Command for working with Tk fonts, whether named or literal (“unnamed”).
Has these subcommands:
LV What resources are used to determine what fonts are reported by fonts families? Are they hard coded? [Later] Apparently not. From looking at Tk source code, the determination of fonts available is (window) system specific. For unix, there are two possible routes taken, depending on whether the FreeType support was configured into the system.
If you want background details on what a font really is, see Introduction to Fonts.
The way I understand the above doc and various writing on the subject, the font command is a way to abstract out font information. You create a font object that then can be used with your various widgets. By manipulating the font object, you can influence the fonts used in all widgets using that font object.
Does anyone have some sample code that uses the Tk option command and font objects to set various widgets?
How does one deal with language issues along with fonts - so that the user can change languages, and the appropriate fonts are used?
Are there color objects as well?
This command encapsulates a huge amount of knowledge that's difficult to locate otherwise. The newsgroup thread [L1 ] explains several key points about practices under Microsoft Windows that we'll eventually transcribe here.
Here's how to change a font to italic without having to specify it in full (e.g. if you otherwise want to use the default settings):
button .b ;# as guinea pig for testing array set attributes [font actual [.b cget -font]] set attributes(-slant) italic set font [eval font create [array get attributes]] .b configure -font $font
Found by Pat Thoyts in the Tcl chatroom. I think you can even bypass the "font create" bit and directly say
.b configure -font [array get attributes] ;# RS
KPV I think you can actually do this in one line:
$w configure -font "[font actual [$w cget -font]] -slant italic"
A frequently-asked question: how do I specify a default menu (for example) font? The answer: use the option database, as in
option add *Menu.font $my_preferred_font
MG April 23rd 2004 - A little script that shows an example on all the fonts installed on the computer, in a Tk text widget. Move the mouse over a font to see it's name at the bottom, and click with Button-1 to see an example of the font in bold/italic/underline. Tested in Tcl/Tk 8.4 on Win XP only, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work elsewhere...
package require Tk set typeThis "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." entry .l -textvariable typeThis -width 30 pack .l button .go -command "go" -text "Go!" -width 6 -underline 0 bind . <Return> {go} bind . <Alt-g> {go} pack .go proc go {} { global typeThis fontOver bind . <Alt-g> {} bind . <Return> {} destroy .l destroy .go frame .t pack .t -expand 1 -fill both text .t.t -yscrollcommand { set} -undo 1 pack .t.t -side left -expand 1 -fill both scrollbar -command {.t.t yview} pack -side right -fill y label .l -textvariable ::fontOver set fontOver "Loading Fonts. Please Wait..." pack .l frame .demo pack .demo label .demo.d1 -text "Click a font for a demo" pack .demo.d1 -side left label .demo.d2 pack .demo.d2 -side left label .demo.d3 pack .demo.d3 -side left label .demo.d4 pack .demo.d4 -side left update set i 0 foreach x [lsort [font families]] { .t.t tag configure tag$i -font [list $x 12 {}] .t.t insert end "$typeThis\n" tag$i .t.t tag bind tag$i <Enter> "set ::fontOver [list $x]" .t.t tag bind tag$i <ButtonPress-1> "demoOf [list $x]" .t.t tag bind tag$i <Leave> {set ::fontOver ""} incr i } set fontOver "" };# go proc demoOf {x} { .demo.d1 configure -text "Font: $x" .demo.d2 configure -text "In Bold..." -font [list $x 12 bold] .demo.d3 configure -text "In Italics..." -font [list $x 12 italic] .demo.d4 configure -text "In Underline..." -font [list $x 12 underline] };# demoOf
Observations on the names of fonts appear here [L2 ]. [Is there a better place for this reference?]