Version 0 of _scriptFormat

Updated 2015-04-26 12:13:50 by thorst
What: _scriptFormat
Description: A simple, open source, easy to use code beatifier, written in tcl.
Currently at version 1.
Updated: 2015-04-25

This is a new tool that is very simple. It is part of a series of tools to help make tcl slightly higher level to increase development speed. My team (3 others) and I use it to format all of our scripts.

Because it's new and our scripts are rather simple, I'm curious how it performs on other more complex scripts.

It first creates a backup of your script, then it redoes all the indenting. It wouldn't take it from a minified to expanded state. It assumes your returns are they way you want. Just that your tabbing is off.

It ignores anything in a mass comment like if 0 {}

File a bug on github with a sample of your code and how you would like it to look.

I'm also looking for similar common functions that you use frequently in your code, to help build a library of tools.