HJG This is aimple demo of Tk: label, entry, button and an image.
A simple layout with frames and pack.
No shortcuts, e.g. combining statements and other tricks.
No error-checks on input (empty, non-numeric) or overflow of result.
#!/bin/sh # Restart with tcl: -*- mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; -*- \ exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"} # EntryDemo02.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2006-02-02 - https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/15398 #: Tk-Demo: Enter 3 numbers, show their sum and product package require Tk proc Calc {} { #: Calculate results / !! No error-checks !! global A B C P S #set S [ expr { $A + $B + $C } ] #set P [ expr { $A * $B * $C } ] # Force calculation as floating point: set S [ expr { 0.0 + $A + $B + $C } ] set P [ expr { double($A) * double($B) * double($C) } ] } #########1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7##### frame .f1 ;# Frame for input-fields + button frame .f2 ;# Frame for output label .labA -text "A:" label .labB -text "B:" label .labC -text "C:" label .labS -text "S=" label .labP -text "P=" entry .entA -textvar A -width 11 entry .entB -textvar B -width 11 entry .entC -textvar C -width 11 entry .entS -textvar S -state readonly entry .entP -textvar P -state readonly button .ok -text "OK" -command Calc pack .f1 .f2 pack .labA .entA -in .f1 -side left pack .labB .entB -in .f1 -side left pack .labC .entC -in .f1 -side left pack .ok -in .f1 -side left -padx 10 pack .labS .entS -in .f2 -side left pack .labP .entP -in .f2 -side left #package require Img ;# Images other than .gif image create photo Pic1 -file "tcl.gif" label .labPic1 -image Pic1 pack .labPic1 -padx 4 -pady 4 set A 2147483647 ;# MAXINT set B 1 set C 2 Calc bind . <Return> Calc wm title . "EntryDemo2" focus -force .entA
Is there a simple/portable way to check for overflow, when working with integer values ?
expr problems with int, 32-bit integer overflow and Arbitrary Precision Math Procedures have some background, but I don't see a nice solution that fits into this program intended to be shown to beginners...
Lars H: The following, taken from Proper integers for Tcl 8.5 or 9.0, is probably the shortest way to check for addition overflow:
For multiplication it is probably easiest to do the floating point operation and check the result magnitude, but if you feel a need to have a method completely robust against overflow then sum up the logarithms instead. Luckily this overflow problem will be gone in Tcl 8.5.
For pedagogical purposes, a better solution may be to pick something other than the product of three numbers as the function to demonstrate.
How about doing some date&time calculations, to let clock shine?
HJG: A demo with date&time calculations is a good idea, but surely a step up from working with 'simple numbers'.
I think it is better to cover the basics first.
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