how do people produce the PocketPC screenshots

RS uses Magic SS [L1 ] which is only 8K executable, but produces 276KB .bmp output (so best delete soon) - associated with a hardware button, its operation is pretty nice. I then typically load the mirrored copy (docked) of the .bmp into an image editor and convert it to JPEG there.

gg also now uses Magic SS, but does not delete the files afterwards and instead converts them to a smaller images format using XnView Pocket [L2 ].

MPJ uses CaptCe with a little tclsh script to snap a picture and copy it off his PocketPC. First get the correct version of CaptCe for SH3[L3 ], ARM[L4 ], MIPS[L5 ]. Put the file captce.exe into the root of your PocketPC. You will also need ceexec, cecopy, cedel from Rainer's site [L6 ]. Then use the script below to take a picture, copy it to your desktop and display it. I later than change from a bmp to a jpg with a image editor.

 ## copy screen - put the correct version of captce (ARM,MIPS,SH3) in the root of your pocketpc

 exec ceexec /captce.exe
 ## wait for picture to be taken (beeps a couple of times)
 after 1000
 ## get picture
 set fnd_name {}
 set count 0
 foreach name [split [exec cedir.exe .] \n] {
   if {[file extension $name] == ".BMP"} {
      set fnd_name $name
 if {$fnd_name == ""} {exit}
 puts "Found file: $fnd_name"
 exec cecopy ce:/$fnd_name pc:.
 puts "Copy file from pocketpc to desktop" 
 exec cedel $fnd_name
 puts "deleting file on pocketpc"
 eval exec [auto_execok start] $fnd_name &

HZe: also nice: a remote display of the PocketPC screen on the windows desktop:[L7 ]. The download page says it's for english windows desktops only. I tried it on my german windows, and it worked. But you have to start a kind of server on the PocketPC and the client on the windows desktop. Using this tool, a screenshot can be created on the windows desktop easily.

HZe: and another one, which captures the screen from the windows desktop when the PocketPC is connected: [L8 ]