Version 0 of An analog clock in Tk

Updated 2000-11-15 08:43:56

Kevin Kenny - Chia-Wei Chow wrote in news:comp.lang.tcl : I cannot turn the hands of a clock(gif file).

Why a gif? Much easier with a canvas:

 grid [canvas .c -width 200 -height 200]
 set halfpi 1.570796
 set piover6 0.5235987
 set twopi 6.283185

 .c create oval 2 2 198 198 -fill white -outline black
 for { set h 1 } { $h <= 12 } { incr h } {
    set angle [expr { $halfpi - $piover6 * $h }]
    set x [expr { 100 + 90 * cos($angle) }]
    set y [expr { 100 - 90 * sin($angle) }]
    .c create text $x $y -text $h -font {Helvetica -12}

 proc hands {} {
    catch { .c delete withtag hands }

    # Compute seconds since midnight

    set s [expr { [clock seconds] - [clock scan 00:00:00] }]

    # Angle of second hand

    set angle [expr { $s * $::twopi / 60. }]
    set y [expr { 100 - 90 * cos($angle) }]
    set x [expr { 100 + 90 * sin($angle) }]
    .c create line 100 100 $x $y -width 1 -tags hands

    # Minute hand

    set angle [expr { $s * $::twopi / 60. / 60. }]
    set y [expr { 100 - 85 * cos($angle) }]
    set x [expr { 100 + 85 * sin($angle) }]
    .c create line 100 100 $x $y -width 3 -capstyle projecting -tags  hands

    # Hour hand

    set angle [expr { $s * $::twopi / 60. / 60. / 12. }]
    set y [expr { 100 - 60 * cos($angle) }]
    set x [expr { 100 + 60 * sin($angle) }]
    .c create line 100 100 $x $y -width 7 -capstyle projecting -tags hands

    after 1000 hands
