Purpose: to discuss the various Microsoft Windows specific Tcl commands available.
It's important to distinguish the ones--dde and registry--which are distributed in the standard distribution, from those available only as extensions.
Use this page for those extensions that are exclusively for Windows. Use the Extensions for Tcl and Tk page for things than run on more than one platform.
- TWAPI supports over 450 Win32 API calls on Win2K and later with high level commands for ease of programming.
- CSLU Toolkit which provides speech recognition, natural language understanding, text to speech synthesis, facial animation, and authoring tools. http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/toolkit
- One of several ODBC extensions - odbctcl
- OLE support - http://www.nmis.org/AboutNMIS/Team/KipC/Magenta/contents.html
- Parallel port extension for LPT access; improved new version (10 dec 2004), see also lpttcl
- TAXI - interface between Tcl/Tk and ActiveX - http://sunscript.sun.com/taxi/taxiDoc/taxi.htm
- Michael Schwart's Window extensions (includes printing support, image support, GDI, WMF metafiles, and much more!) - http://www.du.edu/%7Emschwart/tcl-tk.htm
- TclWin native GUI interface - http://www.bgi-sa.com/
- TclWP8 - Interface for WordPerfect8 OLE server - http://r8m70.cybercable.tm.fr/tclwp8.html
- tcom is a COM interface - http://www.vex.net/%7Ecthuang/tcom/
- Ian's tkprint print interface for windows - http://www.cygnus.com/%7Eirox/tkprint/
- Tkwav async audio playback of WAV files, using DirectX - http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Enp2/software/
- Findleton's Window extensions (includes DDE, Winhelp, printing, frame animation, BMP creation, etc.) - http://pages.infinit.net/cclients/
- Sedore's Windows NT extensions to address user addition/deletion, odbc, registry enhancements, etc.
- winico
- winsend is a windows implementation of Tk's send command using COM. Implements a non-blocking interps command. See http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/winsend.html
- wintclsend is an extension to simulate keyboard input - http://users.swing.be/wintclsend/
- There are several ways to manage "Windows shell links".
- winutils is a collection of useful Tcl commands that access some part of the Win32 API
**Needs some TLC from wikignomes to locate new links*
- (broken link) Smbnet [L1 ] provides access to Microsoft SMB network information.
- (broken link) RichText widget [L2 ] is a Tk based reader of RichText files.
- (broken link) Tkwav [L3 ] is a dynamic extension to provide async audio playback using DirectX.
- (broken link) Image [L4 ] provides support on Windows for a range of image processing functions - handles BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF and raw file format. Does not use Tk!
- (broken link) Feather - mutable Tcl object types - http://purl.oclc.org/net/pduffin/home/feather/releases/Feather01.zip
- (broken link) Inout - access to the hardware ports - http://members.xoom.com/Neil_Johnson/inout.zip
- (broken link) Samba extension and other useful extensions - http://zork.net/%7Ephil/projects.html
- (broken link) Interface to INI files, wav playing extension, access to the NT Event log, and many other Windows extensions - http://www.idcomm.com/personal/newnham/ncSoft/
- (broken link) OpTcl, dynamic extension for Windows/OLE - http://www.sys.uea.ac.uk/%7Efuzz/optcl/default.html
- (broken link) OSE C++ extensions - http://www.telstra.com.au/docs/ose/doc/ose-home.html
- (broken link) stdio to tk code (allows tcl/tk apps that use stdin and stdout work on Windows boxes) ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/stdio.tk.gz
- (broken link) TKHiNote, a Notes HiText extension - http://www.electricmemo.com/
- (broken link) "TMCI [L5 ] is an extension for Tcl under windows that allows access to the Media Control Interface (MCI) for Windows."
- (broken link) Topmost forces a toplevel on top of all others on a display - ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/topmost-1.0.tar.gz
- (broken link) Topmost forces a toplevel on top of all others on a display (for tcl8.1 and higher) - ftp://ftp.dcade.de/pub/ml/tcl/packages/topmost20.zip
- (broken link) tcl_messageBox - message box made with the WIN32 API to be used with the tclsh (tcl8.1 and higher) - ftp://ftp.dcade.de/pub/ml/tcl/packages/tcl_messageBox10.zip
- (broken link) shutdown - package to logout, reboot, shutdown the computer (for tcl8.1 and higher) - ftp://ftp.dcade.de/pub/ml/tcl/packages/shutdown10.zip
- (broken link) uuid universally unique identifer extension - http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Enp2/software/
- (broken link) Win32 tcl and tk patches to support dead keys and other fixes - http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/%7Ed1peter/deadkey.zip
- (broken link) winsounds allows recording and playing back sounds using standard windows audio driver - http://members.xoom.com/Neil_Johnson/softproj.html#Tcl