
JMeh 31 Oct 2019 - Climate your Tesla using a Tcl Script.

Thanks to Tim Dorr (https://tesla-api.timdorr.com ) for his great work to reengeneer the Tesla-API for the Model S, Model X, and Model 3.

What it does

The pure Tcl script TeslaClimate.tcl makes a HTTPS connection to Tesla using the REST API (like the iOS or Android App), reads the list of your cars to find out the correct id of the wanted car, wakes up the car, sets up the temperature and starts up the climate progress.

Starting the script

The Tcl application can be started immediately using the tclsh. You can start the Tcl script using the "at" unix command at a specific time. The shell script TeslaClimate.sh shows you how to use it.


You can find the neccessary secrets in the configuration file TeslaClimate.cfg. You have to setup the variables EMAIL, PASSWORD and NAME (the name of your car). TEMP is the temperature you want to set. The password must be crypted using the rc4 Tcl package with the key "void" like this:

package require rc4
puts [rc4::rc4 -hex -key "void" "top secret"]


set URL "https://owner-api.teslamotors.com"
set TESLA_CLIENT_ID "81527cff06843c8634fdc09e8ac0abefb46ac849f38fe1e431c2ef2106796384"
set TESLA_CLIENT_SECRET "c7257eb71a564034f9419ee651c7d0e5f7aa6bfbd18bafb5c5c033b093bb2fa3"
set EMAIL "your-email-address-here"
set PASSWORD "rc4-encrypted-tesla-password-here"        ;# use rc4 package with "void" as key
set NAME "the-name-of-your-car-here"
set TEMP 21.0
set WAKEUP_DELAY 10000


# @file
# @brief Zeitgesteuerte Vorklimatisierung eines Teslas
# @mainpage
# @author Jörg Mehring
# @version 0.1
# Programm, um einen Tesla mit Hilfe des Tesla JSON API von Tim Dorr per Skript
# vorzuklimatisieren. Das Programm weckt, falls nötig, den Wagen auf, lädt die
# aktuellen Temperaturwerte und schaltet dann die Klimatisierung auf den in der
# Konfigurationsdatei angegebenen Temperaturwert. Somit kann über ein at-Skript
# die Heizung oder Kühlung eingeschaltet werden, ohne dass man das Smartphone
# bemühen müsste.
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proc Log {str} {
  set t [clock milliseconds]
  set m [expr {$t % 1000}]
  set s [expr {$t / 1000}]
  puts [format "%s.%03u %s" [clock format $s -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] $m $str]

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

proc json2dict {json} {
  return [json::json2dict $json]

proc str2json {value} {
  switch -- $value {
    "" - null {
      # value is json null value
      set value null
    true - yes {
      # value is json boolean true
      set value true
    false - no {
      # value is json boolean false
      set value false
    default {
      if {[string index $value 0] == "\[" && [string index $value end] == "\]"} {
        # value is json array
      } elseif {[string index $value 0] == "\{" && [string index $value end] == "\}"} {
        # value is json struct
      } else {
        if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
          # value is json number
        } else {
          set value "\"$value\""
  return $value

proc dict2json {dvals} {
  set result ""
  foreach {name value} $dvals {
    if {$result ne ""} {
      append result ","
    append result "\"$name\":[str2json $value]"
  return "{$result}"

proc list2json {lvals} {
  set result ""
  foreach value $lvals {
    if {$result ne ""} {
      append result ","
    if {[string index $value 0] == "\{"} {
      append result $value
    } else {
      append result [str2json $value]
  return "\[$result\]"

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proc dget {dict item {default ""}} {
  if {[dict exists $dict $item]} {
    return [dict get $dict $item]
  return $default

proc dprint {dict} {
  set max_len 0 
  catch {
    dict for {item value} $dict {
      set max_len [expr max([string length $item], $max_len)]
    dict for {item value} $dict {
      Log [format "%-*s = %s" $max_len $item $value]

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

proc Init {} {
  global oauth_token oauth_expiry refresh_token headers
  package require http
  set ::http::defaultCharset utf-8
  package require json
  package require rc4
  package require tls
  tls::init -tls1 1
  http::register https 443 ::tls::socket

  set headers [dict create User-Agent "TeslaClimateClient/0.1"]
  uplevel #0 { source TeslaClimate.cfg }

  set oauth_token {}
  set oauth_expiry 0
  set refresh_token {}

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proc OAuth {} {
  global oauth_token oauth_expiry headers
  set now [clock seconds]
  if {$oauth_token eq {}} {
    if {[file readable TeslaClimate.oauth]} {
      source TeslaClimate.oauth
  if {$oauth_token eq {} || $now > $oauth_expiry} {
    set queryData [dict create]
    dict set queryData grant_type    password
    dict set queryData client_id     $TESLA_CLIENT_ID
    dict set queryData client_secret $TESLA_CLIENT_SECRET
    dict set queryData email         $EMAIL
    dict set queryData password      [rc4::rc4 -key void [binary format H* $PASSWORD]]

    set url     $URL/oauth/token
    set query   [http::formatQuery {*}$queryData]
    set token   [http::geturl $url -headers $headers -query $query -timeout 120000]
    set status  [http::status $token]
    if {$status eq "ok"} {
      set jsonData [http::data $token]
      if {$jsonData ne {}} {
        set resultDict [json::json2dict $jsonData]
        # Log "resultDict = $resultDict"
        if {[dict exists $resultDict access_token]} {
          set oauth_token   [dict get $resultDict access_token]
          set expires_in    [dict get $resultDict expires_in]
          set created_at    [dict get $resultDict created_at]
          set refresh_token [dict get $resultDict refresh_token]
          set oauth_expiry  [expr {$created_at + $expires_in}]
    http::cleanup $token
    if {$oauth_token ne {}} {
      set fd [open TeslaClimate.oauth w]
      puts $fd [list set oauth_token $oauth_token]
      puts $fd [list set oauth_expiry $oauth_expiry]
      puts $fd [list set refresh_token $refresh_token]
      close $fd
  if {$oauth_token ne {}} {
    Log "Access-Token ok"
    dict set headers Authorization "Bearer $oauth_token"
    return true
  Log "Access-Token nicht vorhanden"
  return false

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proc SendPostRequest {uri {queryData {}}} {
  global URL headers
  Log [string repeat "-" 80]
  set url $URL$uri
  Log "url = $url"
  set query [http::formatQuery {*}$queryData]
  set token [http::geturl $url -method POST -headers $headers -query $query -timeout 120000]
  set status  [http::status $token]
  Log "status = $status"
  set resultDict {}
  if {$status eq "ok"} {
    set jsonData [http::data $token]
    if {$jsonData ne {}} {
      set resultDict [json::json2dict $jsonData]
      # Log "resultDict = $resultDict"
  http::cleanup $token
  return $resultDict

proc SendGetRequest {uri} {
  global URL headers
  Log [string repeat "-" 80]
  set url $URL$uri
  Log "url = $url"
  set token [http::geturl $url -method GET -headers $headers -timeout 120000]
  set status  [http::status $token]
  Log "status = $status"
  set resultDict {}
  if {$status eq "ok"} {
    set jsonData [http::data $token]
    if {$jsonData ne {}} {
      set resultDict [json::json2dict $jsonData]
      # Log "resultDict = $resultDict"
  http::cleanup $token
  return $resultDict

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

proc GetArgs {} {
  global argc argv argv0 opt

  array set opt {
    quick_run false
    dry_run false
  for {set argi 0} {$argi < $argc} {incr argi} {
    set arg [lindex $argv $argi]
    switch -glob -- $arg {
      -h - --help {
        puts "usage: $argv0 \[<options>\]"
        puts " -h, --help    show this help"
        puts " -q, --quick   quick run (shows vehicle data only)"
        puts " -d, --dry     dry run (shows climate data only, wakeup if neccessary)"
        exit 0
      -q - --quick {
        set opt(quick_run) true
      -d - --dry {
        set opt(dry_run) true
      -- {
        # ignore
      -* {
        puts stderr "unknown option $arg"

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

proc DoClimate {} {

  Log ">>> climate start"
  # load OAuth from file or from server:
  if {[OAuth]} {
    # get list of vehicles:
    set data [SendGetRequest /api/1/vehicles]
    set vcnt [dget $data count 0]
    set vlist [dget $data response]
    # for all vehicles in list:
    for {set vidx 0} {$vidx < $vcnt} {incr vidx} {
      # load record of this vehicle:
      set vrec [lindex $vlist $vidx]
      # is this vehicle which I want to climate?
      if {[dget $vrec display_name] eq $NAME} {
        dprint $vrec

        if {$opt(quick_run)} {
          Log ">>> terminating due to quick run"

        # get id and state of this vehicle:
        set vid   [dget $vrec id]
        set state [dget $vrec state]

        set count 0
        while {$state eq "offline" && $count < 30} {
          Log ">>> car is offline, wait a minute ..."
          after 60000
          # read state of this vehicle again:
          set data [SendGetRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid]
          Log "data = $data"
          set vrec [dget $data response]
          dprint $vrec

          # get the state:
          set state [dget $vrec state]
          incr count
        if {$count == 30} {
          Log ">>> climate canceled because of connect errors"

        # wakeup vehicle if neccessary:
        while {$state eq "asleep"} {
          set data [SendPostRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid/wake_up]
          Log "data = $data"
          set crec [dget $data response]
          # dprint $crec
          Log ">>> waiting $WAKEUP_DELAY ms ..."
          after $WAKEUP_DELAY
          # read state of this vehicle again:
          set data [SendGetRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid]
          Log "data = $data"
          set vrec [dget $data response]
          dprint $vrec

          # get the state:
          set state [dget $vrec state]

        # set data [SendGetRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid/vehicle_data]
        # # Log "data = $data"
        # set vrec [dget $data response]
        # dprint $vrec
        # read the climate state:
        set data [SendGetRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid/data_request/climate_state]
        Log "data = $data"
        set crec [dget $data response]
        dprint $crec
        if {$opt(dry_run)} {
          Log ">>> terminating due to dry run"

        # check, if climate is already on:
        set is_climate_on [dget $crec is_climate_on false]
        if {$is_climate_on} {
          Log ">>> climate is already on"
        } else {
          # read temperatures:
          set inside_temp  [dget $crec inside_temp 0]
          set outside_temp [dget $crec outside_temp 0]
          set driver_temp  [dget $crec driver_temp_setting 0]

          # it's cold outside and actual temperature is lower than set temperature
          if {$outside_temp < 15.0 && $inside_temp < $driver_temp} {
            # set heating temperature:
            set params [dict create driver_temp $TEMP passenger_temp $TEMP]
            set data [SendPostRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid/command/set_temps $params]
            Log "data = $data"
            set crec [dget $data response]
            # dprint $crec
            if {[dget $crec result] eq "true"} {
              Log ">>> temperature set to $TEMP °C"

            # switch heating on:
            set data [SendPostRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid/command/auto_conditioning_start {}]
            Log "data = $data"
            set crec [dget $data response]
            # dprint $crec
            if {[dget $crec result]} {
              Log ">>> climate started"

            # read climate state again to show the differences:
            set data [SendGetRequest /api/1/vehicles/$vid/data_request/climate_state]
            # Log "data = $data"
            set crec [dget $data response]
            dprint $crec
          } else {
            Log ">>> not necessary to climate"
    Log ">>> climate finished"
  } else {
    Log ">>> climate error, no authorization"

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DIR=$(dirname $0)

if [ -z "$TIME" ]
  echo "usage: $0 <YYYYmmddHHMM>"
  exit 1

NOW=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
if [ $TIME -le $NOW ]
  echo "error: time is in the past"
  exit 1
if [ $TIME -ge 204001010000 ]
  echo "error: time is too future"
  exit 1

at -q T -t $TIME <<_EOF_
cd $DIR
/usr/bin/tclsh TeslaClimate.tcl
exit 0