Tclarc4random - Tcl interface to arc4random(3)
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Version 0.3, Fall 2014.
Tclarc4random should build easily on any POSIX system that has arc4random(3).
NAME Tclarc4random - Tcl interface to arc4random(3) SYNOPSIS package require Tcl 8.5 package require arc4random namespace import ::arc4random::arc4random arc4random random arc4random bytes <nbytes> arc4random uniform <upperbound> Math functions: arc4random() arc4bytes(nbytes) arc4uniform(upperbound) DESCRIPTION The Tclarc4random extension provides a Tcl interface to arc4random(3). Access to arc4random functions is provided through the arc4random ensemble command or through the arc4* math functions. ENSEMBLE COMMANDS / MATH FUNCTIONS random arc4random() Returns a 32-bit unsigned random number. bytes <nbytes> arc4bytes(nbytes) Returns a binary string nbytes bytes long of random data. uniform <upperbound> arc4uniform(upperbound) Returns a 32-bit unsigned random number uniformly distributed but less than upperbound.