Version 2 of Additional file commands

Updated 2001-12-17 10:31:34

Read a text file into a string:

 proc readfile filename {
    set fp [open $filename]
    set res [read $fp [file size $filename]]
    close $fp
    set res 

Just out of curiosity... would the minimal code below be equivalent, i.e. is the close indeed automatic in this context? -JCW

 proc readfile filename {
    read [open $filename] [file size $filename]

Touch a file: without modifying the contents, change a file's access time to (now); create it if it doesn't exist, with 0 bytes contents:

 proc touch filename {
    close [open $filename a]
 } ;# after Don Porter in c.l.t, brought here by RS 

file - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming