tclhttpd content compression

fr a demo of tclhttpd content compression using zip deflate respectively

the tcl part, PATH/custom/filename.tcl
 package require vfs::zip
 proc repeat {x n} {
   global Httpd
   set sock $Httpd(currentSocket)
   upvar #0 Httpd$sock data
   #append newline as separator
   set text [string repeat $x\n $n]
   set data(headers) [list content-encoding deflate original-len [string length $text]]
   return [vfs::zip -mode compress $text]
 Direct_Url /repeat ::repeat

the browser part, e.g. as PATH/htdocs/fox.html

 <script type='text/javascript'>
  var A=new String();
  function $(id) {
   return document.getElementById(id);
  function show() {
   var tt=new String();
   var obj=$('d');
   var b=$('f');
   var tt=unescape(obj.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML);
   var p=new RegExp('^<pre>|</pre>$','ig');
   //remove auto-generated tags
   //assign string to variable A
   var b=A.replace(/\n/g,'|');
 function repeat() {
  var x=$('d');
  var direct=new String('repeat?x=');
  var toecho=$('x').value;
  var count=parseInt($('n').value);
  //start request
  x.setAttribute('src', direct);
  //show request in headerline
 <H4> functional in Firefox and Opera differently</H4>
 <H5> sets the source attribute of the iframe to "repeat?x=sometext&n=counter"<H5>
 <H5> x and n are the parameter names used in procedure repeat of tclhttpd-server<H5>
 <H3 id='h'>url</H3>
 <BODY onload="$('d').contentWindow.document.write('please press the button');$('x').value=unescape('-%e9-%f6%b7 %a5')">
 <INPUT id='x'>text to echo</input>
 <INPUT id='n' value=7 size=4 maxlength=4>times repeated</INPUT>
 <INPUT type=button name=echo value='set iframe-src' onClick=repeat();><BR>
 <br><input id='var' size=80> | replaces newline in var A</input><br>
 <iframe id='d' onload=show();>
 <DIV id='f'></DIV>