GPS: This is a quick proc I came up with for my Grindweb project, which paints the background of a listbox in alternating colors. lvirden was asking about how to do such a thing (probably from the recent discussion of theme support in Tk). So, here's a toy for everybody.
#Copyright 2003 George Peter Staplin #You may use this under the same terms as Tcl. proc alternate.listbox.colors {listWin colList} { if {![winfo exists $listWin]} { return -code error {invalid window path} } set listWinEnd [$listWin index end] set colCount 0 set colListLength [llength $colList] for {set i 0} {$i < $listWinEnd} {incr i} { $listWin itemconfigure $i -background [lindex $colList $colCount] incr colCount if {$colCount >= $colListLength} { set colCount 0 } } }
Use it like so:
pack [listbox .l] .l insert end Hello World George likes programming sometimes but lately dislikes it alternate.listbox.colors .l [list white peachpuff]