itcl in Javascript Paper

Itcl in Javascript

An implementation of Tcl/Itcl using Javascript.

A paper for the Eighteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2011)


Incr Tcl in Javascript (also called: itcl in Javascript) is a work in progress, which started about February 2011. It's intention is to extend the existing Tcl in Javascript an interpreter for the Tcl language written in Javascript with a lot of additional features and commands as well as an implementation of itcl in Javascript. During implementation there was the need for optimizing parsing and evaluation of Tcl statements, which resulted in a partial parsing strategy.

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 1

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 2

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 3

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 4

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 5

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 6

itcl in Javascript Paper Chapter 7