
The Bar Code FAQ has valuable information, and is now available in PDF or as HTML. There are lots of other related barcode whitepapers there too.

The BarCode1 FAQ is an entirely different document.

A valuable tool in barcode work is the "Barcode Server ".

"Lighten your keychain " provides perspective on manipulations feasible with barcodes.

ZZZ is a point-of-sale application coded in Tcl. (Currently returning "Page Not Found" errors)

Archiver is an archival application written in Tcl.

One CueCat decoder is written in Tcl.

"A fully automated high-throughput HPLC-MS system ..." is an academic article which describes a Tcl-coded biochemical system which employs barcodes.

Mads Linden writes, "I don't know if this will help you, but what I did was to download a 3of9 barcode font to my system and then just using that font when sending data to the printer extension from Michael Swartz.

Get the font here: ex.

    gdi text $hdc 50 50 -text "*MYBARCODESTRING*" -font "{3 of 9} 12"

The BarCode DataBase is coded in Perl.

GNU Barcode is a command-line executable.

Harald Oehlmann and kroc are in the barcode business. Harald has provided a Tcl binding for the zint barcode generation library.

RS played with Code 39 generation

And PS did the same for EAN-13 generation

There are "barcode printers" which accept textual Zebra Programming Language (ZPL). Tcl is as good at generating ZPL as any likely competitor.

The "Barcode Writer in Pure Postscript" [L1 ] generates all major one-dimensional symbologies and is open source. Its backend is used by Scribus and KBarcode. A web-based demo is available at .

Silas - 2005.08.18 - I did a little script to figure out the checksum digit of EAN-13 barcodes. See EAN-13 checksum.

barcode generation