JM Dec-20-2010. The Tclodbc package includes some demos which creates and populates a database (testdb.mdb).
This time, I put together this simple script which reads the table (Table1) and creates a chart out of the result using BLT. Just copy this script in the tclodbc's "samples" folder, launch it and you will get the following output:
package require tclodbc package require BLT console show proc fmt {graph sec} { return [clock format $sec -format {%m/%d}] } proc makeGraph {w x y} { global dbfile $w element create "IntData" -xdata x -ydata y -pixels 8 $w grid configure -hide no $w configure -title $dbfile $w axis configure x -majorticks [x range 0 end] # Format the x-axis tick labels as Month/Day $w axis configure x -command fmt } proc connectToDatabase {} { global db driver dbfile if {[file exists $dbfile]} { #database connect db "DRIVER=$driver;DBQ=$dbfile;SystemDB=$mdw;UID=$user;PWD=$password" database connect db "DRIVER=$driver;DBQ=$dbfile" } else { tk_messageBox -message "path does not exist" exit } puts "connected to $dbfile" } proc GetTheData {} { global db x y blt::vector create x blt::vector create y db statement stmt "SELECT DateData,IntData FROM Table1 WHERE IntData > 990;" #set allRcds [stmt run] #set cuantos [llength $allRcds] stmt execute while {[set row [stmt fetch]] != {}} { foreach param {fecha entero} v $row { if {$param == "entero"} { set y(++end) $v } if {$param == "fecha"} { set x(++end) [clock scan $v] } } } } #1.-driver set driver "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" #2.-Path de la BDD set dbfile "testdb.mdb" ::blt::graph .g -title "Yield: $dbfile" -width 600 -height 400 pack .g connectToDatabase GetTheData makeGraph .g x y stmt drop db disconnect