Version 6 of Agentk Widgets

Updated 2013-02-06 03:18:33 by RLE
What: Agentk Widgets
Description: A series of unique 'multimedia' widgets - not to display multimedia, but instead which use motion and audio to communicate more information in a small space. The set includes a fade widget, ticker widget, navigation bar, roll widgets, earcons, anthropomorphic widgets, relevance enhanced image reduction widgets, and possibly others. Package also includes sample programs such as tkwatch, NewsAgent, and checklpq.
Currently it is at version 1.0b4.
Updated: 02/2000
Contact: mailto:[email protected] (D. Scott McCrickard)

pcam 25/10/2007 Broken link.

kjn 03/11/2007 Scott McCrickard has moved from Georgia Tech to Virginia Tech - his home page is now

No sign of a new home for Agentk, but if you are interested you could try contacting Scott.