Version 1 of Audio Webcast from the Tcl Conference

Updated 2004-10-11 23:57:03 by rmax

There will be ogg/vorbis streams available from technical sessions of the 2004 Tcl Conference.

The streams will be available at least for the duration of the sessions[L1 ].

You can tune in with any player than can play ogg/vorbis streams that come in via HTTP.

This includes:

  • winamp (audio player for Windows)
  • xmms (audio player for Linux)
  • ogg123 (Ogg player for Linux)
  • MPlayer (media player for Linux)
  • RealPlayer (media player for Linux and Windows)

There are also ogg-plugins available for other players. Please feel free to extend the list with more players you find working and with URLs to those listed.

The URLs of the streams are:

Some players want playlist URLs instead of the direct stream URLs, so if the above URLs don't work with your player although it claims to support Ogg/Vorbis, you can try one of these:

All listeners are invited to log in to the Tcl'ers chat while they are listening, in case something has to be changed to the infrastructure on short notice, and for asking questions to the speakers at the conference. There will be people in the conference room who are logged in to the chat and can proxy between remote listeners and the speaker.