VolPack is a portable software library for volume rendering, written by Philippe Lacroute. The library is based on a new family of fast volume rendering algorithms (see Philippe Lacroute and Marc Levoy , Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transformation, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH94). The library comes with vprender, a demonstration volume rendering application based on the Tcl scripting language, the Tk widget set, and VolPack. The Volpack library and its source code are available for research and commercial use, free of charge, as described at the bottom of this web page.
The library has the following features:
- Renders data sampled on a regular, three-dimensional grid.
- Supports user-specified transfer functions for both opacity and color.
- Provides a shading model with directional light sources, multiple material types with different reflective properties, depth cueing, and shadows.
- Produces color (24 bits/pixel) or grayscale (8 bits/pixel) renderings, with or without an alpha channel.
- Supports arbitrary affine view transformations.
- Supports a flexible data format that allows an arbitrary C structure to be associated with each voxel.
Available at: [L1 ]

- Scanalyze
- an interactive computer graphics application for viewing, editing, aligning, and merging range images to produce dense polygon meshes.

- Volfill
- a program for filling in holes in dense polygon meshes using an algorithm based on volumetric diffusion.

- Vrip
- a package for volumetrically merging a set of range images.
Each makes heavy use of Tcl for interfacing to C/C++ code and GUI.