Templating system for Tcl in Emacs Bezor - updated with some new templates 11/15/2007
Snippet.el from various sources will have you quickly removing the drudgery out of the common chores you have to do when writing Tcl scripts. Let's face it; a lot of things that you write in scripts are repetitive, and this is where a templating system comes in handy.
#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec /opt/usr/bin/tclsh8.5 "$0" ${1+"$@"}
(snippet-with-abbrev-table 'tcl-mode-abbrev-table ("<YOUR MACRO NAME HERE" . " <YOUR MACRO HERE>")
Enjoy. I Bezoar would like to see other emacsen add their own templates and improvements!
dcd Works now. I'll play with it; thanks!
(load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/snippet.el" ) ) (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it! ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. '(abbrev-mode t) '(save-abbrevs t) '(snippet-exit-identifier "~.") '(snippet-field-identifier "~~")) (defun inside-comment-p (&optional on) "Is the point inside a comment? Optional ON means to also count being on a comment start." ;; Note: this only handles single-character commenting, as in lisp. (or (and on (looking-at "\\s<")) (save-excursion (skip-syntax-backward "^><") (and (not (bobp)) (eq (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\<)))))
; this is not necessary for snippet but helps keep common misspellings down
(define-abbrev-table 'text-mode-abbrev-table '( ("teh" "the" nil 6) ("fo" "of" nil 4) ("taht" "that" nil 3) ("alos" "also" nil 0) ("ign" "ing" nil 2) ("adn" "and" nil 1) )) ; make sure the abrev table exists (define-abbrev-table 'tcl-mode-abbrev-table '( ("teh" "the" nil 6) )) (add-hook 'pre-abbrev-expand-hook (lambda () (setq local-abbrev-table (if (inside-comment-p) text-mode-abbrev-table))) nil t) (snippet-with-abbrev-table 'tcl-mode-abbrev-table ("forf" . "for { set ~~{variable} 0 } { $~~{variable} < ~~{limit} } {incr ~~{variable} } { ~. }") ("reqf" . "if { [ catch {package require ~~{package} } err ] != 0 } { $>puts stderr \"Unable to find package ~~{package} ... adjust your auto_path!\"; } ~.") ("choicef" . "[expr {( ~~{boolean} ) ? ~~{iftrue} : ~~{iffalse} } ] ~." ) ("ifstreq" . "if { [ string equal ~~{str1} ~~{str2} ] } { ~. }") ("openfile" . "$>set fname ~~{fname} $>if { [catch {open $fname ~~{r} ~~{0666} } err ] != 0 } { $> error \"Unable to open $fname because $err\" $>}") ("whilef" . "while { ~~{True} } { $>~. }") ("iff" . "if { ~~{True} } { $>~. } ") ("execf" . "if { [ catch { exec ~~{program} } ~~{buffer} ] != 0 } { $>error \"Unable to execute ~~{program} : $~~{buffer}\" } else { $>~. }") ("tryf" . "try { $>~. } catch { $>puts \"$errorResult\\n$errorInfo\" }") ("scriptstart" . "#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \\ exec /opt/usr/bin/tclsh8.5 \"$0\" ${1+\"$@\"} ~." ) ("cmdlinef" . "package require cmdline; package require log global usage options set options { $>{~~{flag} \"~~{flag_description}\"} $>{~~{opt}.arg ~~{defaultValue} \"~~{option_description}\"} $>{ v \"verbose\" } $>{ vv \"double verbose\" } $>{ vvv \"debug level verboseness\" } } } $> set usage \": $argv0 \\[options\\] ...\\noptions:\" $> array set params [::cmdline::getoptions argv $options $usage] foreach level [ log::levels ] { log::lvSuppress $level 1 } if { $params(v) } { $> foreach level { notice warning error } { $> log::lvSuppress $level 0 $> } } elseif { $params(vv) } { $> foreach level { notice info warning error } { $> log::lvSuppress $level 0 $> } } elseif { $params(vvv) } { $> foreach level { notice info debug warning error } { $> log::lvSuppress $level 0 $> } } else { $> foreach level { warning error } { $> log::lvSuppress $level 0 $> } } proc logproc { level message } { log::Puts $level \"[clock format [clock seconds] -format \"%D %T\"] - $message\" } log::lvCmdForall logproc log::lvChannelForall stdout # adjust your cmd flags and args here $> if { $params(~~{flag}) } { $>~. } ") ("procf" . "#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProcName: ~~{myproc} # Description: ~~{description} # Arglist : ~~{arglist} # Globals : ~~{globals} # namespace: ~~{namespace} # returns: ~~{ 1 on success, 0 on failure} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ~~{namespace}::~~{myproc} { ~~{arglist} } { $>global ~~{globals} ; # delete me if no globals $>set retval 1 ~. $>return $retval; }" ) ("objcommand" . "package provide ~~{name} ~~{version} ################################################################# # Command : ~~{name} ~~{version} # SubCommands: ~~{command} ~~{add more here} # Description: ~~{description} ################################################################# namespace eval ~~{name} { # counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed trees variable counter 0 namespace export ~~{name} ~~{command} ~~{add more here} } ################################################################## # Constructor: # Description: Create a new ~~{name} with a given name. If no name # is given, use ~~{name}X, where X is a number. # Arguments: # ?name? Optional name of the ~~{name}. If not given or \"\" # then generate one. # # Results: # name Name of the ~~{name} created ################################################################## proc ~~{name}::~~{name} {args} { variable counter # add additional switches if you wish to add more args to the constructor switch -exact -- [llength [info level 0]] { 1 { # Standard call. New empty ~~{name}. incr counter set name \"~~{name}${counter}\" } 2 { # Standard call. New empty ~~{name} with user provided name set name [lindex $args 0 ] incr counter } default { # Error. return -code error \ \"wrong # args: should be \\\"~~{name} ?name?\\\"\" } } # FIRST, qualify the name. if {![string match \"::*\" $name]} { # Get caller's namespace append :: if not global namespace. set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current] if {\"::\" != $ns} { append ns \"::\" } set name \"$ns$name\" } if {[llength [info commands $name]]} { return -code error \ \"command \\\"$name\\\" already exists, unable to create ~~{name}\" } # Set up the namespace for the object, # identical to the object command. Note if you construct with more than # a user provided name you will need to add the values to the internal # array. eval \"namespace eval $name \{ \ variable internal \ array set internal {} \ \}\" # Create the command to manipulate the ~~{name} interp alias {} ::$name {} ~~{name}::~~{name}Proc $name # Give object to caller for use. return $name } ########################## # Private functions follow # # ~~{name}::~~{name}Proc -- # # Command that processes all ~~{name} object commands. # # Arguments: # name Name of the ~~{name} object to manipulate. # cmd Subcommand to invoke. # args Arguments for subcommand. # # Results: # Varies based on command to perform proc ~~{name}::~~{name}Proc {name {cmd \"\" } args} { # Do minimal args checks here if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } { return -code error \"wrong \# args: should be \\\"$name subcommand \?arg arg \?\\\"\" } # Split the args into command and args components set sub _$cmd if { [llength [info commands ::~~{name}::$sub]] == 0 } { set optlist [lsort [info commands ~~{name}::_*]] set xlist {} foreach p $optlist { set p [namespace tail $p] lappend xlist [string range $p 1 end] } set optlist [linsert [join $xlist \", \"] \"end-1\" \"or\"] return -code error \ \"bad option \\\"$cmd\\\": must be $optlist\" } set code [catch {uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ~~{name}::$sub $name]} result] switch -exact -- $code { 1 { return -errorinfo [ErrorInfoAsCaller uplevel $sub] \ -errorcode $::errorCode -code error $result } 2 { return -code $code $result } } return $result } proc ~~{name}::ErrorInfoAsCaller {find replace} { $>set info $::errorInfo $>set i [string last \"\\n (\\\"$find\" $info] $>if {$i == -1} {return $info} $>set result [string range $info 0 [incr i 6]] $>$>append result $replace $>incr i [string length $find] $>set j [string first ) $info [incr i]] $>append result [string range $info $i $j] $>return $result } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProcName: ~~{command} # Syntax : objname ~~{command} ~~{arglist} # Description: ~~{description} # Arglist : ~~{arglist} # Globals : ~~{globals} # namespace: ~~{name} # variables: internalState ~~{variables} # returns: ~~{ 1 on success, 0 on failure} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ~~{name}::_~~{command} {name ~~{arglist} } { # do not remove name from args it must be there global ~~{globals} ; # delete me if no globals variable internalState ; # use this array to hold data between invocations variable ~~{variables} ; set retval 1 # add code here ~. return $retval; }") ("subprocf" . "#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProcName: ~~{command} # Syntax : objname ~~{command} ~~{arglist} # Description: ~~{description} # Arglist : ~~{arglist} # Globals : ~~{globals} # namespace: ~~{name} # variables: internalState ~~{variables} # returns: ~~{ 1 on success, 0 on failure} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ~~{name}::_~~{command} {name ~~{arglist} } { # do not remove name from args it must be there global ~~{globals} ; # delete me if no globals variable internalState ; # use this array to hold data between invocations variable ~~{variables} ; set retval 1 # add code here ~. return $retval; }" ) ("catchf" . "catch {~.} err") ("ifcatch" . "if { [ catch {~.} err ] !=0 } { } else { }") ("exprf" . "[expr {~.}]") ("runf" . "[~.]") ("slen" . "[string length ~~{first} ] ~.") ("seq" . "[string equal ~~{first} ~~{second} ] ~.") ("sfirst" . "[string first ~~{searchfor} ~~{inthisstring} ~~{?startindex?} ] ~." ) ("sidx" . "[string index ~~{string} ~~{index}] ~.") ("getsetf" . " $>variable {} $>array set {} ~~{array value list} $>proc _get { name } { $> variable {} $> if { [ info exists ($name) ] } { return $name } $> return \"\"; $>} $>proc _set { name value } { $> variable {} $> ::set ($name) $value $>} $>foreach name [ array names {} ] { $> eval \" proc set$name \\{ value \\} \\{ $> _set $name \$value $> \\} $> proc get$name \\{ \\} \\{ $> return [_get $name ] $> \\}\" $>}") ("ifelse" . "if { ~~{arg} } { } else { }" ) ( "help" . "# ------------------ Emacs snippets for tcl ----- #----------------------------------------- #toplevel templates #----------------------------------------- # procf - documentation and proc header line with namespace support # cmdlinef - create option processing for commandline # scriptstart - Start code for script file # req - package require xxx # objcmd - create an object command package # subprocf - like procf but speciallized for objcmd #----------------------------------------- # Code level Templates #----------------------------------------- # execf - exec with error catching # expectf - full expect loop # forf - forloop with body # ifstreq - if { [ string equal XX YY ] } # ifelse - if { } { } else { } # openfile - open file with catch # ifcatch - if with catch block # catchf - catch # iff - same as if but with complete body # choicef - expr (bool) ? iftrue : iffalse # getsetf - use {} array to store variables in namespace # provides getters and setters. # run - [ ] # seq - [string equal XX YY ] # slen - [string first XXX YYYY ] # sfirst - [string first XXX YYYY start at ] # sidx - [string index XXX num ] # tryf - Tclx try/catch complete with body # whilef - while { XXX } { } \#------------------------------------------------------------" ) ("expectf" . "set ~~{spawn_id} $spawn_id; set bad 0; set done 0; exp_internal 0; \# set to one for extensive debug log_user 0; \# set to one to watch action expect { $>-i $~~{spawn_id} $>-re {~.} { $> exp_continue; $> } $>timeout { $> puts \"timeout\" $> set bad 1 $>} $>fullbuffer { $> puts \" buffer is full\" $> exp_continue; $>} $>eof { $> puts \"Eof detected \" $> set done 1 ; $>} } set exitstatus [ exp_wait -i $~~{spawn_id} ]; catch { exp_close -i $~~{spawn_id} }; ") )