MGS [2003/09/20] - Sometimes it is necessary/desirable to bind to a toplevel window. For example, I might want to withdraw a toplevel window, instead of having it iconify, when clicking the minimize button. There are several ways to do this:
1. Bind directly to the window name. e.g.
bind . <Unmap> [list wm withdraw .]
However, the binding will trigger if you decide to unmanage any of the window's child widgets, due to their default binding tags.
2. Bind to the toplevel window's class. e.g.
bind [winfo class .] <Unmap> [list wm withdraw %W]
However, this binding will fire for all windows with the same class as . .
3. Create a new binding tag for the toplevel window and then create the binding to that tag. e.g.
bindtags . [list . bind. [winfo class .] all] bind bind. <Unmap> [list wm withdraw %W]
or more generally:
set W [toplevel .mywin] bindtags $W [linsert [bindtags $W] 1 bind$W] bind bind$W <Unmap> [list wm withdraw %W]
RUJ: Hi, I would like to know ... How to bind a "Leave" command to main toplevel but it should be work on its child widgets also. I want to make popupwindow which will have some entries and labels & this window should destroyed after cursor moved away from window.
MJ - Just destroy the toplevel and all its child widgets are destroyed as well. In the <Leave> event binding make sure you only call the destroy when the toplevel is closed. Leaving a child widget will also call the binding, because the toplevel is in every child widget's bindtags list.
toplevel .l bind .l <Leave> {tlclose %W} proc tlclose {w} {if {$w == [winfo toplevel $w]} {destroy $w}}
RUJ: Thanking you it is working very well. Before that I was trying by,
set destroyScript [list destroy $wa] bind $wa <Enter> [list after cancel $destroyScript] bind $wa <Leave> $destroyScript
MGS: My suggestion, as in point 3 above, would be:
toplevel .l bindtags .l [list . bind.l [winfo class .l] all] bind bind.l <Leave> [list destroy %W]
RUJ: hello MJ, I am trying to use above code for dragging window but it not working. This is the code giving error of expression syntax.
set ::moveable 0 wm overrideredirect $wa 1 bind $wa <ButtonPress> {set ::moveable 1} bind $wa <ButtonRelease> {set ::moveable 0} bind $wa <Motion> {if {!$::moveable} {break}; if {%W == [winfo toplevel %W]} {wm geometry [winfo toplevel %W] +[expr %X-5]+[expr %Y-5]} }
Bryan Oakley says: The first part of the solution is to move all that code to a proc. Unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise you should stick to the rule of thumb "never have more than one command in a binding". It makes writing and maintaining code like this soooo much easier.
Try this:
bind $wa <Motion> [list handleMotionEvent %W %X %Y] proc handleMotionEvent {w x y} { if {! $::moveable} return set top [winfo toplevel $w] if {$w ne $top} return wm geometry $top +[expr {$x-5}]+[expr {$y-5}] }
RUJ: Thanking you. it is working great... I have another problem that how i can drag elements within listbox to change its order or by up-down key. I am using two buttons right now. here is code for moving selected element down.
listbox $top.lis50 \ -background gray -listvariable "" ; button $top.but01 \ -pady 0 -text D1 -bd 1 -command movedown lis50} proc movedown { listp } { variable top ; variable uLimit ; global exist_compNames set seleIndex "" set movecompindex "" set seleIndex [$top.$listp curselection] set seleIndexlen [llength $seleIndex] if {$seleIndex < 0} { mvarproc "You have selected nothing" } elseif {$seleIndexlen == 1} { set movecompindex [lindex $seleIndex end] set movecompname [$top.$listp get $seleIndex ] # tk_messageBox -message "movecompindex=$movecompindex movecompname=$movecompname" set removeindex [expr $movecompindex +1] set removedataname [$top.$listp get $removeindex ] set lenall [$top.$listp size] # set lenlist [expr $lenall -1] # tk_messageBox -message "movecompindex=$removeindex movecompname=$lenlist" if {$removeindex == $lenall} { errorproc "upper limit" } else { $top.$listp delete $removeindex $top.$listp insert $movecompindex $removedataname } } else { set seleIndexEnd [lindex $seleIndex end] set seleIndexStart [lindex $seleIndex 0] set removeIndexL [expr $seleIndexEnd +1] set removeIndexLdata [$top.$listp get $removeIndexL] set lenall [$top.$listp size] if {$removeIndexL == $lenall} { errorproc "lower limit" } else { $top.$listp delete $removeIndexL $top.$listp insert $seleIndexStart $removeIndexLdata # tk_messageBox -message "$seleIndexEnd" } } }
Neil: Hi. I would like to know if there is any way to set the toplevel window to be a Java frame. I need to know this in order to embed Tcl frames withimn a Java UI. Is there any way this can be done.
MGS [2010/05/14]: Have a look at the output from "wish -help", especially the -use option. See also toplevel.
HarishBansal - 2011-07-25 08:33:32
I am using a the below mentioned bind function.
bind . <Unmap> {unmapper %W} proc unmapper { W } { if { [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] && \ [string equal [wm state $W] "iconic"] } { puts "Minimizing $W" } }
Please do let me know what will be the case when this procedure will be called again and again just like in a for loop.
See also: