Version 9 of An error experiment

Updated 2004-02-13 00:55:28

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2003-07-29 - Errors happen, and in Tcl they're less depressing and more educational than in most other languages. Also, one can try things like resuming at the position where the error happened - almost. Consider this code, where error is renamed into the Tcl namespace}

 rename error tcl::error

if 0 {and redefined to a simple interactive prompt (a minimal debugger), where you can

  • check what went wrong ("p" to see the proc body where the error happened, and the arguments with which it was called),
  • maybe fix it, and decide to
  • "c"ontinue (i.e. resume after the place the error was raised) or
  • keep the error for the real handler ("x"):}
 proc error {code args} {
    puts $code/$args
    while 1 {
        puts -nonewline "% "
        flush stdout
        gets stdin line
        if {$line=="x"} {tcl::error $code}
        if {$line=="p"} {
            set self [info level -1]
            puts "$self {[info body [lindex $self 0]]}"
        if {$line=="c"} break
        catch {uplevel 1 $line} res
        puts $res

if 0 {The test code is heavily putsy so one sees what goes on, and does two deliberate errors in the "try" proc: one by just calling an error, one by referencing an undefined variable.

 puts "before try"
 proc try {args} {
    puts "in try"
    error intended
    puts x=$x
    puts "after error"
 try a little bit
 puts "after try"

if 0 {Experimenting with this, I find the intended error triggers indeed, I can see where I am, and it lets me fix the missing x bug, and resume:

 suchenwi@jaguar% tclsh error2.tcl
 before try
 in try
 % p
 try a little bit {
    puts "in try"
    error intended
    puts x=$x
    puts "after error"
 % set x wow!
 % c
 after error
 after try

but if I just let the intended error resume, missing x appears to be hard-wired to the original error, not my overloaded version:

 suchenwi@jaguar% tclsh error2.tcl                                         
 before try
 in try
 % c ;# continue without fixing
 can't read "x": no such variable
    while executing
 "puts x=$x"
    (procedure "try" line 4)
    invoked from within
    (file "error2.tcl" line 22)

So the usability of this is limited - you can only intercept errors that you explicitly raised yourself.

An interesting point is however the behavior of the bytecode compiler: it does not notice or complain about the fact that $x is used before defined - possibly because a preceding command (like my redefined "error") might have set it with upvar...

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