The expagog stands for "experimenter pedagogue, experimenting in good".
The name expagog may be interpreted in different ways, but there is certainly a pedagogical component in it.
Ah, pedagogy! How boring it is, Sasha, give us something more interesting!
And here is an interesting thing for pedagogy - experiment and adventure in the expagog style.
Well, the passion for adventure is adventurism, Sasha! The whole world is affected by this today, and a few uncles in particular.
And here you have a bridle for adventures - expagog. To reduce the letters and pathos, we will shorten this name to EG.
Adventures are different. For example, Christians are currently in Lent (March 2025) and EG is perfect for the adventure called fasting. The whole point of EG is that this pedagogy should not be lean and boring, but interesting, although not without rigor as pedagogy assumes.
It's adventure with sense - that's what EG is. I've finally found a passable definition for this program.
Due to some implementation details which is discussed below, EG is aimed at good - good enterprises and adventures. Besides, evil is interesting only in theory, but in practice it is contrary to human nature, and if you look at evil closely, it will turn out to be sheer tediousness and depressing stupidity. The devil is primarily stupid and interesting only to fools with his stupid "details".
Aren't you mocking, Sasha? Will you be giving us sermons soon? It smacks of a sect.
Yes, there is a possibility of turning this simple expagog program into some kind of sectarianism. However, believe me, this was not built into EG initially, it is not there now and, hopefully, it will never be.
If we really get off the ground, then EG is not a new religion, but rather a tool for maintaining one's religiosity, in the way every thinking person understands it. Christians understand it in their own way, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews etc. - in their own way, but at the root of every religion lies the basic do not offend anyone, do not act dishonestly.
Technically, EG is similar to a school teacher. And as we all remember, we had different teachers. It was interesting with some, not so much with others, and with others, whatever lesson, it was an adventure for brains. And this is despite the fact that no one canceled the marks for the lessons learned. Didn't you learn it? Sit down, poor!
But even not very skilled teachers, by virtue of their profession, force us to do good. EG can be used in a similar way - sometimes skillfully, sometimes not so much, but always in the direction of good. And no sectarianism! What kind of sectarianism is there at school?
The main goal of EG is to direct human activity to experiment and adventure, in a broad sense and in the context of goodness.
Therefore, EG makes life not only interesting, but also
This means that one avoids bad deeds and stupid behavior, whereas good deeds definitely await one thanks to the motives and encouragement from EG.
Details are below.
Demo video:
John Steinbeck ("The Leader of the People"):
In boats I might, sir." "No place to go, Jody. Every place is taken. But that's not the worst - no, not the worst. Westering has died out of the people. Westering isn't a hunger any more. It's all done. Your father is right. It is finished.
Anton Chekhov ("Gooseberries"):
Every happy man should have someone with a little hammer at his door to knock and remind him that there are unhappy people, and that, however happy he may be, life will sooner or later show its claws, and some misfortune will befall him—illness, poverty, loss, and then no one will see or hear him, just as he now neither sees nor hears others. But there is no man with a hammer, and the happy go on living, just a little fluttered with the petty cares of every day, like an aspen-tree in the wind—and everything is all right.
expagog might become kind of someone with a little hammer to call a person to westering. Or to eastering if the person prefers that way.