This page lists the functions, which use Tcl_Size either as return value or as parameter type. It may help C/C++ extension developers to port their code to Tcl 9.
This function list can be created with script CreateTclSizeFuncList.tcl based on the contents of the tcl.decls file. There is also a utility script FindTclSizeFuncs.tcl to scan source code directories for the usage of these functions.
Function |
Tcl_Char16Len |
Tcl_ConvertCountedElement |
Tcl_ConvertElement |
Tcl_GetChannelBufferSize |
Tcl_GetCharLength |
Tcl_GetEncodingNulLength |
Tcl_Gets |
Tcl_GetsObj |
Tcl_NumUtfChars |
Tcl_Read |
Tcl_ReadChars |
Tcl_ReadRaw |
Tcl_ScanCountedElement |
Tcl_ScanElement |
Tcl_SetRecursionLimit |
Tcl_Ungets |
Tcl_UniCharLen |
Tcl_UniCharToUtf |
Tcl_UtfBackslash |
Tcl_UtfToChar16 |
Tcl_UtfToLower |
Tcl_UtfToTitle |
Tcl_UtfToUniChar |
Tcl_UtfToUpper |
Tcl_Write |
Tcl_WriteChars |
Tcl_WriteObj |
Tcl_WriteRaw |
Function |
Tcl_AppendFormatToObj |
Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj |
Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj |
Tcl_AppendToObj |
Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObj |
Tcl_AttemptSetObjLength |
Tcl_Char16ToUtfDString |
Tcl_Concat |
Tcl_ConcatObj |
Tcl_ConvertCountedElement |
Tcl_CreateAlias |
Tcl_CreateAliasObj |
Tcl_CreateObjTrace |
Tcl_CreateObjTrace2 |
Tcl_CreateTrace |
Tcl_DbNewByteArrayObj |
Tcl_DbNewListObj |
Tcl_DbNewStringObj |
Tcl_DetachPids |
Tcl_DictObjPutKeyList |
Tcl_DictObjRemoveKeyList |
Tcl_DStringAppend |
Tcl_DStringSetLength |
Tcl_EvalEx |
Tcl_EvalObjv |
Tcl_EvalTokensStandard |
Tcl_ExternalToUtf |
Tcl_ExternalToUtf |
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString |
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDStringEx |
Tcl_Format |
Tcl_FSJoinPath |
Tcl_FSJoinToPath |
Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct |
Tcl_GetIntForIndex |
Tcl_GetNumber |
Tcl_GetRange |
Tcl_GetRange |
Tcl_GetThreadData |
Tcl_GetUniChar |
Tcl_JoinPath |
Tcl_LimitSetCommands |
Tcl_LinkArray |
Tcl_ListObjIndex |
Tcl_ListObjReplace |
Tcl_ListObjReplace |
Tcl_ListObjReplace |
Tcl_LogCommandInfo |
Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources |
Tcl_MainEx |
Tcl_Merge |
Tcl_NewByteArrayObj |
Tcl_NewListObj |
Tcl_NewStringObj |
Tcl_NewUnicodeObj |
Tcl_NRCallObjProc |
Tcl_NRCallObjProc2 |
Tcl_NRCmdSwap |
Tcl_NREvalObjv |
Tcl_NumUtfChars |
Tcl_OpenCommandChannel |
Tcl_ParseBraces |
Tcl_ParseCommand |
Tcl_ParseExpr |
Tcl_ParseQuotedString |
Tcl_ParseVarName |
Tcl_PkgRequireProc |
Tcl_ProcObjCmd |
Tcl_Read |
Tcl_ReadChars |
Tcl_ReadRaw |
Tcl_RegExpExecObj |
Tcl_RegExpExecObj |
Tcl_RegExpRange |
Tcl_ScanCountedElement |
Tcl_SetByteArrayLength |
Tcl_SetByteArrayObj |
Tcl_SetChannelBufferSize |
Tcl_SetListObj |
Tcl_SetObjLength |
Tcl_SetRecursionLimit |
Tcl_SetStringObj |
Tcl_SetUnicodeObj |
Tcl_Ungets |
Tcl_UniCharAtIndex |
Tcl_UniCharToUtfDString |
Tcl_UtfAtIndex |
Tcl_UtfCharComplete |
Tcl_UtfToChar16DString |
Tcl_UtfToExternal |
Tcl_UtfToExternal |
Tcl_UtfToExternalDString |
Tcl_UtfToExternalDStringEx |
Tcl_UtfToUniCharDString |
Tcl_Write |
Tcl_WriteChars |
Tcl_WriteRaw |
Tcl_WrongNumArgs |
Tcl_ZlibAdler32 |
Tcl_ZlibCRC32 |
Tcl_ZlibInflate |
Tcl_ZlibStreamGet |
Function |
Tcl_DictObjSize |
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDStringEx |
Tcl_FSSplitPath |
Tcl_GetAliasObj |
Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj |
Tcl_GetBytesFromObj |
Tcl_GetIntForIndex |
Tcl_GetSizeIntFromObj |
Tcl_GetStringFromObj |
Tcl_GetUnicodeFromObj |
Tcl_ListObjGetElements |
Tcl_ListObjLength |
Tcl_ParseArgsObjv |
Tcl_SplitList |
Tcl_SplitPath |
Tcl_UtfToExternalDStringEx |
without Tcl_Size | with Tcl_Size |
Tcl_CreateObjCommand | Tcl_CreateObjCommand2 |
Tcl_ObjCmdProc | Tcl_ObjCmdProc2 |
Tcl_MethodCallProc | Tcl_MethodCallProc2 |
Tcl_MethodType | Tcl_MethodType2 |
Tcl_NewMethod | Tcl_NewMethod2 |
# Tcl script based on procedures from genStubs.tcl to parse the # Tcl9 tcl.decls file. # It spits out the names of all functions, which have Tcl_Size as # return value or parameter. # This list can then be used by Tcl script FindTclSizeFuncs.tcl # to find all files in a source code directory using one of these functions. set inFile "tcl.decls" if { $argc >= 1 } { set inFile [lindex $argv 0] } if { ! [file exists $inFile] } { puts "" puts "Error: File $inFile does not exist." puts "" puts "Usage: $argv0 ?tcl.decls file?" puts "" exit 1 } proc unknown { args } { #puts "Ignoring $args" } proc parseArg {arg} { if {![regexp {^(.+[ ][*]*)([^][ *]+)(\[\])?$} $arg all type name array]} { if {$arg eq "void"} { return $arg } else { return } } set result [list [string trim $type] $name] if {$array ne ""} { lappend result $array } return $result } proc parseDecl {decl} { if {![regexp {^(.*)\((.*)\)$} $decl all prefix args]} { set prefix $decl set args {} } set prefix [string trim $prefix] if {![regexp {^(.+[ ][*]*)([^ *]+)$} $prefix all rtype fname]} { puts stderr "Bad return type: $decl" return } set rtype [string trim $rtype] if {$args eq ""} { return [list $rtype $fname {}] } foreach arg [split $args ,] { lappend argList [string trim $arg] } if {![string compare [lindex $argList end] "..."]} { set args TCL_VARARGS foreach arg [lrange $argList 0 end-1] { set argInfo [parseArg $arg] if {[llength $argInfo] == 2 || [llength $argInfo] == 3} { lappend args $argInfo } else { puts stderr "Bad argument: '$arg' in '$decl'" return } } } else { set args {} foreach arg $argList { set argInfo [parseArg $arg] if {![string compare $argInfo "void"]} { lappend args "void" break } elseif {[llength $argInfo] == 2 || [llength $argInfo] == 3} { lappend args $argInfo } else { puts stderr "Bad argument: '$arg' in '$decl'" return } } } return [list $rtype $fname $args] } proc interface { name } { global gCurName set gCurName $name } proc declare { args } { global gExportIndex global gCurName global gFuncInParam global gFuncOutParam global gFuncReturn if {[llength $args] == 2} { lassign $args index declString set platformList generic } elseif {[llength $args] == 3} { lassign $args index platformList declString } else { puts stderr "wrong # args: declare $args" return } regsub -all "\[ \t\n\]+" [string trim $declString] " " declString set declList [parseDecl $declString] # puts $declList if { [string first "Tcl_Size" [lindex $declList 0]] >= 0 } { lappend gFuncReturn [lindex $declList 1] } foreach param [lindex $declList 2] { lassign $param type name if { [string first "Tcl_Size" $type] >= 0 } { if { [string first "*" $type] >= 0 } { lappend gFuncOutParam [lindex $declList 1] } else { lappend gFuncInParam [lindex $declList 1] } } } return } proc export { args } { global gExportIndex declare $gExportIndex {*}$args incr gExportIndex } set gExportIndex 1000 set gFuncInParam [list] set gFuncOutParam [list] set gFuncReturn [list] source $inFile puts "# Functions with Tcl_Size IN parameters" foreach func [lsort -dictionary $gFuncInParam] { puts "TclSizeInParam $func" } puts "" puts "# Functions with Tcl_Size OUT parameters" foreach func [lsort -dictionary $gFuncOutParam] { puts "TclSizeOutParam $func" } puts "" puts "# Functions with Tcl_Size return values" foreach func [lsort -dictionary $gFuncReturn] { puts "TclSizeReturn $func" } exit 0
# Functions with Tcl_Size IN parameters TclSizeParam Tcl_AppendFormatToObj TclSizeParam Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj ... # Functions with Tcl_Size OUT parameters TclSizeOutParam Tcl_DictObjSize TclSizeOutParam Tcl_ExternalToUtfDStringEx ... # Functions with Tcl_Size return values TclSizeReturn Tcl_Char16Len TclSizeReturn Tcl_ConvertCountedElement
# Tcl script to read the list of Tcl9 C functions, which have Tcl_Size as # return value or parameter and find all files in a source code directory # using one of these functions. # Change these options manually. set showFileDetail 1 set showFuncList 1 set showReturnParams 1 set showInParams 1 set showOutParams 1 set filePattern "*.c *.h *.cxx *.hxx *.cpp *.hpp *.i *.swg " # set filePattern "*" # These options can be changed via command line. set inDir [pwd] set inFile "TclSizeFuncList" if { $argc >= 1 } { set inDir [lindex $argv 0] } if { $argc >= 2 } { set inFile [lindex $argv 1] } if { ! [file exists $inFile] || ! [file isdirectory $inDir] } { puts "" if { ! [file exists $inFile] } { puts "Error: File $inFile does not exist." } if { ! [file isdirectory $inDir] } { puts "Error: Directory $inDir does not exist." } puts "" puts "Usage: $argv0 ?TclSizeListFile? ?Directory?" puts "" exit 1 } proc IsBinaryString { test } { set binaryRegExp {[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0e-\x1f]} if { [ regexp -- $binaryRegExp $test ] } { return true } return false } proc GetDirList {dirName {showDirs 1} {showFiles 1} {dirPattern *} {filePattern *}} { set curDir [pwd] set catchVal [catch {cd $dirName}] if { $catchVal } { return [list] } set absDirList [list] set relFileList [list] if { $showDirs } { set relDirList [glob -nocomplain -types d -- {*}$dirPattern] foreach dir $relDirList { if { [string index $dir 0] eq "~" } { set dir [format "./%s" $dir] } set absName [file join $dirName $dir] lappend absDirList $absName } } if { $showFiles } { set relFileList [glob -nocomplain -types f -- {*}$filePattern] } cd $curDir return [list $absDirList $relFileList] } proc CheckMatchList { searchString matchList } { set matchCmd "string match" foreach matchString $matchList { if { [eval $matchCmd {$matchString $searchString}] } { return true } } return false } proc FindRecursive { srcDir pattern } { global gFuncList global gFoundFiles set retVal [catch { cd $srcDir } ] if { $retVal } { puts stderr "Could not read directory \"$srcDir\"" return } set dirCont [GetDirList $srcDir] set dirList [lindex $dirCont 0] set fileList [lindex $dirCont 1] foreach dir $dirList { set dirName [file tail $dir] set subSrcDir [file join $srcDir $dirName] FindRecursive $subSrcDir $pattern } foreach fileName $fileList { if { [string first "~" $fileName] == 0 } { # File starts with tilde. set fileName [format "./%s" $fileName] } set fileAbs [file join $srcDir $fileName] if { [CheckMatchList [file tail $fileAbs] $pattern] } { # puts "Checking $fileAbs" set catchVal [catch { open $fileAbs r } fp] if { $catchVal } { error "Could not read file \"$fileAbs\"." } fconfigure $fp -translation binary set srcCont [read $fp] close $fp if { [IsBinaryString $srcCont] } { # puts "Ignoring binary file $fileAbs" continue } set funcFoundList [list] foreach funcName $gFuncList { set ind [string first "$funcName" $srcCont] if { $ind > 0 } { lappend funcFoundList $funcName } } if { [llength $funcFoundList] > 0 } { set gFoundFiles($fileAbs) $funcFoundList } } } } proc CollectFuncNames { funcName } { global gFuncList lappend gFuncList $funcName } proc TclSizeInParam { funcName } { if { $::showInParams } { CollectFuncNames $funcName } } proc TclSizeOutParam { funcName } { if { $::showOutParams } { CollectFuncNames $funcName } } proc TclSizeReturn { funcName } { if { $::showReturnParams } { CollectFuncNames $funcName } } set gFuncList [list] source $inFile FindRecursive [file normalize $inDir] $filePattern set funcList [list] foreach fileName [array names gFoundFiles] { puts $fileName foreach funcName [lsort -unique -dictionary $gFoundFiles($fileName)] { lappend funcList $funcName if { $showFileDetail } { puts " $funcName" } } } if { $showFuncList && [llength $funcList] > 0 } { puts "" foreach funcName [lsort -unique -dictionary $funcList] { puts $funcName } } exit 0
Output for tcltls:
> tclsh FindTclSizeFuncs.tcl ..\Tcl9-TclSize-Pkgs\tcltls-1.7.23 D:/Exchange/Tcl9/Tcl9-TclSize-Pkgs/tcltls-1.7.23/tclOpts.h Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj Tcl_GetStringFromObj D:/Exchange/Tcl9/Tcl9-TclSize-Pkgs/tcltls-1.7.23/tls.c Tcl_EvalEx Tcl_GetStringFromObj Tcl_ListObjGetElements Tcl_NewListObj Tcl_NewStringObj Tcl_WrongNumArgs D:/Exchange/Tcl9/Tcl9-TclSize-Pkgs/tcltls-1.7.23/tlsX509.c Tcl_NewListObj Tcl_NewStringObj D:/Exchange/Tcl9/Tcl9-TclSize-Pkgs/tcltls-1.7.23/tlsBIO.c Tcl_Read Tcl_ReadRaw Tcl_Write Tcl_WriteRaw Tcl_EvalEx Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj Tcl_GetStringFromObj Tcl_ListObjGetElements Tcl_NewListObj Tcl_NewStringObj Tcl_Read Tcl_ReadRaw Tcl_Write Tcl_WriteRaw Tcl_WrongNumArgs