Additionally, there is an issue when a key or value consists of multiple words.
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh #tbltreedict.tcl # 20240825 # tablelist as tree # tbl::dict2tbltree $tbl root $data # set data [tbl::tbltree2dict $tbl root] # needs dict isdict from dicttool namespace eval tbl { # Function to check whether the first elements of the lists are equal # use in proc dict2tbltree proc checkFirstElementsEqual {listOfLists} { if {[llength $listOfLists] < "2"} { return 0 } set firstElement "" foreach sublist $listOfLists { if {[string is list $sublist]} { lassign $sublist first _ } else { set first $sublist } if {$firstElement eq ""} { set firstElement $first } elseif {$firstElement ne $first} { return 0 } } return 1 } # Function to recursively convert a tree into a dictionary # dict with same keys proc tbltree2dict {tbl node} { set result {} # Get the children of the current node set children [$tbl childkeys $node] foreach child $children { # Get the text (key and value) of the current child set item [$tbl rowcget $child -text] set key [lindex $item 0] set value [lindex $item 1] # Check if the child itself has children if {[$tbl childcount $child] > 0} { set childDict [tbltree2dict $tbl $child] dict set result $key $childDict } else { if {[dict is_dict $result]} { # a dict with same keys if {[dict exists $result $key]} { set dicttmp [list [list $key [dict get $result $key]]] lappend dicttmp [list $key $value] set result $dicttmp } elseif {[checkFirstElementsEqual $result]} { lappend result [list $key $value] } else { dict set result $key $value } } } } return $result } proc dict2tbltree {widget parent dict} { if {[dict is_dict $dict]} { set keys [dict keys $dict] foreach key $keys { set child [$widget insertchild $parent end $key] set childdict [dict get $dict $key] if {[llength $childdict] eq "1"} { dict2tbltree $widget $child $childdict } elseif {[checkFirstElementsEqual $childdict]} { foreach {k v } [concat {*}$childdict] { $widget insertchild $child end [list $k $v] } } elseif {[llength $childdict] eq "2" && ![dict is_dict [lindex $childdict 1]]} { $widget cellconfigure $child,value -text $childdict } else { dict2tbltree $widget $child $childdict } } } else { $widget cellconfigure $parent,value -text $dict } } }
With this example, I experimented with the Tree mode of the Tablelist widget to display hierarchical data stored in dictionaries. The script showcases:
The script also handles different datasets, each representing variations in the structure and content, such as the number of employees.
Example#! /usr/bin/env tclsh #tbltreedict-example.tcl #20240825 # delete and insert with popup # # package require tablelist_tile package require ctext package require dicttool set dirname [file dirname [info script]] source [file join $dirname tbltreedict.tcl] # callback for tbl, Double 1 or space proc cbtree {input t W x y args} { set tbl [tablelist::getTablelistPath $W] set treecolumn [$tbl cget -treecolumn] switch $input { m { foreach {tbl x y} [tablelist::convEventFields $W $x $y] {} set row [$tbl containing $y] set cell [$tbl cellcget $row,$treecolumn -text] set data [tbl::tbltree2dict $tbl $row] $t insert end "\n#############################################n" $t insert end "\ncbtree $input :\n" $t insert end "$W $x $y :: $tbl $row \n" $t insert end "value: [$tbl cellcget $row,value -text] \n" $t insert end "dict data row $row $cell\n" $t insert end "[dict print $data]\n" $t insert end "[infoRow $tbl $row $t]\n" $t see end } k { set k $x set K $y if { $K eq "space" } { set row [$tbl curselection] set cell [$tbl cellcget $row,$treecolumn -text] set data [tbl::tbltree2dict $tbl $row] $t insert end "\n#############################################n" $t insert end "\ncbtree $input:\n" $t insert end "$W $x $y :: $tbl $row\n" $t insert end "value: [$tbl cellcget $row,value -text] \n" $t insert end "dict data row $row $cell\n" $t insert end "[dict print $data]\n" $t insert end "[infoRow $tbl $row $t]\n" $t see end } } } } # manages extra infos for text window proc infoRow {tbl row t} { lappend parentsRoot root [$tbl childkeys root] set parentkey [$tbl parentkey $row] set childcount [$tbl childcount $row] set childindex [$tbl childindex $row] set descendantcount [$tbl descendantcount $row] set childkeys [$tbl childkeys $row] set depth [$tbl depth $row] set childcountpk [$tbl childcount $parentkey] if {$parentkey eq "root"} { set childindexpk [$tbl childindex k0] } else { set childindexpk [$tbl childindex $parentkey] } set childkeyspk [$tbl childkeys $parentkey] set depthpk [$tbl depth $parentkey] set noderow [$tbl noderow $parentkey $childindex] set childKindex [lindex $childkeys $childindex] set toplevelkey [$tbl toplevelkey $row] $t insert end "\ninfoRrow $tbl row: $row:" $t insert end "\npR: $parentsRoot :: pk: $parentkey :: cc: $childcount :: ci: $childindex :: da: $descendantcount \ :: cks: $childkeys :: d: $depth" $t insert end "\nccpk: $childcountpk :: cipk: $childindexpk :: ckpk: $childkeyspk :: \ dpk: $depthpk :: noderow: $noderow :: cki: $childKindex :: tlk: $toplevelkey" $t see end } # proc acceptChildCmd {tbl targetParentNodeIdx sourceRow} { # Debugging output #puts "acceptChildCmd called with: $tbl, targetParentNodeIdx: $targetParentNodeIdx, sourceRow: $sourceRow" return 1 ;# For simplicity, allow all moves } proc acceptDropCmd {tbl targetRow sourceRow} { # Check if the operation stays within the same parent node # return [expr {$sourceRow != $rowCount - 1 && $targetRow < $rowCount}] return 1 } # Create the Tablelist widget with tree configuration and local drag_and_drop proc createTree {w t args} { set frt [ttk::frame $w.frt] set tbl [tablelist::tablelist $frt.tbl -columns {0 "Key" 40 "Value"} -height 20 -width 0 \ -stretch all -treecolumn 0 -treestyle classic -stripebackground #f0f0f0 \ -movablerows true -acceptchildcommand "acceptChildCmd" -acceptdropcommand "acceptDropCmd" -selectmode single] $tbl columnconfigure 0 -name key $tbl columnconfigure 1 -name value set vsb [scrollbar $frt.vsb -orient vertical -command [list $tbl yview]] set hsb [scrollbar $frt.hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $tbl xview]] $tbl configure -yscroll [list $vsb set] -xscroll [list $hsb set] bind [$tbl bodytag] <Double-1> [list cbtree m $t %W %x %y ] bind [$tbl bodytag] <KeyRelease> [list cbtree k $t %W %k %K ] bind [$tbl bodytag] <<Button3>> +[list cbtk_popup %W %x %y %X %Y $t] bind [$tbl bodytag] <Button-1> +[list cbtk_popupExists %W %x %y %X %Y $t] pack $vsb -side right -fill y pack $hsb -side bottom -fill x pack $tbl -expand yes -fill both pack $frt -expand yes -fill both return $tbl } # button1 selection for popup only if popup already exists proc cbtk_popupExists {W x y X Y t} { if {[winfo exists .cbtk_popup]} { cbtk_popup $W $x $y $X $Y $t } } # popup for infos proc cbtk_popup {W x y X Y t} { if {[winfo exists .cbtk_popup]} { set geometry [wm geometry .cbtk_popup] destroy .cbtk_popup } set tbl [tablelist::getTablelistPath $W] foreach {tbl x y} [tablelist::convEventFields $W $x $y] {} set row [$tbl containing $y] # if outside the table if {$row == "-1" } { set row last } set key [$tbl cellcget $row,key -text] set value [$tbl cellcget $row,value -text] set top [toplevel .cbtk_popup ] if {[info exists geometry]} { wm geometry $top $geometry } else { wm geometry $top +$X+[expr {$Y+50}] } wm transient $top $tbl $tbl selection clear 0 end $tbl selection anchor $row $tbl selection set $row $tbl activate $row set krow [$tbl getfullkey $row] set pk [$tbl parentkey $row] set cix [$tbl childindex $row] set cc [$tbl childcount $row] set dc [$tbl descendantcount $row] set nr [$tbl noderow $pk $cix] ttk::label $top.labinfo1 -text "row: $row krow: $krow nr: $nr" -background white ttk::label $top.labinfo2 -text "pk: $pk cix: $cix cc: $cc dc: $dc" -background white ttk::button $top.btninfo -text "Info row $row" -command [list infoRow $tbl $row $t] ttk::button $top.btndump -text "dumptostring " -command [list cbtkpm $tbl $row dumptostring $top.entkey $top.entvalue $t] ttk::button $top.btntree2dict -text tbltree2dict -command [list cbtkpm $tbl $row tbltree2dict $top.entkey $top.entvalue $t] ttk::button $top.btndel -text "Delete row $row" -command [list $tbl delete $row] ttk::button $top.btnupt -text "Update row $row" -command [list cbtkpm $tbl $row update $top.entkey $top.entvalue $t] ttk::button $top.btnins -text "Insert after row $row" -command [list cbtkpm $tbl $row insert $top.entkey $top.entvalue $t] ttk::entry $top.entkey ttk::entry $top.entvalue $top.entkey insert 0 $key $top.entvalue insert 0 $value pack {*}[winfo children $top] -fill x -pady 2 -padx 2 } # callbacks for popup proc cbtkpm {tbl row cmd entkey entval t} { set key [$entkey get] set value [$entval get] switch $cmd { update { $tbl cellconfigure $row,key -text $key $tbl cellconfigure $row,value -text $value } insert { set parentkey [$tbl parentkey $row] set childindex [$tbl childindex $row] $tbl insertchild $parentkey [incr childindex] [list $key $value] } dumptostring { set data [$tbl dumptostring] $t insert end "\n$data" } tbltree2dict { set data [tbl::tbltree2dict $tbl root] $t insert end "\n$data" } } $t see end } # text window for information proc createText {w} { set frt [ttk::frame $w.frt] set t [ctext $frt.t -setgrid true -wrap word -width 120 \ -yscrollcommand "$frt.vsb set" -xscrollcommand "$frt.hsb set"] set vsb [scrollbar $frt.vsb -orient vertical -command "$t yview"] set hsb [scrollbar $frt.hsb -orient horizontal -command "$t xview"] pack $hsb -side bottom -fill x pack $vsb -side right -fill y pack $t -side left -fill both -expand true pack $frt -expand yes -fill both return $t } # cb for selection example data and info window for tablelist options and commands proc createButton {w tbl1 tbl2 data t} { set dataList [dict keys $data] set frt [ttk::frame $w.frt] # combobox set cbselection [ttk::combobox $frt.cbselection -values $dataList -exportselection 0 -width 15] $cbselection current 2 bind $cbselection <<ComboboxSelected>> [namespace code [list cbComboSelected %W $tbl1 $tbl2 $data $t]] cbComboSelected $cbselection $tbl1 $tbl2 $data $t set infotext [string map {:: \n} {pR: root [$tbl childkeys root] :: pk: [$tbl parentkey $row] :: cc: [$tbl childcount $row] :: ci: [$tbl childindex $row] :: da: [$tbl descendantcount $row] :: cks: [$tbl childkeys $row] :: d: [$tbl depth $row] :: ccpk: [$tbl childcount $parentkey] :: cipk: $childindexpk :: ckpk: [$tbl childkeys $parentkey] :: dpk: [$tbl depth $parentkey] :: noderow:[$tbl noderow $parentkey $childindex] :: cki: [lindex $childkeys $childindex] :: tlk: [$tbl toplevelkey $row]}] set infobtn [ttk::button $frt.infobtn -text "infoRow" -command [list tk_messageBox -detail $infotext]] pack $cbselection $infobtn -side left pack $frt -side top -expand 0 -fill x return $cbselection } # Insert the data into the Tablelist widget, starting at the root node proc dataTotbl {tbl data t} { tbl::dict2tbltree $tbl root $data # output in text widget $t insert end "data $tbl:\n" $t insert end $data $t insert end "\n\n" $t insert end "data $tbl:" $t insert end [dict print $data] $t insert end "\n\n" } proc cbComboSelected {w tbl1 tbl2 data t} { set data1 [dict get $data [$w get]] if {[$w get] eq "all" } { set data1 $data } $tbl1 delete 0 end $tbl2 delete 0 end $t delete 1.0 end dataTotbl $tbl1 $data1 $t set data2 [tbl::tbltree2dict $tbl1 root] dataTotbl $tbl2 $data2 $t $t see end } ############### # Example datas ############### #Example datas in dict data, 2-4 differences in number of employees dict set data all {} dict set data Example1 {person {name "John Doe" age 30 address {street "123 Main St" city "Anytown"}} job {title "Developer" company "Works"}} dict set data Example2 {person {name "John Doe" age 30 address {street "123 Main St" city "Anytown"} employees {{name "Alice Smith"} {name "Bob Smith"} {name "John Good"} {name "Jane Good"}}} job {title "Developer" company "Works"}} dict set data Example3 {a1 {b11 {a11 {b1111 c1 b1112 c1}} b12 {a12 {b1211 c1 b1212 c1}}} a2 {b21 {a21 {b2111 c1 b2112 c1}} b22 {a22 {b2211 c1 b2212 c1}}}} set employeeInfo { 12345-A {forenames "Joe" surname "Schmoe" street "147 Short Street" city "Springfield" phone "555-1234"} 98372-J {forenames "Anne" surname "Other" street "32995 Oakdale Way" city "Springfield" phone "555-8765"} } dict set data employeeInfo $employeeInfo ##### #main ##### # create two Tablelist and a text widget ttk::frame .fr1 ttk::frame .fr2 ttk::frame .frt ttk::frame .frb pack .frt -side right -expand 1 -fill both pack .frb .fr1 .fr2 -side top -expand 1 -fill both set t [createText .frt] set tbl1 [createTree .fr1 $t] set tbl2 [createTree .fr2 $t] set btn [createButton .frb $tbl1 $tbl2 $data $t]