'Sonac the Hedgehog' is an imitation of Sega's 'Sonic the hedgehog', written in pure Tcl/Tk, with Snack for sound effects.
It runs on Linux and windows, and can run on Mac OS if you disable sound with the command line option '-sound 0'
It runs fast on Linux, and fast enough to be playable on windows, but seems to run too slowly on MacOS.
You control 'Sonac', a blue hedgehog, and your mission is to guide him through an obstacle course until he reaches the goal signpost.
You can run left and right (using Z and X or the left and right arrow keys), jump (with the space bar), and roll down steep hills (with S or the down arrow key).
The game is available on github: https://github.com/dusthillresident/sonictcl
There's a video of the game here on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odbosseZpAE
PO Looks good and runs fine with Tcl 9.