Version 12 of Animations on a Canvas

Updated 2012-12-01 00:10:24 by pooryorick
#! /bin/env tclsh

package require Tk

proc animate {} {
    set i [ expr { $::cnt % 15 } ]
    if {$i > 8} { set i [ expr { 15 - $i } ] }
    set tag t$i
    puts $tag
    .c raise bg
    .c raise $tag
    incr ::cnt
    after $::interval animate

set ::cnt 0
set ::interval 200

canvas .c -width 20 -height 20

.c create rect 0 0 20 20  -fill gray

.c create oval  -5  -5  25  25 -fill   gray  -tags {                bg }
.c create oval   0   0   0   0 -fill   green -tags {t0                         }
.c create oval   0   0   5   5 -fill   green -tags {   t1                      }
.c create oval   0   0  10  10 -fill   green -tags {      t2                   }
.c create oval   0   0  15  15 -fill   green -tags {         t3                }
.c create oval   0   0  20  20 -fill   green -tags {            t4             }
.c create oval   5   5  20  20 -fill   green -tags {               t5          }
.c create oval  10  10  20  20 -fill   green -tags {                  t6       }
.c create oval  15  15  20  20 -fill   green -tags {                     t7    }
.c create oval  20  20  20  20 -fill   green -tags {                        t8 }

.c raise  off
bind .c <Map> animate
pack   .c -expand 1

Slightly changed to show selection by tag combinations:

package require Tk

proc animate1 {} {
    set i [ expr { $::cnt % 18 } ] ; incr ::cnt
    .c raise screen
    if {$i < 9} {
        set tags [ list green && step$i ]
    } else {
        set tags [ list blue && step[ expr { 17 - $i } ] ]
    puts $tags
    .c raise $tags
    after $::interval animate1

set ::cnt 0
set ::interval 200
set ::coords_bg {
    -5  -5  25  25
set ::coords_ball {
    {  0  20   2  18 }
    {  0  20   5  15 } {  0  20  10  10 } {  0  20  15   5 }
    {  0  20  20   0 }
    {  5  20  20   5 } { 10  20  20  10 } { 15  20  20  15 }
    { 18  18  20  20 }

canvas .c -width 20 -height 20
# create a screen to hide the nonvisible parts
.c create rect $::coords_bg  -fill gray -tag screen

# create the animation elements
foreach color {blue green} {
    set idx 0
    foreach coord $::coords_ball {
    .c create oval   $coord -fill   $color -tags [ list $color step$idx ]
        incr idx
    puts idx:$idx

bind .c <Map> animate1
pack .c -expand 1

EKB That's fun!

HJG Changed old "repeat" to "animate".

RAI Circles are fun, but here's a running guy:

#! /bin/env tclsh

package require Tk

proc animate2 {} {
    set ::cnt [ expr { ($::cnt+1) % $::total } ]
    .c raise BACKDROP
    .c raise step$::cnt
    after $::interval animate2
# draw a bunch of objects.  make sure that all have -tags $::t
proc makeFrame {tag params} {
    set ::t $tag ;# current tag
    foreach {x0 y0 up kx ky fx fy k2x k2y f2x f2y ex ey hx hy} $params {} ;# funky tcl trick for assignment
    set waist [list $x0 [expr $y0 + $up]]
    set neck [add $waist [list -7 -15]]  ; limb $waist $neck  blue
    set head [add $neck  [list -2 -4]]   ; limb $head [add $head [list -5 -5]]  pink
    set knee [add $waist [list $kx $ky]]  ; limb $waist $knee blue
    set foot [add $knee [list $fx $fy]]   ; limb $knee $foot blue
    set knee [add $waist [list $k2x $k2y]]  ; limb $waist $knee blue
    set foot [add $knee [list $f2x $f2y]]   ; limb $knee $foot blue
    set elbow [add $neck  [list $ex $ey]]  ; limb $neck $elbow  white
    set hand  [add $elbow [list $hx $hy]]  ; limb $elbow $hand  white
proc x {lst} {lindex $lst 0}
proc y {lst} {lindex $lst 1}
proc add {xy1 xy2} {
    return [list [expr [x $xy1]+[x $xy2]] [expr [y $xy1]+[y $xy2]]]
proc line {xy1 xy2 width color} {
    set id [.c create line [x $xy1] [y $xy1] [x $xy2] [y $xy2] \
     -width $width -capstyle round -fill $color -tags $::t ]
    .c addtag limb withtag $id
    if {$color == "black" } { .c addtag outline withtag $id  }
    if {$color == "black" } { .c lower $id 1 }
proc limb {xy xy2 color} {
    line $xy $xy2 9 black
    line $xy $xy2 6 $color

proc makeGiant {} {
    .c config -width 400 -height 400
    .c scale all 0 0 4 4
    .c itemconfig limb    -width 25
    .c itemconfig outline -width 35
    pack unpack .b
# parameters for each frame.  input to proc makeFrame
#   x0 y0 up   kx ky  fx fy  k2x k2y  f2x f2y    ex ey hx hy
set ::params {
    { 55 60  0    0 15   0 20    -8 13   13 15     7 10 -15  4}
    { 55 60 -1    2 14   9 10   -11  9    2 16     3 11 -15  1}
    { 55 60 -2    5 14  18  9   -14  5   -8 18    -2 12 -15 -2}
    { 55 60 -1   -1 13  15 12    -7 10   -4 19     3 11 -15  2}
    { 55 60  0   -8 13  13 15     0 15    0 20     7 10 -15  4}
    { 55 60 -1  -11  9   3 17     3 14   9 10     9  6  -4  9}
    { 55 60 -2  -14  5  -8 18     5 14  18  9    12  2  -7 13}
    { 55 60 -1   -7 10  -4 19    -3 14  15 12     9  6 -11  9}
set ::total [llength $::params]

set ::width  100
set ::height 100
set ::cnt 0
set ::interval 100

canvas .c -width $::width -height $::height
# create the animation frames
set idx 0
foreach p $::params {
    makeFrame step$idx $p
    incr idx
.c create rect  0  0 $::width $::height  -fill gray   -tag BACKDROP
.c scale 1 50 50 2 2 ;# make it bigger
.c create oval 10 10 30 30 -outline {}   -fill yellow -tag BACKDROP ;# sun
.c create line 20 20 30 30               -fill yellow -tag BACKDROP ;# sun
.c create line 20 20 20 35               -fill yellow -tag BACKDROP ;# sun
.c create line 20 20 35 20               -fill yellow -tag BACKDROP ;# sun
.c create line 20 20 10 35               -fill yellow -tag BACKDROP ;# sun
.c create line 20 20 35 10               -fill yellow -tag BACKDROP ;# sun
button .b -text "make giant" -command makeGiant
bind .c <Map> animate2

pack .c .b