TR - This is fun! Since the logs of TkChat are simple Tcl files and can be read as commands, we can use them to calculate some statistics with, so-called TkChatistics. The simplest case would be to look at the number of posts per person for a specified day. The following code does this (assuming the corresponding log file is accessible and in the same dir where the script is run):
proc m {time author msg} { # # reads one line of TkChat log and accumulates author's post count # # time -> a timestamp # author -> author of post # msg -> message posted # # This procedure uses a global array 'count' to collect the data. # Each element in the array has the author as key # and the number of posts as the value. # global count if {$author eq ""} return if {$author eq "ijchain"} { if {[string index $msg 0] eq "*"} return set index [string first > $msg] set author [string range $msg 0 $index] } if {! [info exists count($author)]} { set count($author) 1 } else { incr count($author) 1 } } proc tkChatistics {mode} { # # print statistics # # mode -> the statistics type. Can be # dayCount -> number of posts per person a day # ... -> whatever you come up with! # # This procedure uses the global array 'count' for extracting # the data to print. # global count switch -- $mode { dayCount { set max 0 # convert data to a nested list: foreach item [array names count] { lappend mylist [list $count($item) $item] if {$count($item) > $max} {set max $count($item)} } # scale set scale 5 set fieldWidth [expr {$max/$scale}] foreach item [lsort -index 0 -integer $mylist] { set num [lindex $item 0] set author [lindex $item 1] set stars [string repeat * [expr {$num/$scale}]] puts "[format %${fieldWidth}s $stars] $num $author" } } default {puts "Not implemented. You have to write this yourself ..."} } } ############### main code ############### array unset count source 2008-05-14.tcl tkChatistics dayCount
This is the output:
1 <suchenwi> 1 <tcleval> 1 dkf_Away 1 <CIA-37> 1 <nhalkic> 2 miguel 2 <erider> 3 stever 3 teo 4 rmax 4 <yeeling> 4 <jccampbell> 4 rfoxmich * 6 <Setok> * 6 nem * 6 <NewHandFromCN> * 6 <RockShox> * 6 gerry * 7 <hat1> * 8 jdc ** 10 steveo ** 10 aku ** 10 de ** 11 <hat0> ** 12 gwlester ** 13 Zarutian ** 14 drh *** 15 emiliano *** 17 kostix *** 18 <Intel4004> **** 20 <Phantom-X> **** 23 <aspect> ***** 27 <my007ms> ***** 29 stu ****** 33 GPS ****** 33 jccampbell ****** 34 jenglish ******* 35 <miniK0bo> ******* 37 arjen ******* 38 suchenwi ******* 38 dgp ******** 43 mjanssen ******** 43 colin ********* 45 <gpolo> ********* 47 <Mazzachre> ********* 49 tclguy ********* 49 <peterc> ************* 66 patthoyts *************** 76 dkf_ ***************** 85 dkf ********************** 113 ∆∆ ************************* 126 kbk
Quite interesting distribution. The "<>" around some names indicate, these people have been connected via a bridge and were not using TkChat.
The next step would be to add fetching the logs directly from and doing some more comprehensive statistics, like ...
So, enhance and have fun! (Now back to work ...)
NEM: You could string trim the user names to remove punctuation, as some of the usernames are the same (e.g. I assume dkf and dkf_ are both dkf!)
PT: the bridge actually accumulates statistics as a running total as well. So I get something the following (the numbers are the count of lines posted):
bin/print_stats | head -12 35890 suchenwi 30040 dkf 29849 26165 Colin 22871 mjanssen 21287 kbk 20538 GPS 20397 dgp 19591 stevel 16938 hypnotoad 15757 miguel 14113 patthoyts