {} \ -background $bg \ -highlightthickness 0 ttk::style configure Indicator.SCheckbutton.TLabel \ -anchor {} } } ::oo::class create ::scbwidget { constructor { nm args } { my variable vars ::scbcmd::initializeAll # set vars(ind.styles) { 1 {chars {\u2610 \u2611} padding {0 0 0 0}} 2 {chars {\u2610 \u2612} padding {0 0 0 0}} 3 {chars {\u25ab \u25aa} padding {0 0 0 3}} 4 {chars {\u25a1 \u25a0} padding {0 0 0 3}} 5 {chars {\u25a1 \u25a3} padding {0 0 0 4}} 6 {chars {\u25fb \u25fc} padding {0 0 0 3}} 7 {chars {\u25fd \u25fe} padding {0 0 0 3}} } set vars( 7 set vars( \u2610 set vars(char.on) \u2611 set vars(char.disp) $vars( set vars(-indicatorstyle) 1 set vars(-indicatorcolor) {} set vars(-onvalue) 1 set vars(-offvalue) 0 set vars(currvalue) 0 set vars(currstate) {} set vars(curr.value.state) off set vars(-command) {} set vars(font.basesize) 11 # some defaults set vars(frame.cont) [ttk::frame $nm \ -class Scaled.checkbutton \ -style SCheckbutton.TFrame \ ] set vars(widget) [ttk::label $nm.indicator \ -style Indicator.SCheckbutton.TLabel \ -textvariable [self]::vars(char.disp) \ ] $vars(widget) configure -style 1.Indicator.SCheckbutton.TLabel set vars(label) [ttk::label ${nm}.label \ -style SCheckbutton.TLabel \ ] set vars(scb) ${nm}_scb rename $vars(frame.cont) ::$vars(scb) interp alias {} $vars(frame.cont) {} ::scbcmd::handler [self] uplevel 2 [list $vars(frame.cont) configure {*}$args] set vars(bind.tag) scbbt$vars(widget) bindtags $vars(widget) [concat [bindtags $vars(widget)] $vars(bind.tag)] grid $vars(widget) $vars(label) -in $vars(frame.cont) \ -sticky {} -padx 0 -pady 0 grid configure $vars(label) -sticky e grid configure $vars(label) -ipadx 1p # make sure any binds on the main hull get propagated to the display widget set bt [bindtags $vars(widget)] bindtags $vars(widget) [list $nm {*}$bt] bind $vars(widget) <Destroy> [list [self] destruct] bind $vars(widget) <ButtonRelease-1> +[list [self] setvalue] bind $vars(label) <ButtonRelease-1> +[list [self] setvalue] my adjustpadding } method adjustpadding { } { my variable vars set style [$vars(label) cget -style] set font [$vars(label) cget -font] if { $font eq {} } { set font TkDefaulFont } dict for {key info} $vars(ind.styles) { set opad [dict get $info padding] set sz [font metrics $font -ascent] set adj [expr {double($sz)/$vars(font.basesize)}] set npad [list] foreach {p} $opad { set np [expr {round(double($p)*$adj)}] lappend npad $np } ttk::style configure $key.Indicator.$style -padding $npad if { $vars(-indicatorcolor) ne {} } { set discolor [ttk::style lookup $style -foreground disabled #a3a3a3] ttk::style configure $key.Indicator.$style \ -foreground $vars(-indicatorcolor) ttk::style map $key.Indicator.$style \ -foreground [list disabled $discolor readonly $discolor] } } } method destruct { } { my variable vars interp alias {} $vars(frame.cont) {} [self] destroy } method setvalue { } { my variable vars if { [$vars(widget) instate readonly] } { return } if { [$vars(widget) instate disabled] } { return } if { $vars(curr.value.state) } { set vars(curr.value.state) off } else { set vars(curr.value.state) on } set k -variable if { [info exists vars($k)] && [info exists $vars($k)] } { if { $vars(curr.value.state) } { set $vars($k) $vars(-onvalue) } else { set $vars($k) $vars(-offvalue) } } my checkvalue if { $vars(-command) ne {} } { {*}$vars(-command) } } method checkvalue { args } { my variable vars set k -variable if { [info exists vars($k)] && [info exists $vars($k)] } { if { [set $vars($k)] eq $vars(-onvalue) } { set vars(curr.value.state) on } else { set vars(curr.value.state) off } } if { $vars(curr.value.state) } { set vars(char.disp) $vars(char.on); } else { set vars(char.disp) $vars(; } } method starttrace { } { my variable vars set k -variable if { [info exists vars($k)] && [info exists $vars($k)] } { trace add variable $vars($k) write [list [self] checkvalue] } } method unknown { args } { my variable vars if { [lindex $args 0] eq "instate" && [llength $args] == 2 } { return [uplevel 2 [list $vars(widget) {*}$args]] } if { [lindex $args 0] eq "state" && [llength $args] == 2 } { uplevel 2 [list $vars(label) {*}$args] return [uplevel 2 [list $vars(widget) {*}$args]] } return [uplevel 2 [list $vars(label) {*}$args]] } method cget { key } { my variable vars set rv {} if { $key eq "-variable" || $key eq "-indicatorcolor" || $key eq "-indicatorstyle" || $key eq "-command" || $key eq "-onvalue" || $key eq "-offvalue" } { set rv $vars($key) } else { set rv [$vars(label) cget $key] } return $rv } method configure { args } { my variable vars foreach {key val} $args { if { $key eq "-indicatorstyle" } { if { ! [string is entier $val] || $val < 1 || $val > $vars( } { return } set vars(-indicatorstyle) $val lassign [dict get $vars(ind.styles) $val chars] \ vars( vars(char.on) set style [$vars(label) cget -style] $vars(widget) configure -style $val.Indicator.$style set vars($key) $val } elseif { $key eq "-command" || $key eq "-onvalue" || $key eq "-offvalue" || $key eq "-indicatorcolor" } { set vars($key) $val } elseif { $key eq "-variable" } { set fqv {} if { [string match {::*} $val] } { set fqv $val } if { $fqv eq {} } { set fqv [uplevel 2 [list namespace which -variable $val]] if { $fqv eq {} } { set ns [uplevel 2 [list namespace current]] set fqv $ns$val if { [string match ::::* $fqv] } { set fqv [string range $fqv 2 end] } } } set vars($key) $fqv if { ! [info exists $vars($key)] } { set $vars($key) {} } my starttrace } elseif { $key eq "-style" } { $vars(label) configure -style $val $vars(widget) configure -style $vars(-indicatorstyle).Indicator.$val } else { uplevel 2 [list $vars(label) configure $key $val] } } my checkvalue my adjustpadding return -code ok } } package provide scheckbutton 1.2
package require Tk source code/scheckbutton.tcl proc p { x } { puts "cmd: $x" } font create eee font configure eee -size 28 set ::x 0 set ::y 1 foreach {st} [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] { scheckbutton .sa$st -variable ::x -text AAAA \ -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p e] scheckbutton .sb$st -variable ::y -text BBBB \ -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p f] grid .sa$st .sb$st } set st 5 ttk::style configure B.SCheckbutton.TLabel -font eee scheckbutton .s1z -variable ::z -text EE\ -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p e] -style B.SCheckbutton.TLabel scheckbutton .s2z -variable ::z2 -text FF \ -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p f] -style B.SCheckbutton.TLabel set ::z 0 set ::z2 1 grid .s1z .s2z set st 5 font create fff font configure fff -size 13 ttk::style configure C.SCheckbutton.TLabel -font fff scheckbutton .s1w -variable ::z -text EE\ -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p e] -indicatorcolor blue \ -style C.SCheckbutton.TLabel scheckbutton .s2w -variable ::z2 -text FF \ -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p f] -indicatorcolor blue \ -style C.SCheckbutton.TLabel grid .s1w .s2w