aspect - I'm not a big fan of IDEs. Give me Vim and a shell and a REPL, such as Tkcon. To make Tkcon a better IDE I've developed some tools to make working between Tkcon and Vim much nicer. Hopefully others can use and improve these, and contribute their own inventions.
LV 2008 July 16 - what does REPL stand for? AM Read-Evaluate-Print Loop - the basic mode of working for a shell.
This toolkit allows you to start gvim from tkcon, with Tcl variables, arrays and procs, just by typing vi procname. When you save the file in gvim, it is evaluated in the running Tkcon. Suggested for use with the MiniBufExplorer vim plugin.
First, a few dependencies:
WARNING: this performs no authentication so it's really dangerous on any networked system. Any file uploaded to this FTP server will be executed as Tcl code in the running interp!
Call this file nsftpd.tcl.
# TODO: evaluate uploaded code in the appropriate namespace # TODO: return ensembles for namespaces # TODO: user authentication package require ftpd package require schan package provide nsftpd 0.1 namespace eval nsfscmd { proc append {path} { error "Not implemented: append " } proc delete {path channel} { error "Not implemented: delete " } proc dlist {path style channel} { set ns [string map {/ ""} $path] # puts "dlist $path $style $channel (::$ns)" set procs [namespace eval ::$ns {info procs}] set vars [namespace eval ::$ns {info vars}] set dirs [namespace eval ::$ns {namespace children}] foreach i [concat $dirs $vars $procs] { puts -nonewline $channel $i\r\n } } proc exists {path} { return 1 } proc mtime {path channel} { # puts "mtime $path $channel" puts $channel "2008-05-10 21:50" } proc size {path channel} { # puts "size $path $channel" puts $channel "200 1337" } proc permissions {path} { # puts "perms $path" return 0750 } proc rename {path newpath channel} { error "Not implemented: rename " } proc mkdir {path channel} { error "Not implemented: mkdir " } proc rmdir {path channel} { error "Not implemented: rmdir " } proc retr {path mode} { # puts "retr $path $mode" # puts "path $path" set ns [string trim [file dirname $path] /] # puts "ns $ns" set path [string trim $path /] # puts "path $path" set name [string range $path [expr 1+[string length $ns]] end] # puts "name $name" set ns [string map {/ ""} $ns] # puts "ns $ns" set fd [chan create [list read write] schan] fconfigure $fd -buffering none -translation {binary binary} # puts "dumping ${ns}::$name" puts $fd [dump ${ns}::$name] return $fd } proc receive {fd s} { # puts "receive $fd $s" uplevel #0 $s } proc store {path mode} { # puts "store $path $mode" set fd [chan create [list read write] schan] fconfigure $fd -buffering none -translation {binary binary} schan setccb $fd ::nsfscmd::receive return $fd } namespace export * namespace ensemble create } proc true args { return 1 } proc start_nsftpd {port} { ::ftpd::config -authUsrCmd true -authFileCmd true -fsCmd nsfscmd set dir [uplevel 1 namespace current] set dir [string map {:: /::} $dir] set ::ftpd::port $port set ::ftpd::cwd $dir ::ftpd::server }
Finally, proc vim:
# vim.tcl -- # # A little utility for Tkcon to start vim on files, variables, procs, ... package require nsftpd package provide vim 0.2 namespace eval ::vim { proc edfile {fn} { exec gvim --servername TkCon --remote $fn & } proc edtclftp {fn} { exec gvim --servername TkCon --remote ftp://localhost:1337$fn & } proc ed {name} { set tclname [uplevel #0 "namespace which $name"] if {"" == $tclname} { set tclname [uplevel #0 "namespace which -var $name"] } puts "ed $name $tclname" if {"" != $tclname} { edtclftp [string map {:: /} $tclname] } else { edfile $name } } namespace export ed variable port 1337 proc init {} { package require nsftpd variable port puts -nonewline "<*> Starting FTP server on port $port:" uplevel 1 start_nsftpd $port puts " done!" } } interp alias {} vi {} ::vim::ed ::vim::init
jdb 2009/11/12 - I have never been able to get the above version to work completely. My gvim hangs after logging in. I can edit files using ftpd through gvim so it must be something in the nsftpd layer above.
Here is an alternate version, just a slightly modified vfs::ns to allow for writing. One key difference is that the gvim servername is tied to the tkcon pid and the ftpd port is dynamically generated so you can run this in multiple tkcon sessions and each uses it's own gvim session. Same warnings as above, no authentication and evals contents into interp.
package require ftpd package require vfs::ns proc vfs::ns::open {ns name mode permissions} { ::vfs::log "open $name $mode $permissions" # return a list of two elements: # 1. first element is the Tcl channel name which has been opened # 2. second element (optional) is a command to evaluate when # the channel is closed. switch -- $mode { "" - "r" { set nfd [vfs::memchan] fconfigure $nfd -translation binary puts -nonewline $nfd [_generate ::${ns}::${name}] fconfigure $nfd -translation auto seek $nfd 0 return [list $nfd] } "w" { set nfd [vfs::memchan] fconfigure $nfd -translation auto return [list $nfd [list vfs::ns::do_close $nfd $ns $name]] } default { return -code error "illegal access mode \"$mode\"" } } } proc vfs::ns::do_close { nfd ns name } { seek $nfd 0 eval [read $nfd] close $nfd } proc vi { proc_name } { exec gvim --servername TkCon-[pid] --remote ftp://localhost:$::ftpd::port/$proc_name & return } vfs::ns::Mount :: /nsvfs proc do_log { args } { } proc true { args } { return 1 } ftpd::config -authUsrCmd true -authFileCmd true -logCmd do_log set ::ftpd::port 0 set ::ftpd::cwd /nsvfs ftpd::server
2014 Jul 02 Eugene Here's my approach to making some kind of makeshift IDE with TkCon and my text editor of choice - Vim (GVim on Windows to be more precise). I needed a simple, out-of-the-way option to run any Tcl script right from inside the editor, with results displayed in a separate window/console, and the ability to run arbitrary Tcl commands in that console. Vim/TkCon fit this niche nicely. My final solution allows me to run the contents of the current Vim buffer in a dedicated TkCon tab by pressing Ctrl-Enter inside Vim. The tab is "bound" to the buffer (or rather to the script file loaded into the buffer), so the script is always executed within it's own TkCon tab.
TkCon in this case acts as a server listening on some TCP socket, waiting for commands to arrive from external application. Here's my ~/tkcon.cfg file:
# Socket server procedures. proc server chan { if {[chan eof $chan]} { close $chan puts {SRV: remote connection closed} } else { set line [gets $chan] if {$line eq {}} return if {[regexp {^(\w+)\s+(.+)$} $line -> cmd args]} { switch $cmd { src { if {[file readable $args]} { lassign [list [file dirname $args] [file tail $args]] dir_name file_name set hash [::crc::crc32 -format %X $args] if {[info exists ::tkcon::TABS($hash)] && [winfo exists [set tab_name [lindex [split $::tkcon::TABS($hash) |] 0]]]} { ::tkcon::GotoTab $tab_name } else { ::tkcon::NewTab set ::tkcon::TABS($hash) $::tkcon::PRIV(curtab)|$args $::tkcon::PRIV(curtab) tag configure srvcmd -background #BBFFBB $::tkcon::PRIV(statusbar).file_name configure -text $file_name } tkcon show tkcon console insert output "SOURCE $args\n" srvcmd cd $dir_name if {[catch {tkcon load $file_name} err]} { puts stderr "SRV ERR: command {$line} failed with error:\n\t$err" } } else { puts stderr "SRV ERR: file '$args' is not readable." } } } } else { puts stderr "SRV ERR: Unknown command '$line'" } } return } # Version display procedures. proc getver {} { lassign [ list $::tcl_platform(os)\ $::tcl_platform(osVersion) unknown ] os arch if { [ array exists ::activestate::ActiveTcl ] } { lassign [ list $::activestate::ActiveTcl(product)\ $::activestate::ActiveTcl(release) $::activestate::ActiveTcl(arch) ] tcl arch } else { lassign [ list Tcl\ $::tcl_patchLevel $::tcl_platform(machine) ] tcl arch } return "$tcl on $os ($arch)" } proc addver status_bar { grid [label $status_bar.version -text [getver] -foreground darkmagenta -bd 1 -relief sunken -padx 10] -row 0 -column 2 -padx 1 -sticky news grid configure $status_bar.cursor -column 3 } # Start our code. after idle { set status_bar $::tkcon::PRIV(statusbar) addver $status_bar if {[catch { package require crc32 socket -server {apply {{chan addr port} {chan event $chan readable [list server $chan]}}} 8007 } err_msg]} { puts stderr "SRV ERR: couldn't open the server's socket.\n\t$err_msg" } else { set col 2 grid [label $status_bar.file_name -text unknown -foreground darkgreen -bd 1 -relief sunken -padx 10] -row 0 -column $col -padx 1 -sticky news foreach widget {version cursor} {grid configure $status_bar.$widget -column [incr col]} trace add variable ::tkcon::PRIV(curtab) write [list apply {{status_bar n1 n2 op} { upvar $n1 arr set curr_tab $arr($n2) if {[info exists ::tkcon::TABS]} { set data [array get ::tkcon::TABS] set text [expr {[set idx [lsearch -glob $data ${curr_tab}|*]] > -1 ? [file tail [lindex [split [lindex $data $idx] |] end]] : {unknown}}] $status_bar.file_name configure -text $text } }} $status_bar] } unset status_bar }
We will need GVim compiled with Tcl support:
Then the following lines need to be added to ~/.vimrc file:
" Tcl-related code. if has("tcl") tclfile ~/.vimrc.tcl nnoremap <silent> <C-Enter> :tcl tkcon_src $::tkcon_ch<CR> endif
Here's the contents of ~/.vimrc.tcl file:
proc tkcon_connect {} { set ch undefined if {[catch {set ch [socket localhost 8007]} err_msg]} { puts vimerr "Error: couldn't open a connection to TkCon instance, $err_msg" } else { chan configure $ch -buffering line -blocking no } return $ch } proc tkcon_src ch { if {[catch {puts $ch "src [$::vim::current(buffer) name]"} err_msg]} { puts vimerr "Error: couldn't send src command to TkCon, $err_msg" } } foreach sock [chan names sock*] {close $sock} set ::tkcon_ch [tkcon_connect] return
After everything is set and done, pressing Ctrl-Enter in Vim will send the currently loaded file name to TkCon through TCL socket, and TkCon will allocate a new tab for that (or switch to the corresponding tab if it already exists) and source the file there. Here's a couple of screenshots to show what it looks like in real life: