if false {
A colleage of mine publishes technical sheets not only on our Intranet but also on CD-ROM.
Last friday, she asked me how to realise the search page on CD-ROM. I answered: maybe there's the ASP, but no little dwarf to work out the ASP, so no way ...
But, next day was saturday ... maybe the wheather ... I found a quick'n'dirty solution in Javascript. It is a single file search.js to be sourced. Here the source:
} #! /usr/bin/tclsh proc echo args {puts $args} proc cat {file} { # return contents of $file set port [open $file] set contents [read $port] close $port set contents } if {$argv ne ""} then { set startFile [lindex $argv 0] } else { set startFile [lindex [glob *.htm*] 0] } proc leadFragments word { lappend result $word while {[string length $word] > 1} { set word [string range $word 0 end-1] if {[lsearch $result $word] < 0} then { lappend result $word } } set result } proc trailFragments word { lappend result $word while {[string length $word] > 1} { set word [string range $word 1 end] lappend result $word } set result } proc fragments word { set result {} foreach lead [leadFragments $word] { foreach frag [trailFragments $lead] { lappend result $frag } } set result } proc docFragments doc { set contents [regsub -all -- {[^[:alnum:]]+} $doc " "] set result {} foreach word [split $contents " "] { eval lappend result [fragments $word] } lsort -unique $result } proc relPathFromTo {fromDir toDir} { # return path string relative from $fromDir to $toDir. # $fromDir is assumed to be a directory (not a file). set from [file normalize $fromDir] set to [file normalize $toDir] if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { set driveMap { a: A: b: B: c: C: d: D: e: E: f: F: g: G: h: H: i: I: j: J: k: K: l: L: m: M: n: N: o: O: p: P: q: Q: r: R: s: S: t: T: u: U: v: V: w: W: x: X: y: Y: z: Z: } regexp {^[a-zA-Z]:} [pwd] drive if {![regexp {^[a-zA-Z]:} $from]} { set from $drive$from } set from [string map $driveMap $from] if {![regexp {^[a-zA-Z]:} $to]} { set to $drive$to } set to [string map $driveMap $to] } set fromList [file split $from] set fromLength [llength $fromList] set toList [file split $to] set toLength [llength $toList] set commonList {} foreach path1 $fromList path2 $toList { if {$path1 ne $path2} { break } else { lappend commonList $path1 } } set commonLength [llength $commonList] set fromList1 [lrange $fromList $commonLength end] set toList1 [lrange $toList $commonLength end] set resultList {} foreach i $fromList1 { lappend resultList .. } eval lappend resultList $toList1 if {$resultList ne {}} { eval file join $resultList } } array set database {} set titles {} proc parseFile file { variable startFile variable links variable database variable titles if {$startFile eq $file} then { set links {} array unset database array set database {} } set startDir [file dirname $startFile] set file [file normalize $file] set myPath [relPathFromTo [file normalize $startDir] $file] if {[lsearch $links $myPath] >= 0} then { return } else { lappend links [string map [list \\ \\\\ \" \\\"] $myPath] } echo ... processing $myPath ... set myDir [file dirname $myPath] # words set words {} switch -- [string tolower [file extension $file]] { .htm - .html - .shtm - .shtml - .xhtm - .xhtml - .txt - .php - .php4 - .php5 { set contents [cat $file] # title if {[regexp -nocase {<title>[^<]+</title>} $contents title]} then { set title [regsub -all { *</?title> *} $title ""] } else { set title [file rootname [file tail $file]] } lappend titles [string map [list \\ \\\\ \" \\\"] $title] set contents1 [regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $contents ""] set contents2 [string map { ä ä ö ö ü ü ß ß Ä Ä Ö Ö Ü Ü } $contents1] # set contents3 [regsub -all -- {[^[:alnum:]]+} $contents2 " "] eval lappend words [docFragments [string tolower $contents2]] # links verfolgen foreach src [regexp -nocase -inline -all\ {<a [^>]*?href=['"][^:?]+["']>} $contents] { set href [regexp -inline {(?:href="[^\"]*"|href='[^']*')} $src] set target\ [file normalize\ [file join $myDir\ [string trim [string range $href 7 end-1]\ '\"\\]]] if {[file isfile $target]} then { if {[catch {parseFile $target} err]} then { puts stderr [list problems parsing $target, but don't panic ...] } } else { puts stderr [list not processed: $target] } } } default { echo ... skip non-html file $myPath ... } } foreach word $words { if {![info exists database($word)] || [lsearch $database($word) $myPath] < 0} then { lappend database($word) $myPath } } set words } parseFile $startFile echo parsing is done, creating javascript database ... set src {var files = } append src {[} \n\t\" [join $links \",\n\t\"] \"\n {]} \n\n\ {var titles = }\ {[} \n\t\" [join $titles \",\n\t\"] \"\n {]} \n\n\ {var database = } \{ foreach key [array names database] { append src \n\t\" $key \": " " \[ set indices {} foreach target $database($key) { lappend indices [lsearch $links $target] } append src [join $indices ", "] append src \], } # remove trailing comma ... set src [string range $src 0 end-1] append src \n \} set out [open search.js w] puts $out $src puts $out { // from here on fixed javascript // arrayContainsElement (arr, el) // return true if el is element of arr function arrayContainsElement (arr, el) { for (var i in arr) if (arr[i] == el) return true return false } // commonElementsOf (arr1, arr2) // return new array containing elements which are common in array function commonElementsOf (arr1, arr2) { var result=[] for (var i in arr1) { var el = arr1[i] if (arrayContainsElement (arr2, el)) result .push(el) } return result } var formFields = unescape (location .search) .slice(1) .split("&") var queryList = [] var lang = "de" for (var i in formFields) { var keyVal = formFields[i] .split("=") var key = keyVal[0] var val = keyVal[1] if (key == "query" || key == "q") { queryList = val .toLowerCase() .split("+") // if there should be the search form on position 0 ... if (document .forms .length && document .forms[0] [key]) document .forms [0] [key] .value = val .split("+") .join(" ") } if (key == "lang") lang = val } // write some feedback to HTML var resultList = [] for (var i in queryList) { if (i == 0) resultList = database[queryList[i]] else if (queryList[i] != "") resultList = commonElementsOf(resultList, database[queryList[i]]) } if (resultList && resultList .length) { document .write( "<ol>") for (var i in resultList) { var result = resultList[i] document .write ("\n <li><a href='", files[result], "'>", titles[result], "</a></li>") } document .write( "\n</ol>") } } close $out if false {
Here the contents of the search page:
<html> <head> <title>Suchseite</title> </head> <body> <h1>Suchseite</h1> <form> <input type="text" name="query" /> <input type="submit" name="suche" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src="search.js"></script> </body> </html>
From now on, you can "google" your private site. Cool.