
SEH -- 1/18/05 -- A two-dimensional task list manager, written by Nat Pryce [L1 ]:

Taskspace is a small Tcl program for managing one's todo-list. However, unlike many other todo-list programs, Taskspace organises tasks by two criteria - urgency and importance - and displays tasks two-dimensionally in a resizable window.


Each task has a short mnemonic name, to be displayed on the grid. Tasks can also be given longer descriptions which can be viewed by holding the right mouse button down on a task's name. Double-clicking on a task will pop up a dialog box, through which the user can change the name, description, urgency and importance of the task. The urgency and importance of the task can also be changed by dragging the task's name about the grid. Taskspace saves the task details automatically whenever the user changes any task information.

NEM Cool idea! I can imagine displaying other two-dimensional data. When I first saw this page I thought it was about OS processes (called "tasks" in Windows). Which leads me to think you could do something like that: plot CPU usage against memory usage, for a neat easy to read snapshot of the state of a system.

jcw - Indeed! BTW, if you add a "package require Tk" at the top, it'll work with any tclkit.

CAU Thanks, Nat. I've been playing around with this little app, it's surprisingly easy to use and a good visualisation. I've modded the code in my version to show tasks of differing sizes as larger or smaller dots with another slider (scale) widget to reflect this in the dialogs.

escargo 27 Jun 2006 - Can your (CAU's) version be released or made accessible as well? Two other useful changes I could see are making the shape of the dots selectable and making the color of the dots selectable. That would of course introduce a couple more controls and therefore some more complexity.

CAU Do you mind if I post the code here, Nat?

EKB A mildly modified version of taskspace is now part of the SourceForge-hosted "Scenario Toolkit" (http://scentools.sourceforge.net ). The code is bundled into the source for the "Driving Force" application. Thanks, Nat, for permission to use the code!