borg - control and interact with the Android OS. Part of AndroWish.
borgcmd ?arg …?
This command integrates the capabilities of Tcl/Tk with an Android OS by way of several subcommands. These allow Tcl/Tk to go where it has never gone before by querying and controlling Bluetooth functionality, OS notifications (including device vibration and even speach), location information, etc.
Bluetooth-Related Commands
borg bluetoothsubcmd
borg bluetooth devices
Returns a list suited for the "array set" command containing the Bluetooth address and friendly name of all paired Bluetooth devices.
borg bluetooth state
Returns the current Bluetooth state: on or off.
borg bluetooth scanmode
Returns the current Bluetooth scan mode (off, passive, visible, connectable, or on).
borg bluetooth myaddress
Returns the Bluetooth address of the local default Bluetooth adapter.
borg remoteaddress address
Returns the friendly name for the given Bluetooth address.
Network-Related Commands
borg networkinfo
Returns the current state of the network: none, wifi, mobile gsm, etc.
Desktop-Related Commands
borg shortcutsubcmd
borg shortcut addname-of-shortcut script-to-run ?png-icon-as-base-64-string?
Adds an icon to the desktop, with the name-of-shortcut specified. The script, specified as script-to-run must use an absolute path must be readable by the user id under which the AndroWish package has been registered by the Android installer. The last (optional) parameter png-icon-as-base-64-string allows the icon graphic to be specified. If not provided, the AndroWish icon (Aladdin's lamp) is used.
borg shortcut deletename-of-shortcut
Deletes an icon from desktop (depends on Android launcher support).
Notification-Related Commands
borg notification addid title text
Adds a notification with title and text into the Android notification area. The integer id, specified by the caller, is used to identify the notification on deletion.
borg notification delete ?id?
Deletes a notification identified that was created with the id specified. If no id is provided, all notifications are deleted.
borg vibratems
Turns on the vibration motor for integer ms milliseconds.
Gets the Android to read out the string text. Optional parameter lang is the language code for the spoken language, e.g. en, en_US, de, etc. Optional parameters pitch and rate control the voice and speed as float values. For more information, see
borg stopspeak
Stops speech output.
borg isspeaking
Returns true or false depending on state of speech output.
borg endspeak
Stops speech output and releases system resources.
borg toasttext ?flag?
Displays a text notification text for a short period of time. The duration of that display is somewhat longer when flag is specified as true.
borg spinner on|off
Displays or withdraws a spinner (rotating symbol indicating busy state) depending on argument.
Location-Related Commands
borg locationsubcmd
borg location start ?minrate-in-ms? ?min-dist-in-m?
Begins acquiring location data via the Android OS (which may choose to use GPS, network info, etc.).
borg location stop
Ends location data acquisition.
borg location get
Returns the location data (as a dictionary, suitable for array set) where the key is the location source. Location updates trigger a virtual event <<LocationUpdate>> (currently untested) that is sent to all toplevel widgets. These toplevel event-handlers should, in turn, invoke borg location get to refresh their knowledge.
borg activityaction uri type ?categories? ?arguments? ?callback?
This a very flexible command that allows extensive access to the Android OS and other applications. categories and arguments are optional lists. callback is the name of the procedure that is evaluated when the activity action is complete. arguments are key-value pairs where the values are mapped to Java strings by default. If the key is a 2-element list made up of a data type indicator (int, byte, short, char, long, float, double, Uri) followed by the key, the value is converted to that data type. See below for some examples of this command. (?? categories argument ??)
borg activity Examples
Sample code to open a browser on this wiki:
borg activity android.intent.action.VIEW
Sample code to capture an image (only makes thumbnails - there are resizing problems):
proc callback {retcode action uri mimetype categories data} {
if {$retcode == -1} {
array set result $data
if {[info exists result(data)]} {
myphoto configure -data $result(data)
package require Img
image create photo myphoto
borg activity {} {} {} {} callback
Sample code to capture an image, which works better but requires a file on external storage:
proc barcode_read {code action uri type cat data} {
array set result $data
if {[info exists result(SCAN_RESULT)]} {
# that is the barcode
# result(SCAN_RESULT_FORMAT) is the barcode format
borg activity {} {} {} {} barcode_read
Open phone application with given number
borg activity android.intent.action.DIAL tel:12345 {}