
LV, in a follow-up posting [L1 ] to questions about TclCurl on comp.lang.tcl, mentioned that a useful example would be something like Perl's WWW::Search module.

I decided to take a stab at it, using the http package (since I haven't downloaded and compiled libcurl yet). The difficulty as I see it isn't so much the retreival of the html, but the parsing of it. (And keeping that current as various search engines change their layout periodically.)

Below is a websearch package, along with module packages to search Google [L2 ], Usenet via groups.google.com [L3 ], and our very own Tcl'ers Wiki here, that I put together New Years day. It should be easy to extend websearch to support additional search engines. (The aforementioned three, however, are the only ones I ever use now-a-days. :-)

AK: Note that tcllib contains a module htmlparse which should make that part of the task easier.

How to use the websearch package:

    package require websearch
    set search [websearch::new usenet]
    # change the max number of results from default 100 to 50
    $search configure limit 50
    $search query "oratcl group:comp.lang.tcl"
    # results are available as a single value, a list, or 
    # as a key/value list suitable for using with [array set]

    set url [$search next_result url]
    set foo [$search next_result [list url title date]]
    array set bar [$search next_result]

    # You can iterate through results
    while {[$search more_p]} {
        puts [$search next_result author]

    # Or get all the results in one fell swoop
    set authors [$search all_results author]

    # when you are finished you can free the memory with:
    $search cleanup

Areas for improvement:

  • fetch results lazily
  • since each search engine module is inheirently fragile, process them in a safe interpreter and fetch the latest parsing code (as needed) from some canonical source on the web.
  • ...

Questions about this package:

   1 What exactly must one do to be able to use it
   1 Is anyone using it and have you written any additional modules for it
   1 Will this module make it into the tcllib ?

 # websearch.tcl --
 #     Procedures to help automate searching of search engines.
 # Michael A. Cleverly, 1 Jan 2002
 # Distributed under the same terms as the Tcl core.
 package require Tcl 8.2
 package require http 2.3
 package provide websearch 0.1
 namespace eval ::websearch:: {
     variable search# 0
     variable subcommands
     variable entities
     array set subcommands {
         all_results {0 1 t "?keys?"}
         cleanup     {0 0 f ""}
         configure   {1 2 f "key ?value?"}
         more_p      {0 0 t ""}
         next_result {0 1 t "?keys?"}
         curr_result {0 1 t "?keys?"}
         query       {1 1 f "query"}
         reset       {0 0 f ""}
         variables   {0 0 f ""}
     array set defaults {
         limit 100
         timeout 120
         useragent "Tcl websearch"
         queried? no
     # These escapes borrowed from tcllib's htmlparse package
     array set escapes {
         lt <   gt >   amp &   quot \"   copy \xa9
         reg \xae   ob \x7b   cb \x7d   nbsp \xa0
     array set escapes {
         iexcl \xa1 cent \xa2 pound \xa3 curren \xa4
         yen \xa5 brvbar \xa6 sect \xa7 uml \xa8 copy \xa9
         ordf \xaa laquo \xab not \xac shy \xad reg \xae
         hibar \xaf deg \xb0 plusmn \xb1 sup2 \xb2 sup3 \xb3
         acute \xb4 micro \xb5 para \xb6 middot \xb7 cedil \xb8
         sup1 \xb9 ordm \xba raquo \xbb frac14 \xbc frac12 \xbd
         frac34 \xbe iquest \xbf Agrave \xc0 Aacute \xc1 Acirc \xc2
         Atilde \xc3 Auml \xc4 Aring \xc5 AElig \xc6 Ccedil \xc7
         Egrave \xc8 Eacute \xc9 Ecirc \xca Euml \xcb Igrave \xcc
         Iacute \xcd Icirc \xce Iuml \xcf ETH \xd0 Ntilde \xd1
         Ograve \xd2 Oacute \xd3 Ocirc \xd4 Otilde \xd5 Ouml \xd6
         times \xd7 Oslash \xd8 Ugrave \xd9 Uacute \xda Ucirc \xdb
         Uuml \xdc Yacute \xdd THORN \xde szlig \xdf agrave \xe0
         aacute \xe1 acirc \xe2 atilde \xe3 auml \xe4 aring \xe5
         aelig \xe6 ccedil \xe7 egrave \xe8 eacute \xe9 ecirc \xea
         euml \xeb igrave \xec iacute \xed icirc \xee iuml \xef
         eth \xf0 ntilde \xf1 ograve \xf2 oacute \xf3 ocirc \xf4
         otilde \xf5 ouml \xf6 divide \xf7 oslash \xf8 ugrave \xf9
         uacute \xfa ucirc \xfb uuml \xfc yacute \xfd thorn \xfe
         yuml \xff
     # Convert into a form that we can use with [string map]
     foreach key [array names escapes] {
         set entities(&$key\;) $escapes($key)
 proc ::websearch::new {{search_engine google}} {
     variable search#
     if [catch { 
         package require websearch::[string tolower  $search_engine] 
     }] { 
        error "Do not know how to search \"$search_engine\""
     } else {
        set command ::websearch::[incr search#]
        interp alias {} $command \
                     {} ::websearch::Search $search_engine \
                     [set search#]
         variable  defaults 
         variable  [set search#]
         array set [set search#] [list search_engine $search_engine]
         array set [set search#] [array get defaults]
         array set [set search#] [array get ${search_engine}::defaults]
         return $command
 proc ::websearch::defaults {args} {
     variable defaults
     switch [llength $args] {
         0 { return [array get defaults] }
         1 { return $defaults([lindex $args 0]) }
         2 { return [set $defaults([lindex $args 0]) [lindex $args 1]] }
     error "Invalid syntax.  Should be:\
         websearch::defaults ?key?  ?value?" 
 proc ::websearch::Search {search_engine search# command args} {
     variable subcommands
     if {![info exists subcommands($command)]} {
         error "Unknown option \"$command\".  Should be one of:\
             [join [lsort [array names subcommands]] ", "]."
     foreach {min max queried_p parameters} $subcommands($command) break
     set explanation "::websearch::[set search#] $command $parameters"
     set argc [llength $args]
     if {$argc < $min} {
         error "Insufficient parameters.  Should be:\
             [string trim  $explanation]" 
     if {$argc > $max} {
         error "Too many parameters.  Should be:\
             [string trim  $explanation]"
     if {[Boolean $queried_p]} {
         ::websearch::AssertQueryPerformed [set search#]
     set cmd [list ::websearch::[string totitle $command] [set search#]]
     foreach arg $args {
         lappend cmd $arg
     return [eval $cmd]
 proc ::websearch::AssertQueryPerformed {search#} {
     variable [set search#]
     if {![info exists [set search#]]} {
         return -code error "Search not found!"
     if {![Boolean [set [set search#](queried?)]]} {
         return -code error "No query has been performed yet!"
 proc ::websearch::Boolean {bool} {
     if {![string is boolean -strict $bool] &&
         ![string is digit -strict $bool]} {
         return -code error "Could not interpret \"$bool\" as\
             a boolean  value."
     switch -glob [string trimleft [string tolower $bool] 0] {
         ""  -
         0   -
         n*  -
         of* -
         f*  { return 0 }
         default { return 1 }
 proc ::websearch::Cleanup {search#} {
     variable [set search#]
     Reset [set search#]
     interp alias {} ::websearch::[set search#] {}
     unset [set search#]
 proc ::websearch::Configure {search# key args} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     # Query a value
     if {[llength $args] == 0} {
         if {[info exists token($key)]} {
             return $token($key)
         } else {
     # Set a value
     if {![string is word -strict $key]} {
         error "$key can be queried, but not set!"
     set token($key) [lindex $args 0]
 proc ::websearch::More_p {search#} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     if {$token(@pos) < ($token(#results) - 1)} {
         return 1
     } else {
         return 0
 proc ::websearch::All_results {search# args} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     # save our current position
     set saved_pos $token(@pos)
     set token(@pos) -1
     set data {}
     while {[More_p [set search#]]} {
         if {[llength $args] == 0} {
             lappend data [Next_result [set search#]]
         } else {
             lappend data [Next_result [set search#] [lindex $args 0]]
     # restore our previous position
     set token(@pos) $saved_pos
     return $data
 proc ::websearch::Curr_result {search# args} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     # If we haven't gotten our first result, 
     # then there is no "current"  result
     if {$token(@pos) == -1} {
     # we'll cheat by decrementing our position and then 
     # calling Next_result which will increment it back to where
     # we currently are at
     incr token(@pos) -1
     if {[llength $args] == 0} {
         return [Next_result [set search#]]
     } else {
         return [Next_result [set search#] [lindex $args 0]]
 proc ::websearch::Next_result {search# args} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     upvar 0  ::websearch::$token(search_engine)::results results
     upvar 0  ::websearch::$token(search_engine)::variables variables
     # have we run out of results?
     if {$token(@pos) >= ($token(#results) - 1)} {
     incr token(@pos)
     set result [lindex $results([set search#]) $token(@pos)]
     switch [llength $args] {
         0 { }
         1 { set keys [lindex $args 0] }
         default { error "Should be impossible to get here." }
     if {[info exists keys]} {
         foreach key $keys {
             set positions($key) [lsearch -exact $variables $key]
         if {[llength $keys] == 1} {
             set data [lindex $result $positions($keys)]
         } else {
             foreach key $keys {
                 lappend data [lindex $result $positions($key)]
     } else {
         foreach key $variables \
                 val [lindex $results([set search#]) $token(@pos)] {
             set array($key) $val
         set data [array get array]
     return $data
 proc ::websearch::Query {search# query} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     Reset [set search#]
     return [::websearch::$token(search_engine)::Query \
         [set search#] [UrlEncode $query]]
 proc ::websearch::Reset {search#} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     if {[Boolean $token(queried?)]} {
         unset \
             ::websearch::$token(search_engine)::results([set  search#]) 
         unset token(query)
         unset token(@pos)
         unset token(#results)
         set   token(queried?) no
 proc ::websearch::Variables {search#} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     return [join [set ::websearch::$token(search_engine)::variables]]
 proc ::websearch::GetUrl {search# url {headers ""}} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     array set config_old [http::config]
     array set config_new {-accept text/html,text/plain}
     foreach key [list proxyhost proxyport useragent] {
         if {[info exists token($key)]} {
             set config_new(-$key) $token($key)
     foreach key [array names config_old] {
         if {[info exists config_new($key)] &&
             ![string equal $config_new($key) $config_old($key)]} {
             http::config $key $config_new($key)
     set timeout [expr {$token(timeout) * 1000}]   
     set conn [http::geturl $url -headers $headers \
                                 -timeout $timeout]
     set html [http::data $conn]
     http::cleanup $conn
     foreach key [array names config_new] {
         http::config $key $config_old($key)
     return $html
 proc ::websearch::PostUrl {search# url formvars {headers ""}} {
     variable [set search#]
     upvar 0  [set search#] token
     array set config_old [http::config]
     array set config_new {-accept text/html,text/plain}
     foreach key [list proxyhost proxyport useragent] {
         if {[info exists token($key)]} {
             set config_new(-$key) $token($key)
     foreach key [array names config_old] {
         if {[info exists config_new($key)] &&
             ![string equal $config_new($key) $config_old($key)]} {
             http::config $key $config_new($key)
     set timeout [expr {$token(timeout) * 1000}] 
     set conn [http::geturl $url -headers $headers \
                                 -query $formvars \
                                 -timeout $timeout]
     set html [http::data $conn]
     http::cleanup $conn
     foreach key [array names config_new] {
         http::config $key $config_old($key)
     return $html
 proc ::websearch::UrlEncode {string} {
     set encoded ""
     foreach char [split $string ""] {
         if {[regexp {[A-Za-z0-9]} $char]} {
             append encoded $char
         } else {
             scan $char %c ascii
             append encoded %[format %x $ascii]
     return $encoded
 proc ::websearch::StripHtml {html} {
     variable entities
     regsub -all -- {<[^>]+>} $html "" text
     set text [string map [array get entities] $text]
     regsub -all -- {&[^ ]+;} $text "" text
     regsub -all -- {\s+} $text " " text
     return $text

 # websearch-wiki.tcl
 #     Companion package to websearch that handles searching of
 #     the Tcl'ers Wiki
 # Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael A. Cleverly.
 # Distributed under the same terms as the Tcl core.
 package require Tcl 8.2
 package require websearch
 package provide websearch::wiki 0.1
 namespace eval ::websearch::wiki {
     variable defaults
     variable results
     variable variables
     array set defaults {}
     array set results {}
     set variables {
 proc ::websearch::wiki::Query {search# query} {
     variable results
     variable variables
     upvar 0 ::websearch::[set search#] token
     set RE {<li>(\S+ \S+) [. ]+ <a href="./(\d+\.html)">([^<]+)</a>}
     set url https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/2?$query
     set html [::websearch::GetUrl [set search#] $url]
     array set token [list queried? yes \
                           @pos -1 \
                          "#results" 0 \
                          query $query]
     set results([set search#]) {}
     foreach {raw_hit last_modified url title} \
             [regexp -inline -all $RE $html] {
         incr token(#results)
         lappend results([set search#]) [list $raw_hit \
             $last_modified https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/$url $title]
         if {$token(#results) == $token(limit)} {
     return $token(#results)

MC 2/17/04: I've removed the web scraping code for Google. Back in 2002 when this page was created, Google did not yet offer a web services API. Now that they do, that is the only permited means of programatically accessing their website, under their Terms of Service.