This is common problem when using tcl/tk in windows machines. When a file is open with the tk_getOpenFile and it has spaces in the name , tcl/Tk does no recognize them.
This is an example of the code
set types { {{Text Files} {.txt} } {{TCL Scripts} {.tcl} } } set fileName [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$fileName != ""} { # Open the file ... puts $fileName }
what is the best solution to solve this problem ?
MG 3/12/18 Tcl has no issue with paths with spaces; your example above certainly doesn't show one. Running this and selecting a file with a space in its name from the dialog gives me exactly what I'd expect, outputting the path name (for instance, "C:/Users/Mike/Desktop/Foo Bar Baz.txt") in the console. You may need to give a more complete example or explain your issue in more detail.