Version 2 of A Hypertext Help System

Updated 2007-06-27 19:28:09 by kpv

Keith Vetter 2007-06-27 : Here's a nice, tcl only hypertext help system. It was originally based on A little hypertext system which I extended to add more formatting. Recently I upgraded it to use tile's new treeview widget to add a table of contents paned window.

To explain how to use it, I simply created a help system using this code--just run the code and you'll see examples and instructions. But basically you just add pages using ::Help::AddPage then display the help using ::Help::Help.

(The version I'm using includes the ability to read help pages from an external file, but I left that out of here for simplicity's sake.)

NB. there is some formatting confusion for the demo code below because both this Wiki and this code have special meaning for leading whitespace. Hence the need for WIKIFIX below.

 # Hypertext HelpSystem.tcl -- A help system based on wiki 1194 and tile
 # by Keith Vetter, May 2007

 package require tile 0.7.8
 interp alias {} ::button {} ::ttk::button
 set haveTile078 1

 namespace eval ::Help {
    variable W                                  ;# Various widgets
    variable pages                              ;# All the help pages
    variable alias                              ;# Alias to help pages
    variable state
    variable font {Helvetica 10}

    array unset pages
    array unset alias
    array unset state
    array set state {history {} seen {} current {} all {} allTOC {} haveTOC 0}
    array set W {top .helpSystem main "" tree ""}
    array set alias {index Index previous Previous back Back search Search
        history History next Next}

 # Help Section
 # Based on
 #  AddPage title aliases text  -- register a hypertext page
 #  Help ?title?                -- bring up a toplevel showing the specified page
 #                                 or a index of titles, if not specified
 # Hypertext pages are in a subset of Wiki format:
 #   indented lines come in fixed font without evaluation;
 #   blank lines break paragraphs
 #   a line starting with "   * " gets a bullet
 #   a line starting with "   - " gets a dash
 #   a line starting with "   1. " will be a numbered list
 #    repeating the initial *,- or "1" will indent the list
 #   text enclosed by '''<text>''' is embolden
 #   text enclosed by ''<text>'' is italics
 #   all lines without leading blanks are displayed without explicit
 #      linebreak (but possibly word-wrapped)
 #   a link is the title of another page in brackets (see examples at
 #      end). Links are displayed underlined and blue (or purple if they
 #      have been visited before), and change the cursor to a pointing
 #      hand. Clicking on a link of course brings up that page.
 # In addition, you get "Index", "Search" (case-insensitive regexp in
 # titles and full text), "History", and "Back" links at the bottom of
 # pages.

 # ::Help::Help -- initializes and creates the help dialog
 proc ::Help::Help {{title ""}} {
    variable W

    if {![winfo exists $W(top)]} {
        ::Help::DoDisplay $W(top)

    raise $W(top)
    ::Help::Show $title
 # ::Help::ReadHelpFiles -- reads "help.txt" in the packages directory
 # and creates all the help pages.
 proc ::Help::ReadHelpFiles {dir} {
    set fname [file join $dir help.txt]
    set fin [open $fname r]
    set data [read $fin] ; list
    close $fin

    regsub -all -line {^-+$} $data \x01 data
    regsub -all -line {^\#.*$\n} $data {} data
    foreach section [split $data \x01] {
        set n [regexp -line {^title:\s*(.*)$} $section => title]
        if {! $n} {
            WARN "Bad help section\n'[string range $section 0 400]'"
        set aliases {}
        foreach {. alias} [regexp -all -line -inline {^alias:\s*(.*)$} $section] {
            lappend aliases $alias

        regsub -all -line {^(title:|alias:).*$\n} $section {} section
        ::Help::AddPage $title $aliases $section
 # ::Help::AddPage -- Adds another page to the help system
 proc ::Help::AddPage {title aliases body} {
    variable pages
    variable state
    variable alias

    set title [string trim $title]
    set body [string trim $body "\n"]
    regsub -all {\\\n} $body {} body            ;# Remove escaped lines
    regsub -all {[ \t]+\n} $body "\n" body      ;# Remove trailing spaces
    regsub -all {([^\n])\n([^\s])} $body {\1 \2} body ;# Unwrap paragraphs

    set pages($title) $body

    lappend aliases [string tolower $title]
    foreach name $aliases { set alias([string tolower $name]) $title }

    if {[lsearch $state(all) $title] == -1} {
        set state(all) [lsort [lappend state(all) $title]]
 # ::Help::DoDisplay -- Creates our help display. If we have tile 0.7.8 then
 # we will also have a TOC pane.
 proc ::Help::DoDisplay {TOP} {
    variable state

    destroy $TOP
    toplevel $TOP
    wm title $TOP "Help"
    wm transient $TOP .

    frame $TOP.bottom -bd 2 -relief ridge
    button $TOP.b -text "Dismiss" -command [list destroy $TOP]
    pack $TOP.bottom -side bottom -fill both
    pack $TOP.b -side bottom -expand 1 -pady 10 -in $TOP.bottom

    set P $TOP.p
    if {$::haveTile078} {                       ;# Need tags on treeview
        set state(haveTOC) 1
        ::ttk::panedwindow $P -orient horizontal

        pack $P -side top -fill both -expand 1
        frame $P.toc -relief ridge
        frame $ -bd 2 -relief ridge

        $P add $P.toc
        $P add $
        ::Help::CreateTOC $P.toc
        ::Help::CreateHelp $
    } else {
        set state(haveTOC) 0
        frame $P
        pack $P -side top -fill both -expand 1
        ::Help::CreateHelp $P

    CenterWindow $TOP
 # ::Help::CreateTOC -- Creates a TOC display from tile's treeview widget
 proc ::Help::CreateTOC {TOC} {
    variable W

    set W(tree) $TOC.tree
    scrollbar $TOC.sby -orient vert -command "$W(tree) yview"
    #scrollbar $TOC.sbx -orient hori -command "$W(tree) xview"

    ::ttk::treeview $W(tree) -padding {0 0 0 0} -selectmode browse \
        -yscrollcommand "$TOC.sby set" ;#$ -xscrollcommand "$TOC.sbx set"

    grid $W(tree) $TOC.sby -sticky news
    #grid $TOC.sbx -sticky ew
    grid rowconfigure $TOC 0 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $TOC 0 -weight 1

    $W(tree) heading #0 -text "Table of Contents"
    $W(tree) tag configure link -foreground blue
    # NB. binding to buttonpress sometimes "misses" clicks
    #$W(tree) tag bind link <ButtonPress> ::Help::ButtonPress
    bind $W(tree) <<TreeviewSelect>> ::Help::TreeviewSelection
 # ::Help::CreateHelp -- Creates our main help widget
 proc ::Help::CreateHelp {w} {
    variable W
    variable font

    set W(main) $w.t
    text $w.t -border 5 -relief flat -wrap word -state disabled -width 60 \
        -yscrollcommand "$w.s set" -padx 5 -font $font
    scrollbar $w.s -orient vert -command "$w.t yview"
    pack $w.s -fill y -side right
    pack $w.t -fill both -expand 1 -side left

    $w.t tag config link -foreground blue -underline 1
    $w.t tag config seen -foreground purple4 -underline 1
    $w.t tag bind link <Enter> "$w.t config -cursor hand2"
    $w.t tag bind link <Leave> "$w.t config -cursor {}"
    $w.t tag bind link <1> "::Help::Click $w.t %x %y"
    $w.t tag config hdr -font {Times 18 bold}
    $w.t tag config fix -font \
        "[font actual [$w.t cget -font]] -family Courier"
    $w.t tag config bold -font \
        "[font actual [$w.t cget -font]] -weight bold"
    $w.t tag config italic -font \
        "[font actual [$w.t cget -font]] -slant italic"

    set l1 [font measure $font "   "]
    set l2 [font measure $font "   \u2022   "]
    set l3 [font measure $font "       \u2013   "]
    set l3 [expr {$l2 + ($l2 - $l1)}]
    $w.t tag config bullet -lmargin1 $l1 -lmargin2 $l2
    $w.t tag config number -lmargin1 $l1 -lmargin2 $l2
    $w.t tag config dash -lmargin1 $l1 -lmargin2 $l2

    bind $w.t <n> [list ::Help::Next $w.t 1]
    bind $w.t <p> [list ::Help::Next $w.t -1]
    bind $w.t <b> [list ::Help::Back $w.t]
    bind $w.t <Key-space> [bind Text <Key-Next>]

    # Create the bitmap for our bullet
    if {0 && [lsearch [image names] ::img::bullet] == -1} {
        image create bitmap ::img::bullet -data {
            #define bullet_width  11
            #define bullet_height 9
            static char bullet_bits[] = {
                0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x70,0x00, 0xf8,0x00, 0xf8,0x00,
                0xf8,0x00, 0x70,0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00
 # ::Help::Click -- Handles clicking a link on the help page
 proc ::Help::Click {w x y} {
    set range [$w tag prevrange link "[$w index @$x,$y] + 1 char"]
    if {[llength $range]} {::Help::Show [eval $w get $range]}
 # ::Help::Back -- Goes back in help history
 proc ::Help::Back {w} {
    variable state

    set l [llength $state(history)]
    if {$l <= 1} return
    set last [lindex $state(history) [expr {$l-2}]]
    set history [lrange $state(history) 0 [expr {$l-3}]]
    ::Help::Show $last
 # ::Help::Next -- Goes to next help page
 proc ::Help::Next {w dir} {
    variable state

    set what $state(all)
    if {$state(allTOC) ne {}} {set what $state(allTOC)} ;# TOC order if we can

    set n [lsearch -exact $what $state(current)]
    set n [expr {($n + $dir) % [llength $what]}]
    set next [lindex $what $n]
    ::Help::Show $next
 # ::Help::Listpage -- Puts up a help page with a bunch of links (all or history)
 proc ::Help::Listpage {w llist} {
    foreach i $llist {$w insert end \n; ::Help::Showlink $w $i}
 # ::Help::Search -- Creates search help page
 proc ::Help::Search {w} {
$w insert end "\nSearch phrase
    entry $w.e -textvar ::Help::state(search)
    $w window create end -window $w.e
    focus $w.e
    $w.e select range 0 end
    bind $w.e <Return> "::Help::DoSearch $w"
    button $w.b -text Search! -command "::Help::DoSearch $w"
    $w window create end -window $w.b
 # ::Help::DoSearch -- Does actual help search
 proc ::Help::DoSearch {w} {
    variable pages
    variable state

    $w config -state normal
    $w insert end "\n\nSearch results for '$state(search)':\n"
    foreach i $state(all) {
        if {[regexp -nocase $state(search) $i]} { ;# Found in title
            $w insert end \n
            ::Help::Showlink $w $i
        } elseif {[regexp -nocase -indices -- $state(search) $pages($i) pos]} {
            set p1 [expr {[lindex $pos 0]-20}]
            set p2 [expr {[lindex $pos 1]+20}]
            regsub -all \n [string range $pages($i) $p1 $p2] " " context
            $w insert end \n
            ::Help::Showlink $w $i
            $w insert end " - ...$context..."
    $w config -state disabled
 # ::Help::Showlink -- Displays link specially
 proc ::Help::Showlink {w link {tag {}}} {
    variable state

    set tag [concat $tag link]
    set title [::Help::FindPage $link]
    if {[lsearch -exact $state(seen) $title] > -1} {
        lappend tag seen
    $w insert end $link $tag
 # ::Help::FindPage -- Finds actual pages given a possible alias
 proc ::Help::FindPage {title} {
    variable pages
    variable alias

    if {[info exists pages($title)]} { return $title }
    set title2 [string tolower $title]
    if {[info exists alias($title2)]} { return $alias($title2) }
    return "ERROR!"
 # ::Help::Show -- Shows help or meta-help page
 proc ::Help::Show {title} {
    variable pages
    variable alias
    variable state
    variable W

    set w $W(main)
    set title [::Help::FindPage $title]

    if {[lsearch -exact $state(seen) $title] == -1} {lappend state(seen) $title}
    $w config -state normal
    $w delete 1.0 end
    $w insert end $title hdr "\n"
    set next 0                                  ;# Some pages have no next page
    switch -- $title {
        Back    { ::Help::Back $w; return}
        History { ::Help::Listpage $w $state(history)}
        Next    { ::Help::Next $w 1; return}
        Previous { ::Help::Next $w -1; return}
        Index   { ::Help::Listpage $w $state(all)}
        Search  { ::Help::Search $w}
        default { ::Help::ShowPage $w $title ; set next 1 }

    # Add bottom of the page links
    $w insert end \n------\n {}
    if {! $state(haveTOC) && [info exists alias(toc)]} {
        $w insert end TOC link " - " {}
    $w insert end Index link " - " {} Search link
    if {$next} {
        $w insert end " - " {} Previous link " - " {} Next link
    if {[llength $state(history)]} {
        $w insert end " - " {} History link " - " {} Back link

    $w insert end \n
    lappend state(history) $title
    $w config -state disabled

    set state(current) $title
 # ::Help::ShowPage -- Shows a text help page, doing wiki type transforms
 proc ::Help::ShowPage {w title} {
    variable pages

    set endash \u2013
    set emdash \u2014
    set bullet \u2022

    $w insert end \n                            ;# Space down from the title
    if {! [info exists pages($title)]} {
        set lines [list "This help page is missing."]
    } else {
        set lines [split $pages($title) \n]

    foreach line $lines {
        set tag {}
        set op1 ""
        if {[regexp {^ +([1*-]+)\s*(.*)} $line -> op txt]} {
            set op1 [string index $op 0]
            set lvl [expr {[string length $op] - 1}]
            set indent [string repeat "     " $lvl]
            if {$op1 eq "1"} {                  ;# Number
                if {! [info exists number($lvl)]} { set number($lvl) 0 }
                set tag number
                incr number($lvl)
                $w insert end "$indent $number($lvl)" $tag
            } elseif {$op1 eq "*"} {            ;# Bullet
                set tag bullet
                $w insert end "$indent $bullet " $tag
            } elseif {$op1 eq "-"} {            ;# Dash
                set tag dash
                $w insert end "$indent $endash " $tag
            set line $txt
        } elseif {[string match " *" $line]} {  ;# Line beginning w/ a space
            $w insert end $line\n fix
            unset -nocomplain number
        if {$op1 ne "1"} {unset -nocomplain number}

        while {1} {                             ;# Look for markups
            set link0 [set bold0 [set ital0 $line]]
            set n1 [regexp {^(.*?)[[](.*?)[]](.*$)} $line -> link0 link link1]
            set n2 [regexp {^(.*?)'''(.*?)'''(\s*.*$)} $line -> bold0 bold bold1]
            set n3 [regexp {^(.*?)''(.*?)''(\s*.*$)} $line -> ital0 ital ital1]
            if {$n1 == 0 && $n2 == 0 && $n3 == 0} break

            set len1 [expr {$n1 ? [string length $link0] : 9999}]
            set len2 [expr {$n2 ? [string length $bold0] : 9999}]
            set len3 [expr {$n3 ? [string length $ital0] : 9999}]

            if {$len1 < $len3} {
                $w insert end $link0 $tag
                ::Help::Showlink $w $link $tag
                set line $link1
            } elseif {$len2 <= $len3} {
                $w insert end $bold0 $tag $bold [concat $tag bold]
                set line $bold1
            } else {
                $w insert end $ital0 $tag $ital [concat $tag italic]
                set line $ital1
        $w insert end "$line\n" $tag
 # ::Help::BuildTOC -- Fills in our TOC widget based on a TOC page
 proc ::Help::BuildTOC {} {
    variable W
    variable pages
    variable state

    set state(allTOC) {}                        ;# All pages in TOC ordering
    if {! [winfo exists $W(tree)]} return
    set tocData $pages([::Help::FindPage toc])

    $W(tree) delete [$W(tree) child {}]
    unset -nocomplain parent
    set parent() {}

    regsub -all {'{2,}} $tocData {} tocData
    foreach line [split $tocData \n] {
        set n [regexp {^\s*(-+)\s*(.*)} $line => dashes txt]
        if {! $n} continue

        set isLink [regexp {^\[(.*)\]$} $txt => txt]
        set pDashes [string range $dashes 1 end]
        set parent($dashes) [$W(tree) insert $parent($pDashes) end -text $txt]
        if {$isLink} {
            $W(tree) item $parent($dashes) -tag link

            set ptitle [::Help::FindPage $txt]
            if {[lsearch $state(allTOC) $ptitle] == -1} {
                lappend state(allTOC) $ptitle
 # ::Help::ButtonPress -- Handles clicking on a TOC link
 # !!! Sometimes misses clicks, so we're using TreeviewSelection instead
 proc ::Help::ButtonPress {} {
    variable W

    set id [$W(tree) selection]
    set title [$W(tree) item $id -text]
    ::Help::Show $title
 # ::Help::TreeviewSelection -- Handles clicking on any item in the TOC
 proc ::Help::TreeviewSelection {} {
    variable W

    set id [$W(tree) selection]
    set title [$W(tree) item $id -text]
    set tag [$W(tree) item $id -tag]
    if {$tag eq "link"} {
        ::Help::Show $title
    } else {                                    ;# Make all children visible
        set last [lindex [$W(tree) children $id] end]
        if {$last ne {} && [$W(tree) item $id -open]} {
            $W(tree) see $last
 proc CenterWindow {w} {
    wm withdraw $w
    update idletasks
    set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \
               - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]]
    set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \
               - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]]
    wm geom $w +$x+$y
    wm deiconify $w

 # Debugging routines

 # ::Help::Reset -- (for testing), resets all help info
 proc ::Help::Reset {} {
    variable W
    variable state
    variable pages
    variable alias

    array unset pages
    array unset state
    array set state {history {} seen {} current {} all {} allTOC {}}
    array unset alias

    foreach title {Back History Next Previous Index Search} {
        set alias([string tolower $title]) $title

    destroy $W(top)
 # ::Help::Sanity -- Checks for missing help links
 proc ::Help::Sanity {} {
    variable state

    set missing {}
    foreach page $state(all) {
        set m [::Help::CheckLinks $page]
        if {$m ne {}} {
            puts "$page: $m"
            set missing [concat $missing $m]
    return $missing
 # ::Help::CheckLinks -- Checks one page for missing help links
 proc ::Help::CheckLinks {title} {
    variable pages
    variable alias

    set missing {}
    set title [::Help::FindPage $title]
    foreach {. link} [regexp -all -inline {\[(.*?)\]} $pages($title)] {
        if {! [info exists alias([string tolower $link])]} {
            lappend missing $link
    return $missing

 proc WIKIFIX {txt} {
    regsub -all {\n } $txt "\n" txt
    return $txt




 ::Help::AddPage "Table of Contents" TOC [WIKIFIX {
    - [Welcome to the Help System]
    - [What's New]
    - Formatting
      -- [Basic Formatting]
      -- [Aliases]
      -- [Lists]
    - [Creating the TOC]
    - [To Do]
 ::Help::AddPage "Welcome to the Help System" overview [WIKIFIX {
 This is a simple hypertext help system.

 It's based on ''A Little Hypertext System'' so it includes:
  * Hyperlinks to other help pages
  * Simple searching ability
  * History
  * Simple wiki formatting

 This new version also includes (see [What's New])
  * [Table of Contents]
  * Hypertext [aliases]
  * [Multi-level Lists]
  11. numeric lists
  ** bullet lists
  -- dash list
  * '''Bold text'''
  * ''Italic text''
 ::Help::AddPage "What's New" "" [WIKIFIX {
 Here are some features of this help system not found in the previous version:
  • Table of Content
  • Bullets
  • Multiple levels of indentation
      -- like this
      -- ''and this''
      --- '''and even this'''
  • Aliases
    -- So this link [Welcome to the Help System]
    -- is the same as this link [Overview]

 ::Help::AddPage "Basic Formatting" "Formatting" [WIKIFIX {
 The formatting code for the help pages follows much like the
 tcler's wiki.
 '''Links, lists, bold, italics, unformatted''' are
 all done the same way.

 [Aliases] and [multi-level lists] are only slightly more complicated.

 ::Help::AddPage "Aliases" {alias} [WIKIFIX {
 ''Aliases'' allow the same page to be referenced by different names.
 So this link [Welcome to the Help System]
 is the same as this link [Overview].
 ::Help::AddPage "Multi-level Lists" "lists" [WIKIFIX {
  1. numbered list
  2. numbered list
    1. numbered list
    2. numbered list
  3. numbered list
  4. numbered list
  • bullet list
    • nested bullet list
    • nested bullet list
  • bullet list
    - dash lists
    -- nested dashed list
    -- nested dashed list
    - dash lists

 ::Help::AddPage "Creating the TOC" "" [WIKIFIX {
 The '''Table of Content''' is a just a help page with the
 name (or [alias]) '''TOC''' which gets displayed in a
 tile treeview widget. You can also view the [TOC] as a
 normal help page.

 Each line of the TOC help page that begins with a dash becomes
 a node in the treeview. The level of indentation dictates the
 tree structure.

 ::Help::AddPage "To Do" {} [WIKIFIX {
  1. Visual clues in TOC about what is a link (don't know treeview well enough to do this)
  1. Mouse buttons 4 & 5 do history back and forward like Firefox and IE
  1. Image support--not hard, I just haven't needed it
  1. msgcat support
  1. read help data from separate file (actually this is done, but for simplicity I omitted here)

 ::Help::Help overview


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