dbohdan 2017-08-23: now is a little date and time calculator utility for the command line. It leverages Tcl's clock add for date arithmetic.
Download with wiki-reaper: wiki-reaper -x 48963 1 | tee now.tcl
$ now Wed Aug 23 19:46:15 DST 2017 $ now -3491 days Fri Feb 01 19:46:37 STD 2008 $ now -timezone :UTC -9 years -6 months -22 days +5 hours 5 minutes Fri Feb 01 22:54:59 UTC 2008
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh # now - a command-line interface to Tcl clock arithmetic. # Copyright (c) 2017-2018, 2021, 2024 D. Bohdan. # License: MIT. package require Tcl 8.6 9 variable version 1.1.0 proc usage channel { puts $channel [format \ {usage: %s [-h] [-v] [-format fmt] [-gmt 0/1] [-locale loc]\ [-timezone tz] [count unit ...]} \ [file tail [info script]] \ ] } # Parse the command line options. Give an informative message on error. proc parse opts { set formatOpts {} while { [llength $opts] > 0 && ![string is integer -strict [lindex $opts 0]] } { set opts [lassign $opts k v] switch -exact -- $k { -h - -help - --help { return -code 1 -errorcode {PARSE USAGE} } -v - -version - --version { return -code 1 -errorcode {PARSE VERSION} } -format - -gmt - -locale - -timezone { lappend formatOpts $k $v } default { return -code 1 -errorcode {PARSE UNKNOWN_OPTION} \ "unknown option \"$k\"" } } } set delta {} foreach {count unit} $opts { set units { y year m month d day h hour min minute s second } if {![string is integer -strict $count]} { return -code 1 "expected integer count, but got \"$count\"" } set unit [string tolower $unit] # Strip "s" at the end, but only if $unit isn't just "s". regexp ^(.+?)s?$ $unit _ unit # Expand abbreviations. if {[dict exists $units $unit]} { set unit [dict get $units $unit] } if {$unit eq {}} { error "no unit given for count $count" } elseif {$unit ni [dict values $units]} { error [format \ {unknown unit "%s", must be "year" ("y"),\ "month" ("m"), "day" ("d"), "hour" ("h"),\ "minute" ("min"), or "second" ("s") with an optional\ suffix "-s"} \ $unit \ ] } lappend delta $count $unit } return [list $formatOpts $delta] } # Output the date and time. try { lassign [parse $argv] formatOpts delta puts [clock format [clock add [clock seconds] {*}$delta] {*}$formatOpts] } on error {res errOpts} { set ec [dict get $errOpts -errorcode] if {$ec eq {PARSE USAGE}} { usage stdout exit 0 } elseif {$ec eq {PARSE VERSION}} { puts $version exit 0 } else { if {$ec eq {PARSE UNKNOWN_OPTION}} { usage stderr } puts stderr "error: $res" exit 2 } }