WISH Color Picker

D. McC: Nov 17 2005 - Three things I don't find satisfactory about tk_chooseColor are (1) it doesn't continuously update the color display as you move the sliders; (2) it only shows you a tiny approximation of what color you will get if you move a slider to an area of the scale, and (3) it doesn't let you select colors by name. Here's some code that, whatever may be its shortcomings, doesn't have these three. Just configure the color-display button (.colo.color) to do what you want (e.g., "puts $color" in the code below); then save it as a file, source the file, and run the "wishcolor" command. In this self-contained version, the color names and components are explicitly included; of course you could modify the code if you really want to refer to "rgb.txt" and use "winfo rgb" and whatnot.

 set colorlist [list \
 {255 250 250 snow} \
 {248 248 255 GhostWhite} \
 {245 245 245 WhiteSmoke} \
 {220 220 220 gainsboro} \
 {255 250 240 FloralWhite} \
 {253 245 230 OldLace} \
 {250 240 230 linen} \
 {250 235 215 AntiqueWhite} \
 {255 239 213 PapayaWhip} \
 {255 235 205 BlanchedAlmond} \
 {255 228 196 bisque} \
 {255 218 185 PeachPuff} \
 {255 222 173 NavajoWhite} \
 {255 228 181 moccasin} \
 {255 248 220 cornsilk} \
 {255 255 240 ivory} \
 {255 250 205 LemonChiffon} \
 {255 245 238 seashell} \
 {240 255 240 honeydew} \
 {245 255 250 MintCream} \
 {240 255 255 azure} \
 {240 248 255 AliceBlue} \
 {230 230 250 lavender} \
 {255 240 245 LavenderBlush} \
 {255 228 225 MistyRose} \
 {255 255 255 white} \
 {0 0 0       black} \
 {47 79 79    DarkSlateGray} \
 {105 105 105 DimGray} \
 {112 128 144 SlateGray} \
 {119 136 153 LightSlateGray} \
 {190 190 190 gray} \
 {211 211 211 LightGray} \
 {25 25 112   MidnightBlue} \
 {0 0 128     NavyBlue} \
 {100 149 237 CornflowerBlue} \
 {72 61 139   DarkSlateBlue} \
 {106 90 205  SlateBlue} \
 {123 104 238 MediumSlateBlue} \
 {132 112 255 LightSlateBlue} \
 {0 0 205     MediumBlue} \
 {65 105 225  RoyalBlue} \
 {0 0 255     blue} \
 {30 144 255  DodgerBlue} \
 {0 191 255   DeepSkyBlue} \
 {135 206 235 SkyBlue} \
 {135 206 250 LightSkyBlue} \
 {70 130 180  SteelBlue} \
 {176 196 222 LightSteelBlue} \
 {173 216 230 LightBlue} \
 {176 224 230 PowderBlue} \
 {175 238 238 PaleTurquoise} \
 {0 206 209   DarkTurquoise} \
 {72 209 204  MediumTurquoise} \
 {64 224 208  turquoise} \
 {0 255 255   cyan} \
 {224 255 255 LightCyan} \
 {95 158 160  CadetBlue} \
 {102 205 170 MediumAquamarine} \
 {127 255 212 aquamarine} \
 {0 100 0     DarkGreen} \
 {85 107 47   DarkOliveGreen} \
 {143 188 143 DarkSeaGreen} \
 {46 139 87   SeaGreen} \
 {60 179 113  MediumSeaGreen} \
 {32 178 170  LightSeaGreen} \
 {152 251 152 PaleGreen} \
 {0 255 127   SpringGreen} \
 {124 252 0   LawnGreen} \
 {0 255 0     green} \
 {127 255 0   chartreuse} \
 {0 250 154   MediumSpringGreen} \
 {173 255 47  GreenYellow} \
 {50 205 50   LimeGreen} \
 {154 205 50  YellowGreen} \
 {34 139 34   ForestGreen} \
 {107 142 35  OliveDrab} \
 {189 183 107 DarkKhaki} \
 {240 230 140 khaki} \
 {238 232 170 PaleGoldenrod} \
 {250 250 210 LightGoldenrodYellow} \
 {255 255 224 LightYellow} \
 {255 255 0   yellow} \
 {255 215 0   gold} \
 {238 221 130 LightGoldenrod} \
 {218 165 32  goldenrod} \
 {184 134 11  DarkGoldenrod} \
 {188 143 143 RosyBrown} \
 {205 92 92   IndianRed} \
 {139 69 19   SaddleBrown} \
 {160 82 45   sienna} \
 {205 133 63  peru} \
 {222 184 135 burlywood} \
 {245 245 220 beige} \
 {245 222 179 wheat} \
 {244 164 96  SandyBrown} \
 {210 180 140 tan} \
 {210 105 30  chocolate} \
 {178 34 34   firebrick} \
 {165 42 42   brown} \
 {233 150 122 DarkSalmon} \
 {250 128 114 salmon} \
 {255 160 122 LightSalmon} \
 {255 165 0   orange} \
 {255 140 0   DarkOrange} \
 {255 127 80  coral} \
 {240 128 128 LightCoral} \
 {255 99 71   tomato} \
 {255 69 0    OrangeRed} \
 {255 0 0     red} \
 {255 105 180 HotPink} \
 {255 20 147  DeepPink} \
 {255 192 203 pink} \
 {255 182 193 LightPink} \
 {219 112 147 PaleVioletRed} \
 {176 48 96   maroon} \
 {199 21 133  MediumVioletRed} \
 {208 32 144  VioletRed} \
 {255 0 255   magenta} \
 {238 130 238 violet} \
 {221 160 221 plum} \
 {218 112 214 orchid} \
 {186 85 211  MediumOrchid} \
 {153 50 204  DarkOrchid} \
 {148 0 211   DarkViolet} \
 {138 43 226  BlueViolet} \
 {160 32 240  purple} \
 {147 112 219 MediumPurple} \
 {216 191 216 thistle} \
 {255 250 250 snow1} \
 {238 233 233 snow2} \
 {205 201 201 snow3} \
 {139 137 137 snow4} \
 {255 245 238 seashell1} \
 {238 229 222 seashell2} \
 {205 197 191 seashell3} \
 {139 134 130 seashell4} \
 {255 239 219 AntiqueWhite1} \
 {238 223 204 AntiqueWhite2} \
 {205 192 176 AntiqueWhite3} \
 {139 131 120 AntiqueWhite4} \
 {255 228 196 bisque1} \
 {238 213 183 bisque2} \
 {205 183 158 bisque3} \
 {139 125 107 bisque4} \
 {255 218 185 PeachPuff1} \
 {238 203 173 PeachPuff2} \
 {205 175 149 PeachPuff3} \
 {139 119 101 PeachPuff4} \
 {255 222 173 NavajoWhite1} \
 {238 207 161 NavajoWhite2} \
 {205 179 139 NavajoWhite3} \
 {139 121 94  NavajoWhite4} \
 {255 250 205 LemonChiffon1} \
 {238 233 191 LemonChiffon2} \
 {205 201 165 LemonChiffon3} \
 {139 137 112 LemonChiffon4} \
 {255 248 220 cornsilk1} \
 {238 232 205 cornsilk2} \
 {205 200 177 cornsilk3} \
 {139 136 120 cornsilk4} \
 {255 255 240 ivory1} \
 {238 238 224 ivory2} \
 {205 205 193 ivory3} \
 {139 139 131 ivory4} \
 {240 255 240 honeydew1} \
 {224 238 224 honeydew2} \
 {193 205 193 honeydew3} \
 {131 139 131 honeydew4} \
 {255 240 245 LavenderBlush1} \
 {238 224 229 LavenderBlush2} \
 {205 193 197 LavenderBlush3} \
 {139 131 134 LavenderBlush4} \
 {255 228 225 MistyRose1} \
 {238 213 210 MistyRose2} \
 {205 183 181 MistyRose3} \
 {139 125 123 MistyRose4} \
 {240 255 255 azure1} \
 {224 238 238 azure2} \
 {193 205 205 azure3} \
 {131 139 139 azure4} \
 {131 111 255 SlateBlue1} \
 {122 103 238 SlateBlue2} \
 {105 89 205  SlateBlue3} \
 {71 60 139   SlateBlue4} \
 {72 118 255  RoyalBlue1} \
 {67 110 238  RoyalBlue2} \
 {58 95 205   RoyalBlue3} \
 {39 64 139   RoyalBlue4} \
 {0 0 255     blue1} \
 {0 0 238     blue2} \
 {0 0 205     blue3} \
 {0 0 139     blue4} \
 {30 144 255  DodgerBlue1} \
 {28 134 238  DodgerBlue2} \
 {24 116 205  DodgerBlue3} \
 {16 78 139   DodgerBlue4} \
 {99 184 255  SteelBlue1} \
 {92 172 238  SteelBlue2} \
 {79 148 205  SteelBlue3} \
 {54 100 139  SteelBlue4} \
 {0 191 255   DeepSkyBlue1} \
 {0 178 238   DeepSkyBlue2} \
 {0 154 205   DeepSkyBlue3} \
 {0 104 139   DeepSkyBlue4} \
 {135 206 255 SkyBlue1} \
 {126 192 238 SkyBlue2} \
 {108 166 205 SkyBlue3} \
 {74 112 139  SkyBlue4} \
 {176 226 255 LightSkyBlue1} \
 {164 211 238 LightSkyBlue2} \
 {141 182 205 LightSkyBlue3} \
 {96 123 139  LightSkyBlue4} \
 {198 226 255 SlateGray1} \
 {185 211 238 SlateGray2} \
 {159 182 205 SlateGray3} \
 {108 123 139 SlateGray4} \
 {202 225 255 LightSteelBlue1} \
 {188 210 238 LightSteelBlue2} \
 {162 181 205 LightSteelBlue3} \
 {110 123 139 LightSteelBlue4} \
 {191 239 255 LightBlue1} \
 {178 223 238 LightBlue2} \
 {154 192 205 LightBlue3} \
 {104 131 139 LightBlue4} \
 {224 255 255 LightCyan1} \
 {209 238 238 LightCyan2} \
 {180 205 205 LightCyan3} \
 {122 139 139 LightCyan4} \
 {187 255 255 PaleTurquoise1} \
 {174 238 238 PaleTurquoise2} \
 {150 205 205 PaleTurquoise3} \
 {102 139 139 PaleTurquoise4} \
 {152 245 255 CadetBlue1} \
 {142 229 238 CadetBlue2} \
 {122 197 205 CadetBlue3} \
 {83 134 139  CadetBlue4} \
 {0 245 255   turquoise1} \
 {0 229 238   turquoise2} \
 {0 197 205   turquoise3} \
 {0 134 139   turquoise4} \
 {0 255 255   cyan1} \
 {0 238 238   cyan2} \
 {0 205 205   cyan3} \
 {0 139 139   cyan4} \
 {151 255 255 DarkSlateGray1} \
 {141 238 238 DarkSlateGray2} \
 {121 205 205 DarkSlateGray3} \
 {82 139 139  DarkSlateGray4} \
 {127 255 212 aquamarine1} \
 {118 238 198 aquamarine2} \
 {102 205 170 aquamarine3} \
 {69 139 116  aquamarine4} \
 {193 255 193 DarkSeaGreen1} \
 {180 238 180 DarkSeaGreen2} \
 {155 205 155 DarkSeaGreen3} \
 {105 139 105 DarkSeaGreen4} \
 {84 255 159  SeaGreen1} \
 {78 238 148  SeaGreen2} \
 {67 205 128  SeaGreen3} \
 {46 139 87   SeaGreen4} \
 {154 255 154 PaleGreen1} \
 {144 238 144 PaleGreen2} \
 {124 205 124 PaleGreen3} \
 {84 139 84   PaleGreen4} \
 {0 255 127   SpringGreen1} \
 {0 238 118   SpringGreen2} \
 {0 205 102   SpringGreen3} \
 {0 139 69    SpringGreen4} \
 {0 255 0     green1} \
 {0 238 0     green2} \
 {0 205 0     green3} \
 {0 139 0     green4} \
 {127 255 0   chartreuse1} \
 {118 238 0   chartreuse2} \
 {102 205 0   chartreuse3} \
 {69 139 0    chartreuse4} \
 {192 255 62  OliveDrab1} \
 {179 238 58  OliveDrab2} \
 {154 205 50  OliveDrab3} \
 {105 139 34  OliveDrab4} \
 {202 255 112 DarkOliveGreen1} \
 {188 238 104 DarkOliveGreen2} \
 {162 205 90  DarkOliveGreen3} \
 {110 139 61  DarkOliveGreen4} \
 {255 246 143 khaki1} \
 {238 230 133 khaki2} \
 {205 198 115 khaki3} \
 {139 134 78  khaki4} \
 {255 236 139 LightGoldenrod1} \
 {238 220 130 LightGoldenrod2} \
 {205 190 112 LightGoldenrod3} \
 {139 129 76  LightGoldenrod4} \
 {255 255 224 LightYellow1} \
 {238 238 209 LightYellow2} \
 {205 205 180 LightYellow3} \
 {139 139 122 LightYellow4} \
 {255 255 0   yellow1} \
 {238 238 0   yellow2} \
 {205 205 0   yellow3} \
 {139 139 0   yellow4} \
 {255 215 0   gold1} \
 {238 201 0   gold2} \
 {205 173 0   gold3} \
 {139 117 0   gold4} \
 {255 193 37  goldenrod1} \
 {238 180 34  goldenrod2} \
 {205 155 29  goldenrod3} \
 {139 105 20  goldenrod4} \
 {255 185 15  DarkGoldenrod1} \
 {238 173 14  DarkGoldenrod2} \
 {205 149 12  DarkGoldenrod3} \
 {139 101 8   DarkGoldenrod4} \
 {255 193 193 RosyBrown1} \
 {238 180 180 RosyBrown2} \
 {205 155 155 RosyBrown3} \
 {139 105 105 RosyBrown4} \
 {255 106 106 IndianRed1} \
 {238 99 99   IndianRed2} \
 {205 85 85   IndianRed3} \
 {139 58 58   IndianRed4} \
 {255 130 71  sienna1} \
 {238 121 66  sienna2} \
 {205 104 57  sienna3} \
 {139 71 38   sienna4} \
 {255 211 155 burlywood1} \
 {238 197 145 burlywood2} \
 {205 170 125 burlywood3} \
 {139 115 85  burlywood4} \
 {255 231 186 wheat1} \
 {238 216 174 wheat2} \
 {205 186 150 wheat3} \
 {139 126 102 wheat4} \
 {255 165 79  tan1} \
 {238 154 73  tan2} \
 {205 133 63  tan3} \
 {139 90 43   tan4} \
 {255 127 36  chocolate1} \
 {238 118 33  chocolate2} \
 {205 102 29  chocolate3} \
 {139 69 19   chocolate4} \
 {255 48 48   firebrick1} \
 {238 44 44   firebrick2} \
 {205 38 38   firebrick3} \
 {139 26 26   firebrick4} \
 {255 64 64   brown1} \
 {238 59 59   brown2} \
 {205 51 51   brown3} \
 {139 35 35   brown4} \
 {255 140 105 salmon1} \
 {238 130 98  salmon2} \
 {205 112 84  salmon3} \
 {139 76 57   salmon4} \
 {255 160 122 LightSalmon1} \
 {238 149 114 LightSalmon2} \
 {205 129 98  LightSalmon3} \
 {139 87 66   LightSalmon4} \
 {255 165 0   orange1} \
 {238 154 0   orange2} \
 {205 133 0   orange3} \
 {139 90 0    orange4} \
 {255 127 0   DarkOrange1} \
 {238 118 0   DarkOrange2} \
 {205 102 0   DarkOrange3} \
 {139 69 0    DarkOrange4} \
 {255 114 86  coral1} \
 {238 106 80  coral2} \
 {205 91 69   coral3} \
 {139 62 47   coral4} \
 {255 99 71   tomato1} \
 {238 92 66   tomato2} \
 {205 79 57   tomato3} \
 {139 54 38   tomato4} \
 {255 69 0    OrangeRed1} \
 {238 64 0    OrangeRed2} \
 {205 55 0    OrangeRed3} \
 {139 37 0    OrangeRed4} \
 {255 0 0     red1} \
 {238 0 0     red2} \
 {205 0 0     red3} \
 {139 0 0     red4} \
 {255 20 147  DeepPink1} \
 {238 18 137  DeepPink2} \
 {205 16 118  DeepPink3} \
 {139 10 80   DeepPink4} \
 {255 110 180 HotPink1} \
 {238 106 167 HotPink2} \
 {205 96 144  HotPink3} \
 {139 58 98   HotPink4} \
 {255 181 197 pink1} \
 {238 169 184 pink2} \
 {205 145 158 pink3} \
 {139 99 108  pink4} \
 {255 174 185 LightPink1} \
 {238 162 173 LightPink2} \
 {205 140 149 LightPink3} \
 {139 95 101  LightPink4} \
 {255 130 171 PaleVioletRed1} \
 {238 121 159 PaleVioletRed2} \
 {205 104 137 PaleVioletRed3} \
 {139 71 93   PaleVioletRed4} \
 {255 52 179  maroon1} \
 {238 48 167  maroon2} \
 {205 41 144  maroon3} \
 {139 28 98   maroon4} \
 {255 62 150  VioletRed1} \
 {238 58 140  VioletRed2} \
 {205 50 120  VioletRed3} \
 {139 34 82   VioletRed4} \
 {255 0 255   magenta1} \
 {238 0 238   magenta2} \
 {205 0 205   magenta3} \
 {139 0 139   magenta4} \
 {255 131 250 orchid1} \
 {238 122 233 orchid2} \
 {205 105 201 orchid3} \
 {139 71 137  orchid4} \
 {255 187 255 plum1} \
 {238 174 238 plum2} \
 {205 150 205 plum3} \
 {139 102 139 plum4} \
 {224 102 255 MediumOrchid1} \
 {209 95 238  MediumOrchid2} \
 {180 82 205  MediumOrchid3} \
 {122 55 139  MediumOrchid4} \
 {191 62 255  DarkOrchid1} \
 {178 58 238  DarkOrchid2} \
 {154 50 205  DarkOrchid3} \
 {104 34 139  DarkOrchid4} \
 {155 48 255  purple1} \
 {145 44 238  purple2} \
 {125 38 205  purple3} \
 {85 26 139   purple4} \
 {171 130 255 MediumPurple1} \
 {159 121 238 MediumPurple2} \
 {137 104 205 MediumPurple3} \
 {93 71 139   MediumPurple4} \
 {255 225 255 thistle1} \
 {238 210 238 thistle2} \
 {205 181 205 thistle3} \
 {139 123 139 thistle4} \
 {169 169 169 DarkGray} \
 {0 0 139     DarkBlue} \
 {0 139 139   DarkCyan} \
 {139 0 139   DarkMagenta} \
 {139 0 0     DarkRed} \
 {144 238 144 LightGreen}]

 set colorlist [lsort -dictionary -index end $colorlist]

 # Procedure for setting up color selection box:
 # RGB Color-setting Scale
 # from Graphical Applications with Tcl and Tk, 2nd edition, Chapter 3
 # by Eric Foster-Johnson
 # modified by David McClamrock
 # Thanks to Ulrich Schöbel for suggesting that I add color names,
 # and for contributing some code!

 proc wishcolor {} {
        # Set variables for red, green, blue, color selected,
        # and hexadecimal code color; set background
        # (number 128 will be midpoint of color scale):
        global red green blue color hex colorlist showname
        toplevel .colo
        wm title .colo "WISH Color Picker"
        tk_setPalette background bisque selectBackground cyan
        set red 255
        set green 204
        set blue 153
        set color ""
        set showname nothing
        set hex black
        grid [label .colo.pick -text "Right-click or double left-click\
                color name (or move sliders)" -bg "#FFF0E4" -pady 4] \
                -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 5 -sticky news

        # Sliding scale to change the amount of red:
        set scaleng 200 ; # Length of scales
        set scalwid 12 ; # Width of scales
        set slidleng 24 ; # Length of sliders
        grid [label .colo.reddo -text "Red : "] \
                -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
        grid [scale .colo.red -from 0 -to 255 -orient horizontal \
                -length $scaleng -width $scalwid -sliderlength $slidleng \
                -variable red -activebackground red -tickinterval 64 \
                -command "modify_color red"] \
                -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky news

        # Same for green and blue:
        grid [label .colo.greeno -text "Green : "] \
                -row 2 -column 0 -sticky news
        grid [scale .colo.green -from 0 -to 255 -orient horizontal \
                -length $scaleng -width $scalwid -sliderlength $slidleng \
                -variable green -activebackground green -tickinterval 64 \
                -command "modify_color green"] \
                -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
        grid [label .colo.bluey -text "Blue : "] \
                -row 3 -column 0 -sticky news
        grid [scale .colo.blue -from 0 -to 255 -orient horizontal \
                -length $scaleng -width $scalwid -sliderlength $slidleng \
                -variable blue -activebackground blue -tickinterval 64 \
                -command "modify_color blue"] \
                -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky news

        foreach scala [list .colo.red .colo.green .colo.blue] {
                bind $scala <ButtonRelease-1> {
                        catch {.colo.list selection clear 0 end}

        # Scrolling listbox for color names:
        grid [listbox .colo.list -bg "#FFFFF0" -width 20] \
                -row 1 -column 3 -rowspan 4 -sticky news
        grid [scrollbar .colo.rolly -width 12 -command ".colo.list yview"] \
                -row 1 -column 4 -rowspan 4 -sticky news
        .colo.list configure -yscrollcommand ".colo.rolly set"
        foreach couleur $colorlist {
                .colo.list insert end [lindex $couleur end]
        .colo.rolly configure -command ".colo.list yview"
        bind .colo.list <Double-Button-1> {
                set item [.colo.list curselection]
                set showname [.colo.list get $item]
                pickname $item
        bind .colo.list <Button-3> {
                .colo.list selection clear 0 end
                set clixel %y
                set clickline [.colo.list nearest $clixel]
                .colo.list selection set $clickline $clickline
                set item [.colo.list curselection]
                set showname [.colo.list get $item]
                pickname $item

        # Labeled button to show the color selected:
        grid [label .colo.pico -text "PICK: "] -row 4 -column 0 -sticky news
        grid [button .colo.color -textvariable color -border 4 -pady 4] \
                -row 4 -column 1 -sticky news
        grid [button .colo.close -text "Close" -command {destroy .colo}] \
                -row 4 -column 2 -sticky news

        # Tell the color-selection button what to do
        # (modify this to fit the purpose at hand):
        .colo.color configure -command {puts $color}

 # Procedure for changing the color selected:
 proc modify_color {which_color value} {
        global color red green blue showname
        switch $which_color {
                red {set red $value}
                green {set green $value}
                blue {set blue $value}
        if {[expr $red + $green + $blue < 480] && \
                [expr $green < 180]} {
                set hex white
        } else {
                set hex black
        if {$color ne $showname} {
                set color [format "#%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X" \
                        $red $green $blue]
        .colo.color configure -background $color \
                -foreground $hex

 # Procedure for getting a color name selection
 # to make the sliders move and the color code change:

 proc pickname {item} {
        global color colorlist red green blue showname
        set listline [lindex $colorlist $item]
        set red [lindex $listline 0]
        modify_color red $red
        set green [lindex $listline 1]
        modify_color green $green
        set blue [lindex $listline 2]
        modify_color blue $blue
        set color $showname
        set showname nothing

 # Test in interactive mode, after saving as "wishcolor.tcl":
 source wishcolor.tcl

RLH 2005-11-17: I would have expected the scrollbar for the colors to be on the right and not the left.

D. McC Nov 18 2005 - Many months ago, if I recall correctly, I tried putting it on the right, and I thought it looked funny because there wasn't a clear enough separation between the listbox (which scrolled) and the scales (which didn't). Today I tried it again, and it looked OK on the right after all, so I changed the code above to put it on the right. Thanks!

TWu 2025-02-26 - Removed an essential space in the last line of code ;-)
As mentioned in other color pickers/selectors, we can get the color values for color names by 'winfo rgb window color', so the list could be more compact and open for future changes.