Version 1 of A little translation tool

Updated 2004-05-17 07:06:04

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2004-05-15 - In this weekend fun project I wrote a toy sketch of a translation tool - not playing machine translation this time, however. You just have two scrollable text windows for the source and target text, and can manually translate from source to target, by typing into the target window.

The idea was to make this process easier, by having words in the source window look like, and act as, "links", so clicking on one brings up a tk_popup menu with:

  • the word itself (in case you want to leave it verbatim, as with proper names)
  • zero or more translation proposals from a "dictionary"
  • an "Add..." option to extend the dictionary.

In this current version, only words that are in the dictionary are marked as links (so read that "one or more") - before, I had marked up all words. Not sure which way is better. }

 proc main argv {
    text .src -height 5 -wrap word -yscrollcommand ".srcy set"
    .src tag config link -foreground blue -underline 1
    .src tag config seen -foreground magenta4 -underline 0
    scrollbar .srcy -command {.src yview}

    text .trg -height 5 -wrap word -yscrollcommand ".trgy set"
    scrollbar .trgy -command {.trg yview}

    grid .src .srcy -sticky news
    grid .src -sticky news
    grid .trg .trgy -sticky ns
    grid .trg -sticky news
    grid rowconfig . {0 1} -weight 1
    grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1

    markup .src .trg "This is an example - let's see how it goes...
    and whether newlines come through."

if 0 {markup splits the source string (which in a practical app might be read from a file) into "words" and "nonwords" (the regular expression may well have to be refined...) and inserts these into the source window, marking up the "words" as links, and assigning to each a unique tag that triggers the lookup.}

 proc markup {src trg text} {
    $src delete 1.0 end
    set n 0
    foreach {- word nword} [regexp -inline -all {(\w+)(\W*)} $text] {
        if [info exists ::Dic([string tolower $word])] {
            set tags [list link t[incr n]]
            $src tag bind t$n <1> "lookup $src t$n $trg [list $word];break"
        } else {set tags ""}
        $src insert end $word $tags 
        $src insert end $nword

if 0 {lookup creates a pop-up menu and fills it with the translations provided by the dictionary. When one of those is selected, it is directly inserted into the target window. Also, the look of the link is changed to "seen" - magenta and not underlined, so you have a visual cue of what you've translated so far.}

 proc lookup {w tag trg word} {
    destroy .m
    menu .m -tearoff 0
    .m add command -label $word -command [list $trg insert insert "$word "]
    .m add separator
    set n 0
    foreach i [translations $word] {
        .m add command -label $i -command [list $trg insert insert "$i "]
        incr n
    if $n {.m add separator}
    .m add command -label Add... -command [list add $word]
    tk_popup .m [winfo pointerx $w] [winfo pointery $w]
    eval $w tag add seen [$w tag ranges $tag]

# A non-complaining dictionary retriever:

 proc translations word {
    if [info exists ::Dic([string tolower $word])] {
        set ::Dic([string tolower $word])
    } ;# else returns {}

if 0 {The add function creates a little dialog where you can enter a new translation, which is added to the dictionary when you hit <Return> or click OK. The source word is also editable, in case you want to change that.}

 proc add word {
    toplevel .t
    wm title .t "Add translation"
    grid [entry .t.src -relief flat -width 40] - -  -sticky ew
    .t.src insert end $word
    grid [entry .t.trg -width 40] - -  -sticky ew
    grid [button .t.ok -text OK -width 6 -command {
        lappend Dic([.t.src get]) [.t.trg get]; destroy .t
    }] \
        [button .t.cancel -text Cancel -command {destroy .t}]
    focus .t.trg
    bind .t.trg <Return> {.t.ok invoke}
    bind .t     <Escape> {.t.cancel invoke}

if 0 {For a serious tool, the dictionary would of course be read in from a text file, but in this simple toy it is just "hard-wired":}

 array set Dic {
    this dies  example Beispiel
    see sehen  how wie  goes geht  newlines Zeilenvorschübe 

#-- ...and off we go...

 main $argv

if 0 {A variation of this could be a visual spell-checker, where words not in a mono-lingual word list would be marked up, and the menu would offer alternatives based on string similarity with the word in question. Then you'd have only one text widget, and the popup action would be to replace the word with its correction (possibly in all places where it occurs). But the weekend is coming to an end, and Tcl/Tk is a bit like a hydra - implement one idea, and get two new ones... :)

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming }