
wdb Proposal for lfiter which fits harmonical to other built-in list procedures (lsearch, lsort, lmap, etc.) Takes as arguments optional switch -indices to deliver indices instead of elements. Takes then list to filter, then lambda term which contains formal variable and lambda body.


 % set l {4 3 99 5 20 2 11}
 4 3 99 5 20 2 11
 % lfilter $l {x {expr {$x % 2 == 0}}}
 4 20 2


# lfilter ?-indices? list lambda

proc lfilter args {
  if {[llength $args] == 3} then {
    lassign $args opt li lambda
    if {$opt eq "-indices"} then {
      set indices true
    } else {
      return -code error [list only -indices but not $opt allowed]
  } else {
    lassign $args li lambda
    set indices false
  set result {}
  set i 0
  foreach el $li {
    if {[apply $lambda $el]} then {
      if {$indices} then {
        lappend result $i
      } else {
        lappend result $el
    incr i
  set result