The TCL Architecture of Objects
Not to be confused with Tao (S), the ever changing state of the Universe, The Tao of Tcl, or The Ace Orb (TAO) [L1 ], which uses a feather icon on their web site.
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The Tao core assumes the presence of sqlite3. Higher level portions of the API make calls to modules of odielib, tcllib, and tklib.
Tao Modules
Introduction to TAO Programming
Tao is language extension to TclOO. All Tao code is inheritable by TclOO and any TclOO class can be inherited by Tao. The rules of TAO are designed to make behavior predictable for very large, complex, and otherwise nasty class hierarchies. TclOO code can be fed, without only slight modification, into the Tao.
Tao adds the following features to TclOO Objects:
A typical class looks something like this:
### # Someone who potentially owns a towel ### tao::define owner { variable inventory {} ### # An ensemble that implements "inventory" ### method inventory::add {type object} { my variable inventory dict lappend inventory $type $object } method inventory::remove {type object} { my variable inventory set list [my inventory list $type] ldelete list $object dict set inventory $type $list } method inventory::list {type} { my variable inventory if {[dict exists $inventory $type]} { return [dict get $inventory $type] } return {} } ### # an extension to the "is" ensemble which defines # the state of hoopy as knowing where one's towel is # namely by having it on one's person ### method is::hoopy {} { my variable in foreach towel [my inventory list towel] { if { [$towel location] eq [my location] } } { return 1 } } return 0 } } ### # Something owned by someone who potentially owns a towel ### tao::define towel { # List other names this towel could be addressed as aliases dishtowel bathtowel beachtowel superclass linen option owner {default nobody} method initialize {} { if {[my organ owner] ne "nobody"} { my Newowner [my cget owner] } } ### # Show off grafting. When we get a new owner # we link ourselves to the new owner AND we # create a link that allows us to access the owner object # as a public method "owner" or private method "<owner>" ### method Newowner newowner { if {[my organ owner] ni {nobody {}}} { my <owner> inventory remove towel [self] } my graft owner $newowner my <owner> inventory add towel [self] } } owner create FordPrefect FordPrefect is froody > 0 towel new {owner FordPrefect} FordPrefect is froody > 1