Version 6 of BWidget::PagesManager

Updated 2011-12-01 02:48:31 by RLE

Manual page:

Examples on use of BWidget::PagesManager:

Jos Decoster This is an example using this Bwidget widget to create a wizard framework:

 package require BWidget 
 #pack [frame .f] -side left -fill y
 set pm [PagesManager .pm]
 pack .pm -fill both -expand true
 set npages 5
 for { set i 0 } { $i < $npages } { incr i } {
     set p [$pm add $i]
     #pack [button .f.b$i -width 4 -text $i -command [list .pm raise $i]] -fill x
     grid [label $p.lbl -text "This is page $i"] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2
     grid [button $p.prev -text "Back" -command [list $pm raise [expr {$i-1}]]] -row 1 -column 0
     grid [button $ -text "Next" -command [list $pm raise [expr {$i+1}]]] -row 1 -column 1
     if { $i == 0 } { $p.prev configure -state disabled }
     if { $i >= ($npages-1) } { $ configure -state disabled }
 $pm raise 0

RS 2009-05-08: for vertical tabs at the left, just activate the two commented-out lines :)