Tclhttpd range requests and single interpreter virtual hosts support

The following patch adds partial range requests support. Additionally a virtual hosts implementation is provided, it's a little bit more flexible than original one, doesn't require multiple interps, eats less memory, but, of course, is a little less secure.

Note: the text below is two space indented, you need to unindent it to apply the patch.

  diff -r -u tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/doc.tcl tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/doc.tcl
  --- tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/doc.tcl        2004-05-19 07:36:37.000000000 +0300
  +++ tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/doc.tcl        2009-09-20 15:47:40.000000000 +0300
  @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
   package require httpd::dirlist
   package require httpd::doc_error
   package require httpd::cookie
  +package require httpd::vhost

   # Doc_Root --
  @@ -271,9 +272,9 @@
       # into account other document roots.

       if {[info exist Doc(root,$data(prefix))]} {
  -        set directory $Doc(root,$data(prefix))
  +        set directory [file join $Doc(root,$data(prefix)) [lindex $data(vhost) 1]]
       } else {
  -        set directory [file join $Doc(root,/) [string trimleft $data(prefix) /]]
  +        set directory [file join $Doc(root,/) [lindex $data(vhost) 1] [string trimleft $data(prefix) /]]

       # Look for .htaccess and .tclaccess files along the path
  @@ -348,7 +349,7 @@
       # pathnames outside the URL tree.  We trim left the / and ~
       # to prevent those attacks.

  -    set path [file join $directory [string trimleft $suffix /~]]
  +    set path [file join $directory [lindex $data(vhost) 1] [string trimleft $suffix /~]]
       set path [DocPathNormalize $path]
       set data(path) $path        ;# record this path for not found handling

  diff -r -u tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/httpd.tcl tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/httpd.tcl
  --- tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/httpd.tcl        2009-07-26 20:25:55.000000000 +0300
  +++ tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/httpd.tcl        2009-09-20 16:00:18.000000000 +0300
  @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
   # RCS: @(#) $Id: httpd.tcl,v 1.85 2004/04/29 01:34:16 coldstore Exp $

   package provide httpd 1.7
   # initialize all the global data

   # Location of this package
  @@ -35,6 +34,7 @@
   array set Httpd_Errors {
       200 {Data follows}
       204 {No Content}
  +    206 {Partial content}
       302 {Found}
       304 {Not Modified}
       400 {Bad Request}
  @@ -614,6 +614,7 @@
                   # data(uri) is the complete URI

                   set data(uri) $data(url)
  +                set data(vhost) [list * .]
                   if {[string length $data(query)]} {
                       append data(uri) ?$data(query)
  @@ -694,7 +695,10 @@
               variable virtual
               if {[string compare host $key]} {return}
               set host [lindex [split [string tolower $value] :] 0]
  -            if {[catch {set virtual($host)} i]} {return}
  +            set data(vhost) [VHost_Match $host]
  +            return
  +            # old implementation follows

               # Transfer $sock to interp $i
               fileevent $sock readable {}
  @@ -722,7 +729,7 @@
                   set data(count) $data(mime,content-length)
                   if {$data(version) >= 1.1 && [info exists data(mime,expect)]} {
                       if {$data(mime,expect) == "100-continue"} {
  -                        puts $sock "100 Continue HTTP/1.1\n"
  +                        puts $sock "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\n"
                           flush $sock
                       } else {
                           Httpd_Error $sock 419 $data(mime,expect)
  @@ -1213,12 +1220,20 @@
       append reply "HTTP/$data(version) $code [HttpdErrorString $code]" \n
       append reply "Date: [HttpdDate [clock seconds]]" \n
       append reply "Server: $Httpd(server)\n"
  +    append reply "Accept-Ranges: bytes\n"

       if {$close} {
           append reply "Connection: Close" \n
       } elseif {$data(version) == 1.0 && !$close} {
           append reply "Connection: Keep-Alive" \n
  +    if {[info exists data(partial)]} {
  +        set c_start [lindex $data(partial) 0]
  +        set c_end [lindex $data(partial) 1]
  +        set c_length [lindex $data(partial) 2]
  +        set content_range "bytes $c_start-$c_end/$c_length"
  +        append reply "Content-Range: $content_range" \n
  +    }
       append reply "Content-Type: $type" \n
       if {[string length $size]} {
           append reply "Content-Length: $size" \n
  @@ -1315,6 +1330,59 @@

  +# Range parsing procedures; not fully implemented yet :-(
  +proc Httpd_ParseSubrange {subrange} {
  +    if {[regexp {^([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)$} $subrange dummy from to]} {
  +        if {"x$from" != "x" && "x$to" != "x"} then {
  +            if {$from > $to} {
  +                set from {}
  +                set to {}
  +            }
  +        }
  +    } else {
  +        set from {}
  +        set to {}
  +    }
  +    return [list $from $to]
  +proc Httpd_AddSubrange {summary max subrange} {
  +    set parsed [Httpd_ParseSubrange $subrange]
  +    if {[llength $subrange] == 0} {
  +            return $summary
  +    }
  +    # TODO: iterate existing subranges
  +    set from [lindex $parsed 0]
  +    set to   [lindex $parsed 1]
  +    if {"x$from"=="x" && "x$from" != "x$to"} {
  +        set nto [expr {$max-1}]
  +        set nfrom [expr {$nto-$to+1}]
  +        set parsed [list $nfrom $nto]
  +    }
  +    if {"x$to"=="x" && "x$from" != "x$to"} {
  +        set to [expr {$max-1}]
  +        set parsed [list $from $to]
  +    }
  +    if {"x$to"!="x" && "x$from"!="x"} {
  +        lappend summary $parsed
  +    }
  +    return $summary
  +proc Httpd_ParseRange {max range} {
  +    set summary [list]
  +    if {[regexp {bytes=(.*)} $range dummy ranges]} {
  +        while {[string length $ranges] != 0} {
  +            regexp {([^,]*)(,(.*))?} $ranges dummy0 subrange dummy other
  +            set summary [Httpd_AddSubrange $summary $max $subrange]
  +            set ranges $other
  +        }
  +    }
  +    return $summary
   # Httpd_ReturnFile
   #        Return a file.
  @@ -1355,10 +1423,20 @@
       # side accounting information.

       incr data(file_size) -$offset
  +    if {[info exists data(mime,range)]} {
  +        set ranges [Httpd_ParseRange $data(file_size) $data(mime,range)]
  +        set c_start [lindex $ranges 0 0]
  +        set c_end [lindex $ranges 0 1]
  +        set c_length $data(file_size)
  +        set data(partial) [list $c_start $c_end $c_length]
  +        incr offset [expr {$c_start-1}]
  +        set data(code) 206
  +    }

       if {[catch {
           set close [HttpdCloseP $sock]
  -        HttpdRespondHeader $sock $type $close $data(file_size) 200
  +        HttpdRespondHeader $sock $type $close $data(file_size) $data(code)
           HttpdSetCookie $sock
           puts $sock "Last-Modified: [HttpdDate [file mtime $path]]"
           puts $sock ""
  @@ -1371,7 +1449,11 @@
               fconfigure $sock -translation binary -blocking $Httpd(sockblock)
               set data(infile) $in
               Httpd_Suspend $sock 0
  -            fcopy $in $sock -command [list HttpdCopyDone $in $sock $close]
  +            if {$data(code)==200} {
  +                fcopy $in $sock -command [list HttpdCopyDone $in $sock $close]
  +            } else {
  +                fcopy $in $sock -size [expr {$c_end-$c_start+1}] -command [list HttpdCopyDone $in $sock $close]
  +            }
           } else {
               Httpd_SockClose $sock $close
  diff -r -u tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/pkgIndex.tcl tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/pkgIndex.tcl
  --- tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/pkgIndex.tcl        2004-03-23 11:35:15.000000000 +0200
  +++ tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/pkgIndex.tcl        2009-09-20 14:52:33.000000000 +0300
  @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
           package ifneeded httpd::url 1.2 \[list source \[file join [list $dir] url.tcl\]\]
           package ifneeded httpd::utils 1.0 \[list source \[file join [list $dir] utils.tcl\]\]
           package ifneeded httpd::version 3.5 \[list source \[file join [list $dir] version.tcl\]\]
  +        package ifneeded httpd::vhost 0.1 \[list source \[file join [list $dir] vhost.tcl\]\]
           package ifneeded tclcrypt 1.0 \[list source \[file join [list $dir] tclcrypt.tcl\]\]
  diff -r -u tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/version.tcl tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/version.tcl
  --- tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/version.tcl        2004-05-27 21:00:52.000000000 +0300
  +++ tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/version.tcl        2009-09-20 14:43:56.000000000 +0300
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   package provide httpd::version 3.5
   proc Httpd_Version {} {
       global Httpd
  -    set Httpd(version)        "3.5.1 May 27, 2004"
  +    set Httpd(version)        "3.5.1-bdt September 20, 2009"
  diff -r -u tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/bin/tclhttpd.rc tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/bin/tclhttpd.rc
  --- tclhttpd3.5.1-dist.orig/tclhttpd3.5.1/bin/tclhttpd.rc        2009-07-26 21:03:55.000000000 +0300
  +++ tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/bin/tclhttpd.rc        2009-09-20 16:08:55.000000000 +0300
  @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@

  +Config vhost [list [list * host1 host1-htdocs] [list * * .]]

   # main - Main per-thread startup script.
   # The old way to customize the server was to modify this file directly.
  --- /dev/null        2009-09-18 17:04:13.511138139 +0300
  +++ tclhttpd3.5.1-dist/tclhttpd3.5.1/lib/vhost.tcl        2009-09-20 16:08:16.000000000 +0300
  @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
  +# vhost.tcl
  +# Virtual hosts implementation
  +package provide httpd::vhost 0.1
  +set vhosts [list]
  +# [list * {return [list * .]}]
  +proc VHost_Add {glob name dir} {
  +    global vhosts
  +    # set vhosts [linsert $vhosts 0 $glob [list return [list $name $dir]]]
  +    lappend vhosts $glob [list return [list $name $dir]]
  +proc VHost_Match {host} {
  +    global vhosts
  +    switch -glob $host $vhosts
  +if {[cget vhost]=={}} {
  +    VHost_Add * * .
  +} else {
  +    foreach vh [cget vhost] {
  +        VHost_Add [lindex $vh 0] [lindex $vh 1] [lindex $vh 2]
  +    }
