Purpose: a few wise words written after vandals hit one of the technical pages on the wiki...
RS: Luckily, there are not many fools around this place. Most people act sensibly, read what they're interested in, comment, or discuss. You're right that vandalism may be a problem (as you yourself demonstrated), but this is like a bulletin board - vandals with a pen in hand could scribble all kind of nonsense on a "real" bulletin board as well. But is that a reason not to put up bulletin boards any more? I have a feeling that the "good guys" are still stronger than the vandals...
AK: Yep, I believe so too. And here is the original content of the page, freshly restored from something called backup.
JCW: Shops have windows. One could throw a brick at them. Perhaps doing so is fun. Still, I prefer creative stuff. And that's what this wiki is about :)