teacup link

This is a teacup subcommand.

From the supplied help:

link -- Manage links between installation repositories and tcl shells

teacup.exe link make PATH SHELL
Create a connection between the installation repository at PATH and the tcl shell (aka tclsh) SHELL. From then on, the SHELL will search the repository at 'PATH when a package require is invoked, and the

repository knows that SHELL is one of its users. The latter means that teacup.exe will check SHELL when attempting to install a package.

teacup.exe link cut (PATH|SHELL) [(PATH|SHELL) ...]
Removes the connection between the installation repository at PATH and the tcl shell SHELL. From then on the SHELL will not search the repository when a package is required, and teacup.exe will not check the shell anymore when installing a package.

Note that it is allowed to specify an arbitrary number of SHELLs and repository PATHs, in arbitrary order, in one invocation of teacup link cut. The command will disconnect all possible pairs.

teacup.exe link info PATH|SHELL
Prints either the list of shells the repository at PATH is

connected to, or the list of repositories the SHELL is using.

pcam Some simple info:


For PATH: provide the path to teapot.local-ma.config. teacup link outputs the associated SHELL(s) path.

For SHELL: provide the path to tclsh85.exe or any other version. teacup link outputs the associated repository PATH (must be unique).

LV Can someone expound on what the sentence about teacup checking SHELL means? Also, how do you determine what value should be used for PATH?

pcam Larry, I think (I may well be wrong) the NOTE (see above) I added explains it all I think. As I understand the SHELL has to be a valid interpreter so teacup can know where to update the path to packages and the PATH is simply for teacup to know which files it stores its repository.

AKgnome - 2009-10-19 12:04:46

'... Checking the SHELL ...' happens when you are installing packages. At that point teacup will run Tcl code amounting to 'ls-packages' on the connected shells, to see what packages are installed outside of the repository(ies).