This is a pure-Tcl replacement for Tcl-DP. It was originally developed by Steve Wahl, as part of the Eolas Spynergy Toolkit.
dp_RPC.tcl is released under the BSD license, so reuse/modify it freely, as long as the original copyright notice is included.
To incorporate it into your own application, all you have to do is source the single file, and then start using the commands.
The command documentation can be viewed at
For archived copies see: [L1 ][L2 ]
Here is an example. The server side:
# server.tcl source dp_RPC.tcl set foo "" proc hello { } { return "Hello world!" } dp_MakeRPCServer 5454 vwait foo
And the client side:
# client.tcl source dp_RPC.tcl set sock [dp_MakeRPCClient localhost 5454] puts stdout [dp_RPC $sock hello] dp_CloseRPC $sock
Other example client and server applications can be seen at rpc-DB.
For another pure Tcl implementation of TclDp, see DpTcl at