Default Tree Widget
Heavily Configured Widget:
AJB The purpose was to build a tree widget that doesn't require any other packages or extensions. That is very flexible, but also looks good without any configuration. That has similar mouse and keybindings as tree widgets in common 'mainstream' software. And, of course, easy to use and implement.
I started with code from [L1 ], and planned on adjusting it to suit my needs. However, in the end, there is not much that hasn't been changed, therefore it seemed appropriate to post it here. Enjoy
I would welcome comments or ideas.
The code:
package require Tk namespace eval ::tktree { # Images used for open and close state of subgroups set ::tktree::imgcollapse [image create photo .tktreeopenbm -data { R0lGODdhCQAJAIAAAAEBAf///ywAAAAACQAJAAACEISPoRvG614D80x5ZXyogwIAOw==}] set ::tktree::imgexpand [image create photo .tktreeclosebm -data { R0lGODdhCQAJAIAAAAEBAf///ywAAAAACQAJAAACEYSPoRu28KCSDSJLc44s3lMAADs=}] ###Default images for groups and children set ::tktree::imgsubgroups [image create photo .tktreeimgfolder -data { R0lGODlhEAANAKIAANnZ2Xh4eLi4uPj4APj4+AAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAQAA0AAANkCIChiqDLITgyEgi6GoIjIyMYugCBpMsaWBA0giMjIzgy UYBBMjIoIyODEgVBODIygiMjE1gQJIMyMjIoI1GAQSMjODIyghMFQSgjI4My MhJYEDSCIyMjODJRgKHLXAiApcsMmAA7}] set ::tktree::imgchildren [image create photo .tktreeimgfile -data { R0lGODlhDQAQAKIAANnZ2Xh4ePj4+Li4uAAAAP///////////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAANABAAAANSGLoLgACBoqsRCBAoujqCASGDojtESCEihCREIjgUKLo8 hCGCpCsySIGiy0MYIki6IoMUKLo8hCGCpCsySIGiy0MYKLo8hIGiy0MYOLo8 SLrMCQA7}] #### Swtich all subgroups of a layer to open or close proc ::tktree::switchlayer {win opn {layer /}} { variable cfg foreach child $cfg($win,$layer:subgroups) { set cfg($win,$child:open) $opn switchlayer $win $opn $child } buildwhenidle $win } #### will open or close the item given proc ::tktree::switchstate {win item} { set ::tktree::cfg($win,$item:open) [expr ! $::tktree::cfg($win,$item:open)] buildwhenidle $win } #### Select the next item up or down proc ::tktree::updown {win down} { variable cfg set index [lsearch -exact $cfg($win,sortlist) $cfg($win,selection)] if {$down} {incr index} {incr index -1} if {$index < 0} { set index end } elseif {$index >= [llength $cfg($win,sortlist)]} { set index 0 } setselection $win [lindex $cfg($win,sortlist) $index] } #### left-right button binding commands proc ::tktree::leftright {win right} { variable cfg set item $cfg($win,selection) set index [lsearch -exact $cfg($win,sortlist) $item] set parentindex [lsearch -exact $cfg($win,sortlist) [file dirname $item]] if {$parentindex == -1} {set parentindex [expr $index - 1]} if {$cfg($win,$item:group)} { if {$right} { if {$cfg($win,$item:open)} {incr index} {set cfg($win,$item:open) 1} } else { if {$cfg($win,$item:open)} {set cfg($win,$item:open) 0} {set index $parentindex} } } else { if {$right} {incr index} {set index $parentindex} } if {$index < 0} {set index end} elseif {$index >= [llength $cfg($win,sortlist)]} {set index 0} setselection $win [lindex $cfg($win,sortlist) $index] buildwhenidle $win } #### will return the pathname of the item at x and y cooridinates proc ::tktree::labelat {win x y} { set x [$win canvasx $x]; set y [$win canvasy $y] foreach m [$win find overlapping $x $y $x $y] { if {[info exists ::tktree::cfg($win,tag:$m)]} {return $::tktree::cfg($win,tag:$m)} } return "" } #### will return the path of the current selection in the given tree widget proc ::tktree::getselection {win} { return $::tktree::cfg($win,selection) } #### adjust the scrollview to show the selected item as needed proc ::tktree::scrolladjust {win tag} { update set item [$win bbox $tag] set region [$win cget -scrollregion] foreach {axis idx1 idx2} {yview 1 3 xview 0 2} { set range [expr abs([lindex $region $idx2]) - abs([lindex $region $idx1])] set itemtop [lindex $item $idx1]; set itembot [lindex $item $idx2] set viewtop [expr $range * [lindex [$win $axis] 0]] set viewbot [expr $range * [lindex [$win $axis] 1]] if {$itembot > $viewbot} {$win $axis moveto [expr ($itembot. - $viewbot + $viewtop) / $range]} if {$itemtop < $viewtop} {$win $axis moveto [expr $itemtop. / $range]} } } #### will set the current selection to the given item on the given tree proc ::tktree::setselection {win item} { variable cfg if {![llength $cfg($win,sortlist)]} {return} if {$item eq ""} {set item [lindex $cfg($win,sortlist) 0]} if {![info exists cfg($win,$item:tag)]} {set item [lindex $cfg($win,sortlist) 0]} if {[$win gettags $cfg($win,$item:tag)] ne ""} { $win select from $cfg($win,$item:tag) 0 $win select to $cfg($win,$item:tag) end set cfg($win,selection) $item scrolladjust $win $cfg($win,$item:tag) } { setselection $win "/[lindex $cfg($win,/:sortlist) 0]" } } #### will delete the item given from the tree given proc ::tktree::delitem {win item} { variable cfg if {$item eq "/"} { array unset cfg $win,* ; catch {destroy $win} } { set group [file dirname $item] if {$cfg($win,$item:group)} {set type subgroups} {set type children} set index [lsearch -exact $cfg($win,$group:$type) $item] set cfg($win,$group:$type) [lreplace $cfg($win,$group:$type) $index $index] array unset cfg $win,$item* buildwhenidle $win } } #### create a new item in the tree and rebuild the widget proc ::tktree::newitem {win item args} { variable cfg if {[string index $item 0] ne "/"} {set item /$item} if {[string index $item end] eq "/"} { set subgroup 1 set type subgroups set item [string range $item 0 end-1] set cfg($win,$item:command) [list ::tktree::switchstate $win $item] } { set subgroup 0 set type children set cfg($win,$item:command) {} } #Build parent group if needed set group [file dirname $item] if {![info exists cfg($win,$group:open)]} {newitem $win "$group\/"} lappend cfg($win,$group:$type) $item #Configure the new item set cfg($win,$item:group) $subgroup set cfg($win,$item:subgroups) {} set cfg($win,$item:children) {} set cfg($win,$item:sortlist) {} set cfg($win,$item:tags) {} set cfg($win,$item:open) 0 set cfg($win,$item:image) {} set cfg($win,$item:textcolor) $cfg($win,textcolor) set cfg($win,$item:font) $cfg($win,font) if {$cfg($win,images)} {set cfg($win,$item:image) [eval list \$::tktree::img$type]} foreach {confitem confval} $args { switch -exact -- $confitem { -textcolor {set cfg($win,$item:textcolor) $confval} -command {set cfg($win,$item:command) $confval} -image {set cfg($win,$item:image) $confval} -font {set cfg($win,$item:font) $confval} } } buildwhenidle $win } #### Draw the given layer of the tree on the canvas starting at xposition proc ::tktree::buildlayer {win layer xpos} { variable cfg #Record y positions for vertical line later on set ystart $cfg($win,y); set yend $cfg($win,y) if {$layer eq "/"} {set cfg($win,sortlist) ""} foreach child $cfg($win,$layer:sortlist) { lappend cfg($win,sortlist) $child #Check spacing required for images set imgwidth 0; set imgheight 0 if {[string length $cfg($win,$child:image)]} { set imgwidth [expr ([image width $cfg($win,$child:image)] + 2) / 2] set imgheight [expr ([image height $cfg($win,$child:image)] + 2) / 2] } #find X-axis points for image, horiz line, and text if {$imgwidth} { set centerX [expr $imgwidth + $xpos + 7] set rightX [expr $xpos + 7] set textX [expr ($imgwidth * 2) + $xpos + 10] } { set centerX [expr $xpos + 10] set rightX [expr $centerX + 4] set textX [expr $rightX + 1] } #Find the proper amount to increment the y axis set fontheight [lindex [font metrics $cfg($win,$child:font)] 5] set yincr [expr ($fontheight + 1) / 2] if {$imgheight > $yincr} {set yincr $imgheight} incr cfg($win,y) $yincr #Draw the horizonal line $win create line $xpos $cfg($win,y) $rightX $cfg($win,y) -fill $cfg($win,linecolor) set yend $cfg($win,y) #Draw the image, if it exists if {$imgwidth} { set it [$win create image $centerX $cfg($win,y) -image $cfg($win,$child:image)] $win bind $it <1> [list ::tktree::setselection $win $child] } #Draw text and store tags for reference set cfg($win,$child:tag) [$win create text $textX $cfg($win,y) \ -text [file tail $child] -font $cfg($win,$child:font) -anchor w -tags x -fill $cfg($win,$child:textcolor)] set cfg($win,tag:$cfg($win,$child:tag)) $child #Command binding $win bind $cfg($win,$child:tag) <1> [list ::tktree::setselection $win $child] $win bind $cfg($win,$child:tag) <Double-1> $cfg($win,$child:command) #next step up on the y axis incr cfg($win,y) $yincr #If its a group, add open-close functionality if {$cfg($win,$child:group)} { if {$cfg($win,$child:open)} {set img collapse} {set img expand} set ocimg [$win create image $xpos [expr $cfg($win,y) - $yincr] -image [eval list \$::tktree::img$img]] $win bind $ocimg <1> [list ::tktree::switchstate $win $child] if {$cfg($win,$child:open)} {buildlayer $win $child $centerX} } } #Vertical line $win lower [$win create line $xpos [expr $ystart - 7] $xpos $yend -fill $cfg($win,linecolor)] } #### sort the layer by subgroups then children proc ::tktree::sortlayer {win {layer /}} { variable cfg set cfg($win,$layer:subgroups) [lsort -dictionary $cfg($win,$layer:subgroups)] set cfg($win,$layer:children) [lsort -dictionary $cfg($win,$layer:children)] set cfg($win,$layer:sortlist) [join [list $cfg($win,$layer:subgroups) $cfg($win,$layer:children)]] foreach group $cfg($win,$layer:subgroups) {sortlayer $win $group} } #### build the tree at the given path proc ::tktree::buildtree {win} { variable cfg $win delete all sortlayer $win set xpos 5 set cfg($win,y) 5 #Draw global expand/contract button, if needed if {[string length $cfg($win,/:subgroups)] && $cfg($win,expandall)} { set exp 0 foreach subgroup $cfg($win,/:subgroups) {incr exp $cfg($win,$subgroup:open)} if {$exp} {set type collapse} {set type expand} set ocimg [$win create image 1 1 -image [eval list \$::tktree::img$type] -anchor w] $win bind $ocimg <1> [list ::tktree::switchlayer $win [expr ! $exp]] } #Build the layers and set initial selection buildlayer $win / $xpos $win config -scrollregion [$win bbox all] setselection $win $cfg($win,selection) } #### internal use - set up a handle to build the tree when everything is idle proc ::tktree::buildwhenidle {win} { catch {after cancel $::tktree::cfg($win,buildHandle)} set ::tktree::cfg($win,buildHandle) [after idle [list ::tktree::buildtree $win]] } #### will create a new tree widget at the given path proc ::tktree::treecreate {win args} { variable cfg #Default configuration for new tree set cfg($win,selection) {} set cfg($win,selidx) {} set cfg($win,/:subgroups) {} set cfg($win,/:children) {} set cfg($win,/:open) 1 set cfg($win,images) 1 set cfg($win,expandall) 1 set cfg($win,linecolor) black set cfg($win,textcolor) black set cfg($win,font) {-family Helvetica -size 10} #Parse and setup custom configuration options set canvascfg "" foreach {item val} $args { switch -- $item { -linecolor {set cfg($win,linecolor) $val} -textcolor {set cfg($win,textcolor) $val} -font {set cfg($win,font) $val} -images {set cfg($win,images) $val} -expandall {set cfg($win,expandall) $val} default {lappend canvascfg $item $val} } } #Build the canvas eval {canvas $win -takefocus 1} $canvascfg bind $win <Destroy> [list ::tktree::delitem $win /] bind $win <1> [list focus $win] bind $win <Return> {eval $::tktree::cfg(%W,[::tktree::getselection %W]:command)} bind $win <space> {eval $::tktree::cfg(%W,[::tktree::getselection %W]:command)} bind $win <Up> [list ::tktree::updown $win 0] bind $win <Down> [list ::tktree::updown $win 1] bind $win <Left> [list ::tktree::leftright $win 0] bind $win <Right> [list ::tktree::leftright $win 1] #Build the tree when idle buildwhenidle $win } }
The following documentation should cover everything:
## COMMANDS: ## a quick note about arguements: ## pathname = the qualified tk window pathname for the canvas widget ## itempath = the full path for a tree item ## the tree separtes groupings with a "/" therefore pathnames are as follows ## /item1 is a child on the root of the tree ## /goup1/ is a subgroup on the root level of the tree ## /group1/group2/item1 is a child in the subgroup group2 of the subgroup group1 ## ## ::tktree::treecreate pathname [options] ## will create a new tree widget with the given window pathname ## optional arguments: ## -linecolor = The color of the branching lines (black) ## -textcolor = text color (black) ## -font = the font for the text (Helvetica size 10) ## -images = set to 0 to disable images, defaults to 1 ## -expandall = set to 0 to turn off the expand/collapse all button at the top ## **All other arguements are passed to the canvas ## ## ::tktree::newitem pathname itempath [options] ## will create the new item given by itempath, and rebuild the widget ## if an itempath is given with a group that does not exist, the group will be created ## optional arguments: ## -textcolor = the color for the text (defaults to the default tree color, see treecreate) ## -command = the command to be executed on a double-1 for the item ## if it is a group, the default command will open/close the group ## -image = the path of an image to be drawn as an icon for the item ## by default an image is drawn (folder or file) ## set the option to null for no image ## -font = font for the particular item (defaults to the default tree font, see treecreate) ## ## ::tktree::delitem pathname itempath ## will delete the item given and rebuild the widget ## if the item is a group, all subgroups and children will also be deleted ## if the item is root (/), then all elements of the tree will be deleted ## ## ::tktree::labelat pathname xpos ypos ## returns the name of the item at xpos and ypos coordinates ## ## ::tktree::getselection pathname ## returns the current sselection ## ## ::tktree::setselection pathname itempath ## set the current selection to the item given ## ## BINDINGS: ## canvas <destroy> delitem will be called for the root path ## item <button-1> will change the selection to the item under the cursor ## plus/minus box <button-1> on a group will change the state of that group (opened or closed) ## the plus/minus at the top of the widget will expand/collapse recursively ## <double-1><Return><space> all will launch the command specified for that item (groups switchstate by default) ## <Up><Down><Left><Right> navigation of the tree widget
This test code will build the default widget you see at the top:
::tktree::treecreate .tree pack .tree -expand 1 -fill both focus .tree foreach item {/group1/item1 /group1/item2 /group1/subgroup/item1 /group2/item1 /item1} { ::tktree::newitem .tree $item -command [list tk_messageBox -message "$item executed"] }
And this will build the configured widget:
::tktree::treecreate .tree -bg black -font {-family Times -size 14} -textcolor red -bd 4 -relief ridge \ -selectbackground darkBlue -selectforeground yellow -selectborderwidth 3 -linecolor yellow \ -xscrollcommand [list .xscroll set] -yscrollcommand [list .yscroll set] scrollbar .yscroll -orient vertical -command [list .tree yview] -width 10 scrollbar .xscroll -orient horizontal -command [list .tree xview] -width 10 pack .yscroll -side right -fill y pack .xscroll -side bottom -fill x pack .tree -expand 1 -fill both focus .tree foreach item {/group1/item1 /group1/item2 /group1/subgroup/item1 /group2/item1 /item1} { ::tktree::newitem .tree $item -command [list tk_messageBox -message "$item executed"] \ -textcolor green -font {-family Times -size 10} -image {} }
For some slight variations on the tree metaphor, see What's wrong with the tree widgets?
You will see better performance if you put braces around your expressions.
# original: set imgwidth [expr ([image width $cfg($win,$child:image)] + 2) / 2] # improved: set imgwidth [expr {([image width $cfg($win,$child:image)] + 2) / 2}]