Version 15 of Æjaks

Updated 2007-02-05 20:33:41

Because a simple to use interface should also be simple to program.

TP Æjaks combines the server-side Ajax windowing system Echo2 with the powerful simplicity of the Tcl langauge. The result is a rich development environment in which to develop Ajax-based web applications, often with much less code to write.

Download, documentation, source code, mailing list, etc. now online at:

Irrelevant non-technical material removed

Sample Programs

Here are sample programs for Tcl/Tk and Æjaks, side-by-side to compare. Neither of these will look very pretty, as I have left out any sort of whitespace padding and grid type of layout.

 Tk                                            Aejaks
 --------------------------------------        ----------------------------------------
 # classic Tk style! Tk has reasonable         # Aejaks looks pretty awful without some
 # (but dated) default style per OS            # style, try without and you will agree.
 tk_bisque                                     . setDefaultStyle bisque

 # Tk doesn't need a top frame for             # Aejaks can only pack one component or
 # this simple example, but we will            # container into ".", so we create a
 # add one for consistency                     # top level Column

 # Tk 'frames' don't have a set shape,         # Aejaks 'Column' will always pack
 # but order child widgets based on            # children into column orientation.
 # pack options.                               # Row containers are similarly row oriented.

 frame .top                                    Column .top
 pack .top                                     Pack .top

 frame .top.row1                               Row .top.row1
 label .top.row1.l1 -text X                    Label .top.row1.l1 -text X

 # Tk has 'entry' widget                       # Aejaks has 'TextField' widget
 entry .top.row1.x                             TextField .top.row1.x
 # pack with options '-side left'              # Pack knows parent is a Row
 pack .top.row1.l1 .top.row1.x \               Pack .top.row1.l1 .top.row1.x
      -side left
 pack .top.row1                                Pack .top.row1

 frame .top.row2                               Row .top.row2
 label .top.row2.l1 -text Y                    Label .top.row2.l1 -text Y
 entry .top.row2.y                             TextField .top.row2.y
 pack .top.row2.l1 .top.row2.y \               Pack .top.row2.l1 .top.row2.y
      -side left
 pack .top.row2                                Pack .top.row2

 frame .top.row3                               Row .top.row3
 # exit button runs tcl 'exit'                 # exit button runs Window 'exitApp' method
 button .top.row3.exit -text Exit \            Button .top.row3.exit -text Exit \
      -command exit                                 -command {. exitApp /}
 pack .top.row3.exit -side left                Pack .top.row3.exit
 button .top.row3.mult -text Multiply \        Button .top.row3.mult -text Multiply \
      -command doMultiply                           -command doMultiply
 label .top.row3.result                        Label .top.row3.result
 pack .top.row3.mult .top.row3.result \        Pack .top.row3.mult .top.row3.result
      -side left
 pack .top.row3                                Pack .top.row3

 # not an ideal proc, since we have            # ditto
 # tied the gui widgets to actual              #  "
 # code.  Easily fixable, but this             #  "
 # will suffice for comparisons                #  "

 proc doMultiply {} {                          proc doMultiply {} {
   # entry widgets have a 'get' method           # TextFields use 'cget -text' (soon will have 'get')
   set x [.top.row1.x get]                       set x [.top.row1.x cget -text]
   set y [.top.row2.y get]                       set y [.top.row2.y cget -text]
   set res "can't multiply $x * $y"              set res "can't multiply $x * $y"
   catch {set res [expr { $x * $y }]}            catch {set res [expr { $x * $y }]}
   .top.row3.result configure -text $res         .top.row3.result configure -text $res
 }                                             }

LV Anyone know of a web site which makes use of this package, so a demo of the capabilities can be seen?

TP answers: localhost is your best bet for now. The distribution file aejaks-0.4-full.tar.gz (or .zip equivalent, or a newer version of either) has everything you need, except a Java installation. This makes Æjaks a batteries included distribution, that's why it's such a big file. (There are even backup batteries yet to be utilized, waiting for a future release. :-)

The Æjaks website has a specific page [L1 ] on starting the server with the sample apps. In short:

  1. unpack the distribution.
  2. change to the directory that was unpacked.
  3. (Windows users run.bat).
  4. point your browser to http://localhost:8080/
  5. Now, be amazed that you're running this on your browser.

Now, if you just want to see the flavor of the toolkit, the Echo2 page at NextApp has some demo programs to run. Surf on over to:

Anything that is done with the Java-based demos can be completely done in Tcl with Æjaks. The 0.4 release of Æjaks doesn't include the Extras and Chart widgets in Tcl yet, but you can still make use of those through the TclJava interfaces [L2 ] if you really want. (Avoid the Test applications on the NextApp demo page.)

[email protected] says: Have looked over this and it looks pretty astounding. Can't wait to get me hands dirty with this.

2007-01-17 VI One cool app! I am writing some of our internal tools using this. Is there any way to (prompt the user to) load or save a file? Or everything has to be done on ther server?

TP Echo2 has a FileTransfer library jar, and it is included in the Æjaks ./lib directory. Æjaks doesn't yet have Tcl support for FileTransfer, it is on my To-Do list. You should be able to use it now using Jacl's java package to interface directly. See the FileTransfer example on the NextApp Echo2 Wiki [L3 ].

2007-01-25 MRJC Is there a reason why the Tk Convention of lower case windowing commands can't be supported?

 Tk                                            Aejaks (NOW)
 --------------------------------------        ----------------------------------------
 pack .top.row1                                Pack .top.row1

 Tk                                            Aejaks (POSSIBLE??)
 --------------------------------------        ----------------------------------------
 pack .top.row1                                pack .top.row1

TP Æjaks is not compatible with Tk, and I believe it would be confusing to name widgets and commands the same as Tk. The Pack command has different syntax from pack. However, if you would really like to use pack in Æjaks, Tcl provides an easy way to alias commands, see interp alias.

IL 2/2/2007 I can try to put up a demo app of this provided it doesn't conflict with my main tomcat setup. Check back sometime after the weekend :). Update: I can't seem to find an easy .war for this for those of us that already have a container set up. Did I miss it somewhere? TP The .war file is included in any of the download files, in the ./war/ directory after unpacking. I haven't made a .war available as separate download yet, but I'll make one available for the next release.

IL - Right, I saw that one, and deployed it, but it can't seem to run the demos by itself, so I started messing around with the web.xml in order to try get it to work, but gave up and used the Jetty demo which worked fine. After the next release, I can try again, I'd like to put this on my host.

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