Version 0 of A minimally extended minimal editor

Updated 2004-01-12 11:30:57

2004/12/04 - CB

This was a little piece of fun I had playing with code for my new editor in progress viTHE. I have backported it to Richard Suchenwirth's A minimal editor.

It is a little fragile in this form (You probably don't want to click the right mouse button if the first line of the file you are editing starts with "<DIR> ..").

Adding a tcl command line allows an increase in the potential abilities of this editor out of all proportion to it's size. (Although one would have to come up with some utility procs for it to be really useful).

# Minimally extended Minimal editor

 set about "minEd - a minimal editor
 Richard Suchenwirth 2003 -- Modified 2004 Connor Berry
 F1: help
 F2: load
 F3: save
 F4: navigate 
 pack [entry .cline] -side bottom -fill x              ;# ADDED
 pack [scrollbar .y -command ".t yview"] -side right -fill y
 pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set"] -side right -fill both -expand 1

 bind . <F1> {tk_messageBox -message $about}
 bind . <F2> {loadText .t [tk_getOpenFile]}
 bind . <F3> {saveText .t [tk_getSaveFile]}
 bind .cline <Return> {process_cline}                  ;# ADDED
 bind . <F4> {showDir}                                ;# ADDED
 bind .t <Button-3> {view}                             ;# ADDED
 # Modified
 if {$argv != ""} {
     loadText .t [lindex $argv 0]
 } else {
     append instructions "F1 for minimal help\n"
     append instructions "F2 for load dialog\n"
     append instructions "F3 for save dialog\n"
     append instructions "F4 for interactive filesystem navigation --\n"
     append instructions "    Click left button to select and right button to view\n\n"
     append instructions "Tcl commands can be run from command line at bottom"
     .t insert end $instructions
 proc loadText {w fn} {
    if {$fn==""} return
    wm title . [file tail $fn]
    set fp [open $fn]
    $w delete 1.0 end
    $w insert end [read $fp]
    close $fp
 proc saveText {w fn} {
    if {$fn==""} return
    set fp [open $fn w]
    puts -nonewline $fp [$w get 1.0 "end - 1 c"]
    close $fp

 proc process_cline {} {
      set my_cmd [.cline get]
      uplevel #0 $my_cmd
      .cline delete 0 end
 proc showDir {} {
     .t delete 1.0 end
     .t insert 1.0 [list_dir]
     .t mark set insert 1.end
 proc list_dir {} {
     append output "<DIR>    ..\n"
     foreach item [glob -nocomplain *] {
         if {[file isdirectory $item]} {
             append output "<DIR>    $item\n"
         } else {
             append output "         $item\n"
     return $output
 proc view {} {
     if {[string match "<DIR>    .." [.t get 1.0 1.end]]} {
         set cursor_pos [.t index insert]
         set line [expr int($cursor_pos)]
         set line_text [.t get ${line}.0 ${line}.end]
         if {[string first "<DIR>" $line_text] == -1} {
             set filename [string trimleft $line_text]
             .t delete 1.0 end
             loadText .t $filename
         } else {
             set dirname [string trimleft [string replace $line_text 0 5]]
             puts $dirname
             cd $dirname