Version 0 of Arabic Character Renderer For Readability In TCL/Tk

Updated 2013-06-30 11:21:37 by Superlinux

#path of the md5sum binary
proc render_arabic { arabic_string } {

    #The given of the problem is an arabic sentence
    #Break the sentence into words
    set  words [ split $arabic_string ]
    #Display the sentence they TCL recieves it
    #The problem is:
    #TCL receives the arabic letters: (i) in the reverse order (ii) disconnected
    #we want to rerender the arabic to be displayed correctly
    #tk_messageBox -message $words
    #$count is the word index in the arabic sentence   
    set count 0
     #the following is just an example of how to get an arabic character index number in the unicode character charts
     #set z {} ; foreach el [split "لـ" {}] {puts  [scan $el %c]}
     #foreach word in the arabic sentence 
    foreach word $words {
        #1-get the  substring in the word without the last letter
        #we will deal with the connection of the last letter later
        set sub_word [string range $word 0 end-1]
        #All the letters from baa2 to yaa2 when they are NOT the last letter;
        #TCL initially has and reads them in their isolated form as in ل م س;
        #they must be converted into their initial form e.g لـ مـ سـ
        #so replace and convert every occurence of each of such letters 
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0628" \ufe91} $sub_word] ;#ba2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u062A" \ufe97} $sub_word] ;#Ta2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u062B" \ufe9b} $sub_word] ;#thaa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u062C" \ufe9f} $sub_word] ;#Jeem
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u062d" \ufea3} $sub_word] ;#7aa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u062e" \ufeA7} $sub_word] ;#5aa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0633" \ufeb3} $sub_word] ;#seen
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0634" \ufeb7} $sub_word] ;#sheen
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0635" \ufebb} $sub_word] ;#SSaad
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0636" \ufebf} $sub_word] ;#DDhahd
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0637" \ufec3} $sub_word] ;#TTaa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0638" \ufec7} $sub_word] ;#tthaa2 Zah
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0639" \ufeCb} $sub_word] ;#3eyn
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u063A" \ufeCF} $sub_word] ;#ghyn
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0641" \ufeD3} $sub_word] ;#faa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0642" \ufeD7} $sub_word] ;#quaaf
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0643" \ufeDb} $sub_word] ;#kaaf
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0644" \ufedf} $sub_word] ;#lam
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0645" \ufee3} $sub_word] ;#meem
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0646" \ufee7} $sub_word] ;#noon
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0647" \ufeeb} $sub_word] ;#haa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u064A" \ufef3} $sub_word] ;#yaa2
        set sub_word [ string map {"\u0626" \ufe8b} $sub_word] ;#hamza 3ala nabera (initial form of yaa2)
        #now replace the whole part of the word that excludes the last letter
        #with the conversion done above
        set word [string replace $word 0 end-1 $sub_word]
        #The following list of characters are the characters initial form mentioned above + the tatweel chacracter
        set initials [list \u0640 \ufe90 \ufe97 \ufe9b \ufe9f \ufea3 \ufeA7 \ufb3 \ufeb7 \ufebb \ufebf \ufec3 \ufec7 \ufeCb \ufeCF \ufeD3 \ufeD7 \ufeDb \ufedf \ufee3 \ufee7 \ufeeb \ufef3]
        #find the character before the last.
        set before_last_char [ string index $word end-1 ]
        #for debugging purposes just print the character before the last.
        puts $before_last_char
        #and try to see if  the character before the last is an element of the list $initials defined in the previous line.
        #and if it's true, then convert the last character to it's final linked form
        #this way they will be joined
        if { [lsearch -ascii -inline $initials $before_last_char ] == $before_last_char } {
        #now get also last chacracter
        set last_character [ string index $word end]
        #print it for debugging purposes
        puts $last_character
        #just to make sure that we we are matching correctly print the unicode index number of the character
        puts [scan $last_character %c]
        #now convert the last character into its final linked form
                switch -- $last_character {
                 \u0627 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe8e ]
                \u0628 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe90 ]

                \u0629 {
                    #taa2 marbootta
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe94]

                  \u062A {
                    #ta2 maftoo7a
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe96 ]

                  \u062B {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe9A ]

                \u062c {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe9e ]
                    puts $word

                  \u062d {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeA2 ]

                  \u062e {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufea6 ]

                  \u062f {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeaa ]

                  \u0630 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeac ]

                  \u0631 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeae ]
                  \u0632 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeaf ]

                  \u0633 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeb2 ]

                  \u0634 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeb6 ]

                  \u0635 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeba ]

                  \u0636 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufebe ]

                  \u0637 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufec2 ]
                  \u0638 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufec8 ]

                  \u0639 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeca ]

                  \u063a {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufece ]

                  \u0641 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufed2 ]

                  \u0642 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufed6 ]
                  \u0643 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeda ]
                  \u0644 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufede ]

                  \u0645 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufee2 ]

                  \u0646 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufee6 ]
                  \u0647 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeea ]

                  \u0648 {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufeee ]
                \u0624 {
                    #waaw with hamza above
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufe86 ]

                  \u0649 {
                    #alef maqsura
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufef0 ]

                  \u064a {
                    set word [ string replace $word end end \ufef1 ]
                default {
                    #default is nothing to do
      }   ;# end of if the character before the last is a member of the list $initials
        #now reverse the word for correct displaying on the screen
        set word [ string reverse $word]
        #add and replace the corrected/conversion-of word with malformed one. in the arabic sentence
        #the whole words in the sentence yet are still in the reverse order
        lset words $count $word
        #move to the  next word
        incr count
    #reverse the order of the  list of words of the arabic sentence and join them into one string.
    set words [join [ lreverse $words] ]
    #The following line is left for you to see the final result. just remove the comment sign (#)
    #tk_messageBox -message $words
    return  $words 

#The following is for testing
#the arabic sentence means in English : 
#The program is not available or changeable (it should be here the word NOT but for debugging purposes theres is an additional character) exists/existed 
set msg [render_arabic "الـبـرنـامـج غـيـر مـتـوفـر او مـتـغـيـر مـوجـود حـالئـيـا"]

tk_messageBox -detail $msg