by Mark Roseman - 'DejaNews:'' [L1 ]
Details on the Tcl2K conference, a must read perspective on Tcl extension development, a new book available, a big milestone for comp.lang.tcl, and some interesting new software. Tcl-URL! will take a break for a couple of weeks, so we'll see you again in the new year - enjoy your holidays!
- De Clarke and Tom Poindexter have released more details about the upcoming Tcl2K conference. So what are *you* going to be submitting? Contact someone on the program committee if you have questions or need advice about an idea you'd like to write about
- Frank Stajano's paper in this year's Python conference had some useful insights into why he thinks Python's extensions are evolving faster and are easier to work with than Tcl's
- Clif Flynt notes the availability of his new book, Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers (see [L2 ])
- Larry Virden notes the 10th birthday of Tcl, and the 8th anniversary of comp.lang.tcl this week (see [L3 ])
- Yet another reason that Tcl is an excellent tool for building collaboration software is provided by Mark Lawson, who released the TkHiNote extension for accessing Lotus Notes databases (see [L4 ])
- Tom Poindexter releases his Sockspy program for watching TCP conversations, very useful for debugging code using sockets (see [L5 ])
- The tkAbout program is a front end to common Unix commands
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